Feature Article
NHL 15: Hands-On Impressions

It was clear from playing NHL 15 (on PS4) at E3 today that the team at EA Vancouver still needs to optimize some things, but what was there had me believing in a lot of their new vision for the series. I got to run through several games, and the teams on offer include LA, New York, Montreal and Chicago. Producer Sean Ramjagsingh said that the dev team has “about a month to go” in terms of production. Still, while it was early, there was a lot of great stuff to see in this build.

The upgraded player models, lighting, crowds, arenas and NBC broadcast presentation all add immensely to the feel of the game, which everyone pretty much agrees has looked stale for a while. Probably the most immediate thing that is noticeable with the new game presentation is the camera angle, which defaults to a slightly lower iso angle that tilts a bit when the action heads into the corners. The effect on all of this (height, iso, tilt) is very subtle, and I found myself liking it almost immediately. It really allows you to see more of the crowd, which now has way more frenzy, detail and emotion when they rise up to pound the glass or celebrate a goal. On some replays, the crowd would fly up, blocking the camera and animating uniquely and passionately, which was a welcome change from some of the robotic and simplistic crowds seen previously.

As has been seen in the recent screenshots, the arenas have a tremendous amount of detail, and the unique angles, sight lines, scuffs and scoreboards are all captured from some new replay and camera angles. In particular, some of the shots of the penalty box really bring the game to life, as there are Gatorade cups and stick tape on the side boards and fans right next to the player in the bin. The scope and detail on some of the wide shots for the arenas is really something to see.

Just the same, player detail is much, much better than anything seen before. Of particular note is the lighting and how it falls down from a player's helmet, as well as the sweat on player faces. To be fair, all of these skaters still have a bit of a “computer man” look to them, but actually seeing “Captain Serious” Jonathan Toews modelled correctly is a treat. It was even cooler seeing him talking to his teammate on the bench and having it look correct (lip-synching and gaze). Overall, some faces aren't spot on, but they are much closer than they were before.

In fact, that emotion was really evident whenever a goal was scored, as players like Patrick Kane would go down on one knee to celebrate and then crash into the boards, hugging a teammate and freaking out. I saw players smiling and yelling and generally acting like they'd scored a goal, and it felt a lot better than NHL 14. Speaking of goals being scored, the puck now flies in and out of the net in awesome fashion, which I know will make a lot of people happy. And as for those nets, the net cam on replays looks absolutely ridiculous, since the detail on the ice and players (and the new variety of goals) really make it look real. This was especially impressive later in periods when the ice was scuffed and full of powder.

For the new NBC broadcast package, the general look and feel of the overlays and replays is quite good. The flyovers for each arena are awesome, as they are in FIFA, and the green-screening of Mike Emrick and Ed Olczyk in front of the in-game arena works as a neat trick. As for the commentary innovations EA talked up (recording scenarios rather than scripted lines), it was hard to really tell at the show. Honestly, what I did hear sounded alright, but they seemed to be falling behind the action somewhat, which isn't a great sign this close to the game shipping. We'll have to hear more to know for sure.

As for gameplay specifically, the shot whip definitely feels different on wrist shots, as the release seems quicker and more direct. There were some great shots that wrung off the post and deflected past the goalie in the games I played. I suspect the demo was set to a lower difficulty, but the shooting and passing felt good (even though things were sluggish in this build and the framerate wasn't 60). There was still some legacy NHL stuff, such as goalies diving for the puck and missing and then having it tapped in for a goal. I found these moments few and far between, but a handful of animations or sequences did still remind me of the past.

As for the new puck physics, I'm happy to report that the puck carries much differently in NHL 15, with lower bounces and more realistic deflections. This created some interesting situations along the boards and around the net, and it resulted in some additional goal variety and unique scoring chances. I was happy to still see shots miss from time to time, and the puck would react much “flatter” than previous games, as it would hit the glass and roll the correct direction without bouncing wildly or accelerating randomly (not that there aren't some odd bounces, though).

