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OS Roundtable: EA Sports UFC Demo Impressions

Glenn Wigmore: After giving the demo a good whirl, I feel EA did a lot right for this first iteration. To start with, the game looks absolutely incredible. There's some astounding fighter detail, as has been talked about extensively, but there is also great animation work before and after the fights (also between rounds). The damage modelling also stands out, as it really shows what it can do when some of the fights wear on. It's neat to see fighters wipe the blood from their eyes during a war or start to squint when their eye is puffing up. Just the same, bruising and flushing on the body and legs looks real cool if you focus your strikes on those areas.

As for the combat itself, I'd say it's a good base for future versions. I certainly understand that the demo was set to easy and that this isn't the whole suite of fighters, but the action definitely feels a bit floaty and arcadey at times, with a lot of strikes flinging out and sort of half landing. Still, the striking component of the game does allow for some reasonable combos and setups, and watching the foot-planting in action is awesome. I must say that it's a bit annoying to not have the robust slip, sway and feint system that THQ had perfected for counter-striking, but there are some options for dodging and parrying that feel decent for this first attempt.

Once the action hits the ground or goes to the clinch, things feel like a hybrid of EA MMA and THQ's games. The animation work is solid and the transitions look nice, but it's kind of silly that you can just click L3 to stand up. I certainly acknowledge that there is a risk-reward element, but being able to hit a button to stand out of bottom guard is a problem. The transition system itself is simple but more or less effective, and the submission minigame seems like a good stop-gap until EA cooks up something better.

In general, I'd say the controls need to be simplified eventually to be a bit more reactive, but as always these types of control schemes do reward those who put the time in. Either way, I'm on board for this game as of now, even though certain elements aren't where they need to be.

Dustin Toms: I agree almost 100 percent with Glenn, especially on the control side of EA Sports UFC. The controls, though very rewarding to those who will dedicate the time mastering them, are a bit complicated. And when I say complicated, I mean multiple attacks and defensive strategies are too similar, causing the wrong action which could leave you floored - literally. But once you get past the controls and learn the very basics after a handful of rounds, the rewards already begin setting in. I can only imagine what can happen with the full retail game.

The game, as does almost every PS4 title, looks absolutely stunning. Character models look great; body contact looks real; progressive injuries look, well, progressive. The realism of the graphics create a more immersive experience by almost "forcing" you to actually land combos than mash buttons. I know it's a demo, but that's pretty impressive to do in a small sample. I'm actually kind of excited to get this more so than I have ever been. I've always been a Fight Night supporter, ever since the third installment released with the 360's launch. But with boxing figuratively dying right in front of us, EA Sports UFC will have plenty of opportunity to sway me for good.

Oh, and Bruce Lee is going to be awesome in this game.

Chris Sanner: I had fun with the game with the demo, although it was set to an ultra-easy mode since I managed to win my first two fights with no idea with what I was doing. The game felt responsive, looks great, and runs smoothly. Where EA Sports UFC is going to really polarize people is with its controls.

At best the controls are complicated so that only the people who put a ton of time into the game will master them, at worst they are a convoluted mess which will turn a lot of potential customers off from the title. EA Sports UFC desperately needs an easy button for people to simply enjoy the game, I can not imagine any scenario where someone who is new to the game will have any measurable success on anything but ultra-easy. I'm not saying get rid of the amazing depth of control, but why is it so hard for all sports game developers to find the happy medium between a useless one button mode and hundreds of different control combinations?

But I digress. For the most hardcore of MMA fans, this game will certainly please you. The controls will take some time to master, but I think most people interested in a sim will find them adequate to their liking. Some of the gameplay issues I saw are likely due to the ease of the mode and not a full-on flaw within the game mechanics. I'm cautiously optimistic that a solid first effort is upon us, but we won't know for sure until the full retail version of the game is in our hands soon!

