Feature Article
The Golf Club: Early Access Impressions

For those who have been keeping tabs on the new golf game from HB Studios, The Golf Club, you know that the game has entered into the early access phase on Steam. It's a glorified open beta test, but the idea is to allow any and all users who are interested to try the game in its current state, and relay back to the studios what they like, or don’t like.

As someone who has been lucky enough to play the game from its initial closed beta stage to the most current open access stage of 0.31, I am happy to report the improvements keep coming. While the general individual improvements are smaller in nature, when one adds them all up, they show what this game is capable of when the final retail build drops later this spring.

Some of the key improvements that were made address some issues with the robust in-game course creator, improvements to the club selection suggestions for certain shots, and changes to the green grid and color variation. Again, nothing that is genre defining, but with each and every new build these little improvements are starting to add up, and bode well for what fans will see in the game’s final retail build. The tweaks that are being made are obviously still to the core gameplay, as they have yet to unlock either the tour or tournament options.

While a lot of our readers are waiting for the game to drop on the PS4 and Xbox One, you can take solace in knowing the gameplay is starting to come together rather nicely, and some of the user-created courses that are being made are of high quality and realism. Initially I questioned whether I could fully embrace a game that has no real-life licensed courses included, but as each new course rolls out, that is starting to become much less of an obstacle for me. The one concern I have on a personal level is not being able to see any of the other golfers as we play in a group. With that said, there is a system in place that allows one to see their opponents ball being struck and its flight path, but there is a very large part of me that would love to see my digital counterparts physical replication on the course.

There are still some other issues also that hopefully the developers are working on before the final release, with accuracy being one of the larger ones. They have tweaked the accuracy meter/cone drastically since the original closed beta session, but I still find it too easy to hit the ball straight down the fairway, and approach shots also fall into the category of too easy, but not quite as pronounced as one’s tee shot. For all the concerns, which honestly, aren’t really that many, I have full faith in the developers in trying to create a golf title that the masses can enjoy. They have shown the innate ability to listen to the consumer, and adjust the game accordingly. This doesn’t mean that everything they have tweaked has been for the better, but the effort and understanding is there, along with the ability to be flexible, and willingness to be open to community ideas and feedback.

It’s a very thin line that the developers are walking here in trying to create a realistic golf simulation, but keep it accessible to people who are looking to just pick up and play the title. While there seems to be a contingency of people who think that’s a simple task, that's not the case. That problem is compounded even further with the developer’s decision to not include any difficulty levels in-game. Immediately, everyone will have access to the same clubs and abilities, meaning that there are no skill or club upgrades. While this seems like a good idea to start everyone of the same level, it basically means that the game's challenge will come from the courses themselves. Initially, I thought this was a really good idea, and I still do for the most part, but there is a bit skepticism that has crept into my mindset on this idea.

The bottom-line is that the game in its current shape plays a very fun game of golf, and has elements of a true golf simulation woven into its fabric. As we mentioned earlier, the game is available on Steam’s early access program, but understand that it’s still in beta form, so not every function of the title is available right now, and the developers are still working on eliminating bugs, and optimizing it. If you do decide to make the jump and buy the PC version, we highly suggest that you take strong look at the system requirements, as the game has the tendency to be a resource hog, and will push even a very good gaming rig to its limits. There is still no street date for the console version, but we have been informed that the developers will release a blog in the very near future.

The Golf Club Videos
Member Comments
# 1 kamackeris76 @ 05/06/14 05:56 PM
i have not had chance to play the beta as i'm xbox one but am so looking forward to this game more than any other....my big worry though is that on every video i have seen it looks like it is so easy tee to green keeping shots straight
# 2 ty5oke @ 05/06/14 07:39 PM
I have found the game fairly simple so far.

One thing I don't like is that you can alter your shot technique (loft) to pinpoint exactly where you want to land the ball. I wish the landing yardage didn't change based on the loft change, I want to have to calculate that myself and have it as feel.
# 3 kamackeris76 @ 05/06/14 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by ty5oke
I have found the game fairly simple so far.