In general, the offensive action feels crisp and interesting, and it's full of an energy and diversity that the franchise could really use. The added visual presentation certainly helps with the emotion, but the variety of shots, goals and hits make everything seem that much more dynamic. The skating feels nice as well, and exploding by defenders was made all the sweeter when you zipped home a nice goal. Passing definitely seems to have been nerfed a bit, as the new physics mean that some plays just won't work, even if you force them.

The other touted feature — 12-players being live for collisions — seemed fine, but it's not as dramatic as was being talked up. There were some entertaining pile-ups and trips in front of the net, and I was happy that players no longer ran into an invisible wall when nearing the goalie. To this end, the goalie was live, and players would go crashing into him when driving the net. I didn't see any crazy 8-man pile-ups or anything, and that's probably a good thing. This is probably one of those features that likely requires a lot of games played to really see what it means. As for the hitting from last year, it mostly appears in tact. However, a couple of things to note: a good deal of the hits now put the hitter down to one knee or didn't result in as ridiculous a hit, and the hitting does not result in fights as often, which is welcome.

Rammer also talked up the “Vision AI” as not being a one-and-done for EA, and he showed a series of slides detailing how the vision cones work for each player (what they see). The thought is that the players will judge all of the possible scenarios and passing lanes and then make the correct play. It was hard to really gauge this feature, as most of my gameplay was against human competition.

Defense felt mostly how it has in the past, with defensive strafing, the puck chop and a slightly deeper poke check animation than before. I was able to backskate about as well as before, and I had no problem lining up hits, using the kneel block or disrupting plays with poke checks. In fact, the poke check almost seemed to be dialed up again, so we'll have to see whether that ends up being where they leave it. Players did appear to hold their positions better on rushes and control the gap on point plays, but I need to see more action along the boards to know whether the puck support has really changed enough for my liking.

All in all, I was really happy with a lot of what EA showed. The NBC presentation seems like a good foundation for the future. The revamped players, arenas and crowds add a lot to the emotion and feel of the game (as does the great new camera angle). The improved crispness in offense and puck physics also help to create some diversity in how things play out once you cross the blue line. I really hope they clean up the framerate and sluggishness, but I have every belief that the final game will move and play how it should. If it does, there are going to be a lot of happy hockey fans in September.

Some quick-hit notes from talking to producers:
  • There will be a demo.
  • Ray Ferraro is modelled in the game (contrary to some reports), and Rammer confirmed that they'll place him in the correct spot for each arena, down at ice level.
  • Ferraro will be brought in throughout the season to record new audio.
  • Each team will have several intros from the main commentary duo, and EA is switching things around occasionally to help certain intros feel different (removing/adding screens, info, etc).
  • There are new celebrations after goals (both in terms of user-input and in the replays).
  • There were no five-man celebrations yet, but some producers claimed that they were working on celebrations right now and that there would at least be some three-man huddles (and you now see the whole line skating towards the bench after a goal, which looks good).
  • Benches have multiple coaches and backup goalies sitting in the right spot, which looked great.
  • When specifically asked about manual goaltending, a producer told me that it's still “being tweaked”.
  • Board play and fighting seem roughly the same, but the fidelity of the game adds a different feel to both situations (for the better, I'd say).
  • Less fighting from big hits, though.
  • The poke check animation seemed different, with a deeper lunge from the player
  • The four officials on the ice are live at certain points, as the referee (on multiple occasions) actually blocked a shot when drifting in front of the net, which is a bit worrisome.
  • That said, I don't know if the officials are always live, as the producers said they mainly "try and get out of the way".
  • The puck bounces in and out of the net now, and it looks tremendous.
  • The game uses the now-familiar EA menu system (blocks), as in FIFA, UFC, etc..
  • The goalie stance appeared about the same, but I'll be honest that I can't be sure (I'll double-check this).
  • Hitting doesn't cause fights as often, as EA realized it was tuned a bit high last year.
  • Players who slide on the ice will get ice powder on their jersey.
  • The game will be 60fps at launch.
  • They weren't talking modes, but the implication seemed to be that HUT, EASHL and all of the usual suspects would be in the game.

Do you folks have any questions I should ask in the next two days?