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Member Comments
# 1 ghettofocker @ 06/04/14 11:28 AM
A little on the stiff side at times but a lot of fun. Missed not having the entrances but its just another thing to look forward to in the retail version. However I felt the XB1 controller seemd to be a little big to pull of some moves since you needed to hit like 3 or so buttons..... or maybe that's just me. I am gonna try the demo on my PS4 and see if that is any better controller wise.
# 2 MAGboyswifT27 @ 06/04/14 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by ghettofocker
A little on the stiff side at times but a lot of fun. Missed not having the entrances but its just another thing to look forward to in the retail version. However I felt the XB1 controller seemd to be a little big to pull of some moves since you needed to hit like 3 or so buttons..... or maybe that's just me. I am gonna try the demo on my PS4 and see if that is any better controller wise.
I felt the PS4 controls were a bit better than the XB1 controls..
# 3 truzoe @ 06/04/14 11:33 AM
I agree with what everybody is saying in term of the controls,ground game and the floaty feeling. But once you get over those wow what a great first attempt. Playing the computer was a little dull but once my friend came over, we had wars. From fast k.o to 3round wars with blood everywhere. Some of the hits and combinations are just so smooth. Def a first day buy for me.
# 4 MAGboyswifT27 @ 06/04/14 11:33 AM
Good read and impression review guys.
# 5 ghettofocker @ 06/04/14 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by MAGboyswifT27
I felt the PS4 controls were a bit better than the XB1 controls..
Thanks. I have always like the PS4 controller cuz it was just a little smaller and less bulky.
# 6 JKSportsGamer1984 @ 06/04/14 01:59 PM
I agree with these impressions for the most part. The game looks beautiful & does a lot of things right (although I wish it were 60fps instead of 30fps). The CPU AI has me concerned however. It doesn't seem to use much strategy & can be too aggressive at times. I hope this is just due to the demo being on easy difficulty. Another HUGE blunder is that the referee does jump in to stop the fight or pull you away from a fighter when needed. It looks extremely awkward when you knock a guy out & your fighter just stands there without the ref jumping in. This is a major part of what makes UFC unique & I'm very disappointed that EA dropped the ball on this. Maybe they can patch it in later? Other than that I look forward to the retail version.
# 7 JKSportsGamer1984 @ 06/04/14 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by JKSportsGamer1984
I agree with these impressions for the most part. The game looks beautiful & does a lot of things right (although I wish it were 60fps instead of 30fps). The CPU AI has me concerned however. It doesn't seem to use much strategy & can be too aggressive at times. I hope this is just due to the demo being on easy difficulty. Another HUGE blunder is that the referee does jump in to stop the fight or pull you away from a fighter when needed. It looks extremely awkward when you knock a guy out & your fighter just stands there without the ref jumping in. This is a major part of what makes UFC unique & I'm very disappointed that EA dropped the ball on this. Maybe they can patch it in later? Other than that I look forward to the retail version.
Referee doesn't jump in. Correction.
# 8 brent3419 @ 06/04/14 02:06 PM
i like the game. i had more fun playing my brother than i did vs the cpu, there were a few awkward moments like with the flying knee and some other stuff. i got more of an understanding of the controls vs my brother than i did vs the cpu. now...one thing that really grinds my gears is the signficant strikes, there was one match that i felt i was better in but because my brother landed 15 more sig strikes i lost. i had more strikes landed and more takedowns, submission attempts as well. each time i keep getting robbed due to the sig strikes. other than that i really like it and the menus give me a fight night vibe and thats a good thing
# 9 whosgotcha @ 06/04/14 04:06 PM
I was Initially apprehensive after reading some of the posts about the complex controls. But after downloading and going through the tutorial I fought my first match as Jon Jones. What I can say is that I HAD A LOT OF FUN!!!. And that's what it is all about for me now. An old school gamer that is simply looking for fun! I knew enough of the basics to land take downs, throw a variety of punches and kicks, and engage in the muai thai clinch. Yeah I know it was on easy but that's fine with me.

Graphics were amazing, skin textures were nice. The striking animations were very THQ ish, and the submission game played smoothly. I am looking forward to this game
# 10 rkocjay @ 06/04/14 04:11 PM
i like that game but it seem a bit slow for me i wonder is there any game speed setting. Graphics are great gameplay is good i just need to learn the control system a bit more submission seem interesting(in a good way) looking forward for the game judt hope it can be a bit faster
# 11 victorkingchamp @ 06/04/14 04:14 PM
When they announced that EA would be doing the next UFC game i was like: "great! now we get the smooth EA MMA gameplay combined with the UFC content"

But what they came up with is a control scheme that's actually WORSE than THQ's. EA already had a great engine to build from I don't get why they made all of these awkward changes.