One thing I don't like is that you can alter your shot technique (loft) to pinpoint exactly where you want to land the ball. I wish the landing yardage didn't change based on the loft change, I want to have to calculate that myself and have it as feel.
This right here is exactly what I did not want to hear .....the game needs to be a challenge

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# 4 FBPro @ 05/06/14 08:27 PM
Any word on when it's gonna drop on next gen?
# 5 OnlookerDelay @ 05/06/14 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by FBPro
Any word on when it's gonna drop on next gen?
IGN has 6/30/14 listed, but I think that's more of a place holder than anything else. I have a hunch that HBS is hitting some serious road blocks to their plans for not only cross platform play, but cross platform content sharing to boot, and that's accounting for some of the delay, at least.
# 6 kamackeris76 @ 05/07/14 09:49 AM
Originally Posted by OnlookerDelay
IGN has 6/30/14 listed, but I think that's more of a place holder than anything else. I have a hunch that HBS is hitting some serious road blocks to their plans for not only cross platform play, but cross platform content sharing to boot, and that's accounting for some of the delay, at least.
onlooker.....what are your opinions on this title ?? i assume you have played the beta?? i know you were big on TW so i would really love to hear your opinion. are my concerns about difficulty justified??? i am so looking forward to this i can just get by with only sharing with the xbox community....would love to get involved with an online tour too !!
# 7 DaveMN @ 05/07/14 01:35 PM
I've been enjoying the user-generated courses and have dabbled a bit with creating my own (Lofty Pines v1). Some aspects of gameplay need tweaks, but it's an early access, and is still a lot of fun to play at this stage.

Here's one tip I read on the official forum that's helped with the putting. Move the aiming stick back on uphill putts and forward on downhill. For example, if the hole is 5 ft away and 3 inches uphill, move the marker back to 8 ft, then left/right accordingly. Then use the right putting stroke that feels right. Using this technique, I'm lagging better and reducing the number of putts that go 20 ft past the hole and off the green! Maybe this was obvious to other folks, but it wasn't for me.
# 8 OnlookerDelay @ 05/08/14 12:59 AM
Originally Posted by kamackeris76
onlooker.....what are your opinions on this title ?? i assume you have played the beta?? i know you were big on TW so i would really love to hear your opinion. are my concerns about difficulty justified??? i am so looking forward to this i can just get by with only sharing with the xbox community....would love to get involved with an online tour too !!
I’m trying to avoid forming a half-baked opinion on the game, but right now, the only phase of the game that is pretty close to snuff is the putting. It’s too easy to hit the ball straight, control your distance with the pre shot loft, draw, and fade setup, and the pitching game is like a game from another universe, one in which you can become superhuman and put as much backspin on a short pitch shot as you want… even from rough. In fact, the pitching game is so precise and easy to dial in that it renders most chip and flop/explosion shots null & void. You can impose house rules on yourself and not use them, but if you’re trying to compete with ghost or live balls, you’ll see that you are severely handicapping yourself.

I couldn’t recommend this game right now to anyone who wasn’t an experimenter and fully understood that they’re getting a fairly raw product. OTOH, I think it is on its way to being a much better game, as the designers are making some changes in the right direction based on feedback. I think they are a little bit overly paranoid about making the game too difficult and they’re going to have to look at the numbers people are posting and realize that it's not too difficult. They’re really got to get a realistic pitching game going for this game to have a chance. I’m enjoying toying around with it and seeing the courses people are creating, but it’s not something I’d play more than an hour and a half in its current state.
# 9 RD_Rabin @ 05/08/14 02:21 PM
Microsoft have always been very anti-cross platform gameplay. They usually insist games use their servers, which is why games like FFXIV refuse to release on their consoles.

Hope they're not sticking their oar into TGC too and messing it up.

Jus' sayin..
# 10 rolltide1017 @ 05/08/14 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by OnlookerDelay
I’m trying to avoid forming a half-baked opinion on the game, but right now, the only phase of the game that is pretty close to snuff is the putting. It’s too easy to hit the ball straight, control your distance with the pre shot loft, draw, and fade setup, and the pitching game is like a game from another universe, one in which you can become superhuman and put as much backspin on a short pitch shot as you want… even from rough. In fact, the pitching game is so precise and easy to dial in that it renders most chip and flop/explosion shots null & void. You can impose house rules on yourself and not use them, but if you’re trying to complete with ghost of live balls, you’ll see that you are severely handicapping yourself.

I couldn’t recommend this game right now to anyone who wasn’t an experimenter and fully understood that they’re getting a fairly raw product. OTOH, I think it is on its way to being a much better game, as the designers are making some changes in the right direction based on feedback. I think they are a little bit overly paranoid about making the game too easy and they’re going to have to look at the numbers people are posting and realize that’s not too difficult. They’re really got to get a realistic pitching game going for this game to have a chance. I’m enjoying toying around with it and seeing the courses people are creating, but it’s not something I’d play more than an hour and a half in its current state.
I trust your opinion, our opinions on the TW series were always pretty close, and this is not what I wanted to hear. I feared it was turning out this way based on the user videos I've watched, almost everything is a straight shot.
# 11 Bamafan3723 @ 05/14/14 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by allstardad
Excuse my ignorance but how does one get to play the early access beta version?
Purchase it off Steam.

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