NHL 15 Videos
Member Comments
# 81 meep316 @ 06/13/14 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by bigwill33
Keep in mind this was the answer given to me a few years back, when I was working here at OS on the regular. Things may have changed since then, but I doubt it.

They said the thinking behind it was that not everyone will set up their lines for a random vs. game online and that those who have it saved would have an advantage over the players that do not. I am guessing that they think the casual gamer would get frustrated playing an advanced gamer.

The other thing that they mentioned was that the rosters they had in the game were a true representation of what was going on in the league (laughable, I know) and as you alluded that people could stack lines. You would often see a player set up his fourth line with stars on it or place the top players on the pk to try and attack. The game wasn't good enough to handle this correctly (this part is my words, not theirs) and gave people that did this an unfair advantage.

Again, the hope was that people would just not bother editing the lines, or it would at least be even at the start of each game if you could see that your opponent was editing their lines so that you could take the time to do your lineup as well. The other idea was that the one pause in a vs. game was not a significant enough time to set all your lineup so that prevented some of the "unfairness".

I agree with you, however. There should at least be an option to save your lines for online play. Maybe you can only be matched up against others that have it set to the same, I don't know. But the lineups they have in this game are atrocious at best and the roster updates, when they finally occur, leave so much to be desired it is laughable.

In addition to what you are saying, you should get to choose who takes the draw when you are shorthanded. How you lineup should have more options for a face-off, they don't even let you have the winger flanked out wide to get to the point on a defensive zone draw. Not many teams put the winger inside of the d-man off of a own zone face-off.

They should also let us select any line towards the end of a PP or PK. If I make a final clear out of my zone I probably want a real line coming over the boards and not the other PK line. Same thing goes on the final rush up ice for a PP. No real team would trap themselves with tired or specialty players out in those situations.

These types of things are not even on the radar at EA. That is what I complain about. Unfortunately the casual fan, the ones that have the poll on the main page here that state they think NHL15 is the most promising EA game, don't know, understand, or care about most of what you and I just stated. The majority of the people that pick this game up in the US are the ones that played in that 2 minute video from E3 that was taken down by EA. They just want to fight and check and take slap shots to score 10 goals a game. They want to play the puck with the goalie every time and don't have a clue about match ups or face-off techniques. EA realizes this and to not cater to that crowd, which may be the majority at least here in the states, would be to take a large chunk of revenue out of their pockets on a game that is far down on the pecking order to begin with in terms of profit and marketability.

Having competition would do the consumer some good. But the best thing we can do is raise awareness and speak our minds to let EA know what is flat-out wrong with the NHL series. I do believe that is important to do this in a kind, productive, and professional manner in order to be efficient and respected, however. The main issue for me is that I lost their ear sometime a year or two after Littman was taken off the product and I haven't really gotten it back.
Was this before fatigue was a factor? And even still, it makes no sense, because it still allows you to edit lines, they just make it like pulling teeth to do so. But they still give you the option. And just stacking all of your lines would cause you to roll out fatigued players who aren't effective after a couple of shifts.

And yeah, even if that was it, what's their excuse now? It's just so stupid and it's mind blowing that nobody over there thinks with one shred of common sense.

I could not possibly agree more with you with the rest of your post. It's honestly embarrassing for them to just ignore that stuff, and to cater to the types of people you mentioned. I wish I could sit down with them for 5 minutes and just run down even a few bullet points that would make the game a million times better. They could hire me as the "common sense consultant", lol.

I was talking to someone on IGN, and he said that he met Rammer and he said:

"He asked us how we liked the game (NHL 12), and we told him how we felt.
He took nothing we said seriously and basically put us down for it."

I don't think that should surprise anyone, they don't listen to the community at all. Their little "conferences" at E3 are always terrible. Anytime they talk about "increased crowd detail" and "new commentary teams", etc, that is red flag city. That stuff should be a million miles down the list of things they are talking about when hyping the game.
# 82 FBeaule04 @ 06/14/14 08:49 AM
I said to my wife that it's first time since 5 years I'm really looking forward for that game. The only thing that bug me a lot is the goal celebrations. No five-man huddles after a goal is just plain silly. I mean, we've been asking it for 3 years now and it's part of the game. It should be the first thing they've worked on.

