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OS Roundtable: EA Sports UFC Impressions

What are your first impressions of EA Sports UFC?

Glenn Wigmore: After clocking some decent time with EA Sports UFC, I can safely that there is a lot to be positive about. The career mode, while a bit shaky at first, has some entertaining moments so far, and the online play totally works. I've had some very entertaining brawls and competitive fights online already, and I think it's pretty telling that of the five fights I've had, none have been knockouts. The fact that decisions and submissions are actually possible now is a great sign, as it means that not every fight is going to be a crazy knockout stoppage.

That said, it's super fun to have some back-and-forth fights with people, and the users who've mastered some of the ground and clinch game have forced me to use all of the game's systems. I still feel that the controls and the timing windows for transitions aren't quite as simplified as they could've been, and there are just flat out too many high-level kicks and techniques being thrown by all fighters. The heavyweights will gas much quicker than lighter guys, which is great to see, but it will be welcome if future games find a way of limiting the amount of absurd strikes you currently see in a round of EA Sports UFC. The impact on the strikes isn't where I'd like it either.

Still, so far I've found enough positives to make me want to play more of the game, namely the decent career offering and fun online play. There's depth in the ground and clinch games if you look for it, and you'd be well served to hone those skills in the challenge mode before heading online.

Robert Kollars: I would so be lying if I said I was a huge UFC fan, but from what I can gather so far, that’s probably a good thing. Even as a fringe fan I understand that EA’s UFC is made for the masses, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, unless you were one of the guys hoping for a straight simulation. There are simulation elements to it, but probably not enough to make a hardcore fan of the sport happy with their purchase.

That being said, I am having a lot of fun with the title, and for me personally, that’s enough. The game has some fun modes, as it offers online and offline exhibition, career, and rivals(against people on your friends list), but it seems a few more could have been included to add longevity. The graphics are nice, the movement is pretty fluid, but I do wish the game play was a bit slower, and more methodical.

Ben Vollmer: I've only gotten a few hours in with EA Sports UFC, but what I have played has me really excited for the franchise's future.

Let's be honest, EA wasn't going to hit the nail on the head their first go-around. What they needed was a solid foundation to build off of for the future, and to be able to deliver a game that at the very least can be fun to play. I haven't gotten into career much, but I've now played multiple matches against the CPU, other friends offline, and one or two matches online. The thing they all had in common? I had a blast. There's something so gratifying about going five rounds, with neither side landing a decisive blow, only to finally sneak that one punch in there that ends everything. UFC is a game of cat and mouse when it's at its best, and I think that EA Sports UFC really captures that.

All the same, there is a lot still to work on. But the fact that the game can be so much fun with quite a few flaws speaks to how high the ceiling is for EA's new IP.

EA Sports UFC Videos
Member Comments
# 1 JKSportsGamer1984 @ 06/18/14 07:27 PM
Being that is game isn't coming out annually & we have to wait 2 years for the next one, it's hard to get excited about the future smh. Why does it seem like it's always wait til next year with EA Sports titles? I mean that's all we hear every year. I was really hyped for this game & I was hoping EA would nail it but instead this game disappoints on so many levels. I guess if you're a casual arcadish button masher then I could see how it could be fun. Unfortunately the game is not for me. I look for simulation in a UFC title. If I want an arcade fighter I'll play WWE lol. I don't understand why it's so hard for EA to implement both an arcade mode & a simulation mode? Instead they try to mesh both together which does nothing but alienate both types of gamers smh. And by the way how are there no gameplay sliders? So even if you wanted to try to adjust the gameplay to make it feel more sim you're out of luck. Some really questionable decisions by EA for this game.
# 2 onac22 @ 06/18/14 08:32 PM
Spent the last couple of hours going over all the walkthroughs fighting in fight now and playing a career. I feel the stamina disparity between cpu fighter and human fighter is the worst ever in a fighting game. I have tried to pace it out and use my strikes blocks and takedowns properly. However conserving energy seems to be a no go. Sure I knocked out Diaz with Bruce Lee, but most of us probably could. The cpu will throw four to five punch combos losing maybe a quarter bar. Often this is going on late in the fight when energy is scarce and a commodity. As of current tuners all of this action leaves the user drained and the cpu going strong. On the ground it will relentlessly punch with no penalty to stamina. But overall the core mechanics and gameplay are an ok start. I am not looking for a perfect sim or an arcade punch-fest. I feel that somewhere in the middle would be great. It is a shame EA left out even the most basic sliders, I can almost guarantee they would be hearing less complaints and the stamina issue would have been handled in five minutes by the community.

