Frustration. It is a word that we do not always associate with NCAA or Madden. But it's there. We live and die, laugh and cry, by the highs and lows of EA's football sims. As much enjoyment as football gaming brings us, losing is proportionally unbearable, and we cannot wait to fire up the next game from some much needed redemption. Nicotine is less addictive.
I am speaking largely, in part, of single-player modes. Multiplayer frustration is a whole other animal. Losing a smarmy, smirking friend is a different type of angst, but can usually be quelled by a punch to the leg, or a couch pillow to the noggin. However, I have seen some fantastic tantrums spawned from multiplayer contests, most notably a game of NCAA 2K2 between two college buddies. In that instance, a late touchdown run propelled Michigan over Ohio State, prompting the loser to kick our then-beloved Dreamcast off the concrete wall. Sadly, that was the last game the Dreamcast ever saw.
But, I digress. Frustration does not always come from losing. I have had numerous games in which I won quite handily, and was equally discontent. I pride myself as a realist when it comes to football gaming, and blistering a team by 60, when by all rights, my team would have barely scraped by, or even lost in real life, annoys me like an itch that I can't reach.
My largest problem with EA games over the years, has been the extremes between difficulty levels. For me, All-American/All-Pro has been much too conquerable, while Heisman/All-Madden has been sickeningly unmanageable. All-American is like a leisurely walk in the park. Four hundred yard games are a staple. Heisman, on the other hand, is like dodging bullets in firefight. I'm lucky to reach 89 yards through the air, and turnovers are always in abundance.
The lack of a sweet spot for difficulty has been amplified with the new engine this season. In fact, it has caused me to restart my annual dynasty on three separate occasions this year, normally a Cardinal Sin in my own eyes. Usually, I am all about the challenge. I have no problem with losing, as long as it is realistic. However, I detest losing 55-6 to a mediocre team. Going 3-and-out or turning the ball over on virtually every possession, and watching the opposition go 100% on third down really kills the fun level.
Now, my specific issue is not universal among Maddenites, as there are some that will habitually blow Heisman out of the water, and others that will struggle on All-American. We are all different, with varying strategies, strengths, and weaknesses. But most of my loyal EA compatriots have voiced similar grievances, as they have tried desperately to find that perfect match of challenge and manageability.
Enter the wonderful world of AI Sliders. No matter how guilty I feel about manipulating the delicate balance EA's brainchild, there is absolutely no other way to end my pursuit of the perfect game. I have abandoned my ideals of learning the quirks of Heisman enough to win regularly. My nine to five does not allow me the time. And I will not dumb-down my game to achieve parity at the All-American level. Sliders are the only solution.
Slider settings are always a hot topic around this time of year. Members of the MM community flood the message boards with suggestions on how to find that keep CPU defensive awareness down enough to move the ball, while bumping up the virtual IQ of your own squad to keep the opposition's third down percentage on this planet. This sharing of knowledge is truly a beautiful thing, and must have been what Al Gore had in mind when he invented the internet.
I have taken many of your suggestions to heart, and given them the old college try this year. (Bad pun fully intended) However, what I have found, is that it's a guess and check kind of game. Tweak the sliders, and play a few series. See how you like it. That perfect level is the needle in the haystack, and believe me, you can find it.
Although I am probably a little tardy this season, I think I might have finally found my perfect level, and my frustrations will soon be put to rest. I can truly battle through a season, and try to restore my Alma Mater to glory. (And believe me, it needs some restoring!) Sliders, it seems, are God's Gift to Madden.