The lines about Ray Ferraro is promising. Should make the commentary back in my hockey games, something that's been off for quite a while.
# 83 bwiggy33 @ 06/14/14 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by meep316
They have wingers playing center on the PK, defensemen playing the wrong sides. Ugh it is so annoying just thinking about how inconvenient the entire system is. So, so bad. It's like nobody over there thinks logically at all. How is there not one person who doesn't put their hand up and just be like "This is terrible and it has been terrible for years. We have to fix this, right now." ??

Also there should be a 3rd PK unit, or at least an "alternate" option for the PK. If one of my PKers is in the box, I don't want the computer choosing who replaces him on the PK, they never pick the right guy. They'll put Gaborik on the PK or something.
I totally hear you. This is the crap that just shows they don't care about realism and the separation of players (especially defensively) is nonexistent. Gaborik will play that role in the game because it makes no difference if he does or a responsible defensive forward like Stoll. The defensive AI is set up in this game where every player does the same things no matter their defensive ratings. Gaborik is no more prone to make defensive errors than top defensive forwards. Actually it is a massive advantage to play your superstar offensive players on the top PK units. It's ridiculous how this is the case.
# 84 canucksss @ 06/14/14 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by meep316

They have wingers playing center on the PK, defensemen playing the wrong sides. Ugh it is so annoying just thinking about how inconvenient the entire system is. So, so bad. It's like nobody over there thinks logically at all. How is there not one person who doesn't put their hand up and just be like "This is terrible and it has been terrible for years. We have to fix this, right now." ??

Also there should be a 3rd PK unit, or at least an "alternate" option for the PK. If one of my PKers is in the box, I don't want the computer choosing who replaces him on the PK, they never pick the right guy. They'll put Gaborik on the PK or something.
Good point...why is my Center is not playing as Center in my pk beats the hell out of me!
# 85 18 eighty 5 @ 06/14/14 11:30 PM
Once the game has officially launched, and people have had it a few weeks, I think we will find it is still pretty much the same old stuff.
# 86 Splitter77 @ 06/15/14 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by Dolphins88
NHL 14 gameplay just seemed too generic.. Every player and team plays the same way and w same skills. It's just not exciting. Seriously get this right and I mean is rather see white towels waving then close ups of fans w face paint.
not gonna happen until they rate players from 1-100 instead of 50-100
# 87 AdamJones113 @ 06/15/14 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by Splitter77
not gonna happen until they rate players from 1-100 instead of 50-100
If Steven Stamkos is a 91 in NHL 15 with a career high of 97 points, Gretzky better be (by the ratio) a 201 overall. Gretzky was 94 OVR in 2014.
# 88 Cletus @ 06/15/14 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by AdamJones113
If Steven Stamkos is a 91 in NHL 15 with a career high of 97 points, Gretzky better be (by the ratio) a 201 overall. Gretzky was 94 OVR in 2014.
But if your basing overall on points, then your rating system is just as flawed as EA. Gretzky had a lot of points in an era when no one played defense or there was no butterfly goalies. Stamkos is a top 5 center and before the injury this year was playing a very good 2 way game for a player only recognized for goals. If Stamkos shouldn't be a 91 because he doesn't have 100 points every year, then what should Toews or Bergeron be rated?

The problem to me isn't the overall as much as it is how the overalls are weighted. The reason there's a flux of 80+ rated guys (and some of the problem with the AI) is that very few NHL players have awareness below 80. Awareness is one of the highest overall boosting categories and you find guys with high awareness that shouldn't have them.
# 89 AdamJones113 @ 06/15/14 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by Cletus
But if your basing overall on points, then your rating system is just as flawed as EA. Gretzky had a lot of points in an era when no one played defense or there was no butterfly goalies. Stamkos is a top 5 center and before the injury this year was playing a very good 2 way game for a player only recognized for goals. If Stamkos shouldn't be a 91 because he doesn't have 100 points every year, then what should Toews or Bergeron be rated?