My general impression after playing all of the THQ UFC series and the original EA MMA, is maybe once tuners are out. It does have potential and looks very good, people aint lying about that. In the end however, I have decided before I get all mad and really don't like this game, I will delete it, and give it a go again in a few weeks, or maybe more. Once the devs have had time to take in opinion and tweak it a bit.
# 3 R9NALD9 @ 06/19/14 02:26 AM
I'll hold out till next year for the first next gen boxing game. Pretty sure they'll atlernate between UFC and boxing.
# 4 ps3veron @ 06/19/14 03:42 AM
After putting in some more hours in this, I gotta say I am loving this game!

Yes its not pure sim but its a good blend of arcade and fun. Better than I expected.
# 5 SHAKYR @ 06/19/14 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by R9NALD9
I'll hold out till next year for the first next gen boxing game. Pretty sure they'll atlernate between UFC and boxing.
EA FIGHT NIGHT/UFC Producer Brian"BRIZXO"Hayes said there is no plans for another on the table. This means they don't plan on making a boxing game. If they did we would of heard something from EA at E3.
# 6 NUH_UHHHHHHHHHHH @ 06/19/14 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by OSGuy321
Tried a few matches at a friend's house. Great looking, but after a couple of matches would say that the game just feels soulless and empty. In other words, it's all surface and no substance. You will get bored very fast. It has no soul.
Youre soul is MINE!
- Shoa Khan
# 7 SaC_KiNg09 @ 06/19/14 10:02 AM
For those of you that have the game - I do understand that the fighters will be gassed if you come out throwing a bunch of punches, but what about the fighters who are known for their stamina? is there something that differentiates those fighters or do they gas just as quickly as those fighters with less stamina?

It appears that heavyweights gas quicker than the lighter weight classes, but it would be good to see if they incorporated individual attributes for the fighters.
# 8 eaglepoint @ 06/19/14 11:07 AM
I think its a good run, just could been better. Graphics best on the new gen console hands down. But the computer at times are a bit too powerful. But where are the simple things that should be in the game?
The touching of gloves? Fighters with the right attire? Where's the title matches& pay per view line up that players can make? To me those things and tweak the cpu can make a difference.
# 9 mjarz02 @ 06/19/14 12:56 PM
I think there are more positives with this game than negatives. If/when tuners are released to help with the cpu stamina and the quick standups in the ground game, the game will be even better. I think EA did a pretty good job with a their first iteration on a next gen console. I'm having fun and that's the most important thing.

I hope on the next UFC game they will introduce sliders.
Sliders for me are the most important thing for a sports game. Everyone plays differently sliders really allow you to adjust what seems realistic.
# 10 didi1 @ 06/20/14 01:24 AM
Originally Posted by JKSportsGamer1984
Being that is game isn't coming out annually & we have to wait 2 years for the next one, it's hard to get excited about the future smh. Why does it seem like it's always wait til next year with EA Sports titles? I mean that's all we hear every year. I was really hyped for this game & I was hoping EA would nail it but instead this game disappoints on so many levels. I guess if you're a casual arcadish button masher then I could see how it could be fun. Unfortunately the game is not for me. I look for simulation in a UFC title. If I want an arcade fighter I'll play WWE lol. I don't understand why it's so hard for EA to implement both an arcade mode & a simulation mode? Instead they try to mesh both together which does nothing but alienate both types of gamers smh. And by the way how are there no gameplay sliders? So even if you wanted to try to adjust the gameplay to make it feel more sim you're out of luck. Some really questionable decisions by EA for this game.
Its this team's first ever mma game. Its different when people say to wait til next year for games like Madden that the same team has been making for years. This is the first installment, and you never should have expected it to be perfect. It is a great base, and with a few added moves, deleted moves, some new game modes, this could be one of the best series on current gen. And with the every other year thing, theyve already said they plan on adding a lot of free roster updates and game patches. I cant wait for those and the future of this series.
# 11 Groove74 @ 06/26/14 02:24 PM
So I Traded off Watch Dogs to get my copy of UFC, Big mistake there!

So I get home with UFC like many I was excited for the new UFC game. So I build my fighter I was happy to find the game looks amazing. This is where my joy ends. So I will admit I found the Career fights where fun although very repetitive. No real goal here as all the fight styles end up the same based off the numbers as every fighter build starts with the same numbers and end at all 100.

So I think ok so they are the same I can deal with that, I fight on, started as a 18 year old kid, fought till I was 30, hoping that as my fighter aged I would see stat degrading, NOPE still 100 across the board now 31 years old I have the Middleweight title I am at the top of my game, and BAM random video and Forced retire. WOW what a Letdown.

in short:


great Graphics
Fun Fights
Strong Roster
Bruce Lee


Shallow Career mode repetitive and lacks depth
Online play very laggy
Weak fighter Creator
Game lacks overall depth

Replay value:

Medium to low Value!

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