On the flipside: The Art department did an A+ job. The presentation is outstanding. It actually lives up to all the hype. If you're a presentation junkie like myself you will likely be willing to live with the overly complex control scheme.

demo verdict:

Gameplay/controls: C-

Presentation/graphics: A+
# 12 MAGboyswifT27 @ 06/04/14 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by ghettofocker
Thanks. I have always like the PS4 controller cuz it was just a little smaller and less bulky.
It's weird man I played the XB1 and was disappointed.. I've been on the PS4 version since and have had a good time with it. I'm not a fan boy and I'm not sure why it's so different, idk maybe it's just me ha
# 13 gatortown @ 06/04/14 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by MAGboyswifT27
It's weird man I played the XB1 and was disappointed.. I've been on the PS4 version since and have had a good time with it. I'm not a fan boy and I'm not sure why it's so different, idk maybe it's just me ha
Same here. Tried it on the XB1 then went to the PS4 and haven't looked back. Much better for the PS4.
# 14 allBthere @ 06/04/14 06:15 PM
The kicking game is atroscious and ruins the whole game for me. Kicks are too fast, too weak, too flashy and too difficult to throw simiple everyday techniques. You see more cartwheels and spins in one match than you will see on 6 entire UFC cards combined. Those moments should be special and rare, but instead they are the norm, where fundamental technique is a rarity and an afterthought.
# 15 capnbuh @ 06/04/14 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by allBthere
The kicking game is atroscious and ruins the whole game for me. Kicks are too fast, too weak, too flashy and too difficult to throw simiple everyday techniques. You see more cartwheels and spins in one match than you will see on 6 entire UFC cards combined. Those moments should be special and rare, but instead they are the norm, where fundamental technique is a rarity and an afterthought.
It's fairly easy to throw basic kicks with either Gustafsson or Jones. Just let go of the modifiers.
# 16 juduking @ 06/05/14 12:22 AM
I like the demo, as someone not too familiar with the sport it's cool they added the tutorial at your own pace. Having three different difficulties is nice too. Overall I'm really impressed by the demo and like most of the comments here I am struggling a bit to get used to the controls but otherwise I am having tons of fun. I will be buying where before I may have not had any interest at all.
# 17 Nando12 @ 06/05/14 02:47 AM
I really enjoyed the demo far more than I thought I would. I've been let down by the last few MMA games so expectations weren't high but I was blown away. When played correctly, everything looks silky smooth. My biggest gripe is the CPU's aggressiveness; it's impossible for fighters to go that hard for 3x5 or 5x5. I found myself circling away a lot to make the matches more realistic. Hopefully there is also a sim option so that fighters can't eat 10 head kicks & stay standing. If a fighter eats a headkick & is still standing, it's most likely because he got clipped with the toes instead of the shin. The submission system is probably my favorite one to date.
# 18 Nando12 @ 06/05/14 02:51 AM
Something that I hope EA gets recognized for is attention to detail. When creating space from your opponent, if you go straight back your corner will yell at you not to go straight back. Little details like that are very impressive. Also the various knockout animations are awesome. They have the famous Brendan Schaub reaching for Jesus ko animation in there :-)
# 19 daedcpl @ 06/05/14 05:29 AM
Lack of realistic features; jumping on a knocked out opponent, referee splitting up fighters, touching gloves at the start.. I am actually not too sure i'll be purchasing it. Damn you EA, how could you miss so many basic things. It looks like to me, THQ actually had an interest in the sport and knew all the niceties, this will just become another FIFA game..
# 20 orion523 @ 06/05/14 11:16 AM
Coming from a non MMA fan who knows relatively little about the sport, the controls are quite overwhelming to say the least, and in truth I'm simply not interested in the genre enough to put the time in to make it fun for me. That said, the game is beautiful, the controls were responsive, and I could definitely see MMA fans liking the game.

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