The problem to me isn't the overall as much as it is how the overalls are weighted. The reason there's a flux of 80+ rated guys (and some of the problem with the AI) is that very few NHL players have awareness below 80. Awareness is one of the highest overall boosting categories and you find guys with high awareness that shouldn't have them.
My point is that EA's ratings are incredibly flawed!! Toews and Bergeron are better defensively then a guy like Stamkos should have a different OVR than them, but based on points Stamkos is just as good if not better. EA is "good" for physical and measurable stats (goals, assists, etc=shot power/accuracy) but terrible for intangibles, as you point out.
# 90 Money99 @ 06/16/14 09:04 AM
Originally Posted by Cletus
But if your basing overall on points, then your rating system is just as flawed as EA. Gretzky had a lot of points in an era when no one played defense or there was no butterfly goalies. Stamkos is a top 5 center and before the injury this year was playing a very good 2 way game for a player only recognized for goals. If Stamkos shouldn't be a 91 because he doesn't have 100 points every year, then what should Toews or Bergeron be rated?

The problem to me isn't the overall as much as it is how the overalls are weighted. The reason there's a flux of 80+ rated guys (and some of the problem with the AI) is that very few NHL players have awareness below 80. Awareness is one of the highest overall boosting categories and you find guys with high awareness that shouldn't have them.
The whole concept of Overall's is flawed in general.
What we, and EA, should be focused on is the individual attributes; skating, passing, shooting, stickhandling, offensive awareness.

If a player's passing is 65, then he shouldn't be able to make anything but the simplest passes. If anyone is in the way, it's picked off immediately.
But if it's a top playmaker, with a 90+ rating, then needles will be threaded and low-percentage passes start connecting.

I really hope this cone vision works well too. In theory, it should help a lot. A scrub will have a small cone so only basic plays will be at their disposal while great players, like Stamkos, should be able to see all of the ice and have several options while carrying the puck.
He should also recognize open windows of opportunity and sneak in behind defenses for quality chances.
# 91 actionhank @ 06/16/14 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by Money99
The whole concept of Overall's is flawed in general.
What we, and EA, should be focused on is the individual attributes; skating, passing, shooting, stickhandling, offensive awareness.

If a player's passing is 65, then he shouldn't be able to make anything but the simplest passes. If anyone is in the way, it's picked off immediately.
But if it's a top playmaker, with a 90+ rating, then needles will be threaded and low-percentage passes start connecting.

I really hope this cone vision works well too. In theory, it should help a lot. A scrub will have a small cone so only basic plays will be at their disposal while great players, like Stamkos, should be able to see all of the ice and have several options while carrying the puck.
He should also recognize open windows of opportunity and sneak in behind defenses for quality chances.
There's definitely not enough separation between players, but until sliders and attributes make a bigger difference, it won't matter much. Even with awesome rosters like the Revamped rosters, it's still not too different.
I wish my PS3 still worked. I was going to run a test when it died to see if stats made much of a difference in gameplay.
I was going to take default sliders for Hardcore Sim and create a team of all 99 players with every stat maxed out, and a team with attributes as low as i could get them. Then play 10 games myself, and sim 30 games to see what happened.
If anyone else wants to put in the time, i would be curious to see what the results are.
# 92 LeafsFreak15 @ 06/16/14 10:50 PM
Looks pretty great this year for graphics
# 93 Rizzonme @ 06/18/14 02:31 PM
im pumped for this game like no other, hopefully there is online franchise
# 94 mcavner @ 06/21/14 12:50 PM
Poke check. Ugh. SO sick of that. The hockey game deserves a better check, a two-handed stick check that does not automatically result in a high-sticking penalty. The poke check as the main stick check, because the other stick check is the stick lift... it is ridiculous. Biggest weakness in the entire game is no decent checking with the stick and they haven't done anything about it, ever. Disappointed.
# 95 actionhank @ 06/24/14 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by mcavner
Poke check. Ugh. SO sick of that. The hockey game deserves a better check, a two-handed stick check that does not automatically result in a high-sticking penalty. The poke check as the main stick check, because the other stick check is the stick lift... it is ridiculous. Biggest weakness in the entire game is no decent checking with the stick and they haven't done anything about it, ever. Disappointed.
I'm kind of surprised they haven't worked on any different ways of using the analog on defense.
It would be kind of nice if while holding, say, L2 (Left-Trigger on Xbox? It's been so long...) and you use the right-stick on defense, you poke the stick out in the direction of the stick. The harder you move the stick, the harder the poke, but also, the less accurate and more likely you are to jam it into some skates. Then, maybe doing the "wrist shot" movement, where you roll the stick causes you to hack at the puck, or player. Again, speed sensitive, with an increased potential for a hooking call (Maybe let you roll the stick, then hold it to kind of wrap the player, and guide them towards the boards with your body) or slashing. Then use something like double-taps in the direction of the opposing player to attempt stick lifts, with the speed of the taps putting more or less power.

I'm sure that's all pretty complex, but imagine him much better defense would be if you weren't constantly moving your fingers from Y, to holding two triggers to attempt a chop (Honestly, i still suck at that.). Instead you just focus on rolling and moving the sticks to get a more dynamic defense system, and more importantly, allows you to control where you poke checks come from. Gone would be the days of a player guarding the puck, and instead of reaching around for the poke, you just slam your stick into his legs, because RB dictated that as the direction. Or, worse still, having a break, and potentially being able to swat it from the right, but when you dive, you just throw your stick in from the left and get nothing but the player. That would be awesome.

Hell, the more i think of it, the less you need L2 at all. Just make it stick only. Similar to analog pitching in thinks like MLB2k (God, i wish The Show could snatch that mechanic). Then, my preference would be to bring back L2 facing the puck. Skating backwards causes me to spend too much time trying to do something simple, like face the carrier, because i have to move to face him, so pivoting in front of the net on defense is difficult.
# 96 Splitter77 @ 06/30/14 07:11 AM
as far as those that have played the game.
do you know if goalies can lose their stick??
-will there be too many men on ice calls??
-intentional offsides?
-high stick calls with blood???
-hand passes whistled down???

this is for next gen version
# 97 habslover10_GoYanks @ 06/30/14 09:02 AM
Originally Posted by Splitter77
as far as those that have played the game.
do you know if goalies can lose their stick??
-will there be too many men on ice calls??
-intentional offsides?
-high stick calls with blood???
-hand passes whistled down???

this is for next gen version
I know for sure there's no blood
# 98 bigwill33 @ 06/30/14 01:40 PM
Here are your answers, Splitter.

Originally Posted by Splitter77
as far as those that have played the game.

do you know if goalies can lose their stick?? - No
-will there be too many men on ice calls?? - No
-intentional offsides? -Yes
-high stick calls with blood??? -No, but you will see 4 min double minors
-hand passes whistled down??? -No

this is for next gen version
# 99 Splitter77 @ 06/30/14 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by bigwill33
Here are your answers, Splitter.
thank you.
# 100 ironman508780 @ 07/05/14 01:41 AM
Originally Posted by Dolphins88
NHL 14 gameplay just seemed too generic.. Every player and team plays the same way and w same skills. It's just not exciting. Seriously get this right and I mean is rather see white towels waving then close ups of fans w face paint.
In my opinion this can be made better (the gameplay not the towels) with players weapons. The only sports game I have ever played where every player actually felt different was All-Pro Football (keep in mind I havent played and NBA 2K in years) The game featured no speed, catching or throwing attributes, they were all players based weapons. This could work for NHL.

For an example.
Ovechkin - Sniping, Rocket Shot, One Timer and Big Hit, Power Play Bonus (buffs abilities for the duration of the power play).

Toews - Back-checking, Stick Checking, Eagles Eye (vision based), and Pinpoint Passing.

Subban can have Backchecking, Rocket Shot, One Timer, Power Play Bonus.

Things like that can go a long way to making the game great. The only possible problem is the last time I can remember EA using player weapons they couldn't balance it out enough and it made the online games very unfun.

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