Feature Article
Current-Gen Sports Game of the Year

The Playstation 3 and Xbox 360’s final ‘big’ year in sports gaming might have actually been 2012. This year, it seemed most developers were content with relatively modest improvements to the existing lineup of games on current generation consoles.

At the end of the day, there were three games which really captured our attention and received serious consideration for the current-generation Sports Game of the Year: Tiger Woods PGA Tour 14, NCAA Football 14 and MLB 13 The Show.

Thanks to its brutally realistic simulation mode, improved game modes all around, and instant plug-and-play — Tiger Woods PGA Tour 14 was an early favorite amongst the staff. It is truly remarkable how Tiger went from an arcade golf title a few years ago to something which can be considered a very well done simulation of golf. We definitely are impressed with where the series has gone the past couple of years.

NCAA Football 14 got a lot of consideration likely because it is the last version of the NCAA series and it actually was a pretty good game this year. It was far from perfect, with several nagging legacy issues still in the game. However, the real-time physics seemed more appropriate and the Dynasty Mode remained the best in the business even after the recruiting system received a major overhaul and simplification.

While NCAA was good, it wasn’t truly great.

MLB 13 The Show, was truly great this past season.

While The Show has always been a staple in our genre as one of the best games, and this year was no exception. Several titles rested on minimal improvements and a next-gen approach, but MLB 13 The Show went about its business as usual in the year of its last major current generation launch.

The Show has always been a series which put slow and steady progress over big and flashy additions to the series. This year was no exception, with a wider timing window for hitting, new fielding and running animations, and a tweaked physics engine all combining to deliver the best on-field baseball experience yet in video games.

Perhaps our favorite aspect of The Show is in how flexible it is as a game. If you want a game with home runs all over the place, you can get that game if you want. If you want a game that’s as brutally realistic as possible, that’s also possible.

What’s not to love about a game that basically looks at you and says, “Let’s play however you want today?”

On top of that, the improvements to the modes, specifically Road to the Show, gave The Show a lot of replayability this year.

It’s not typical to have a game released in March carry enough momentum into the end of the year, but MLB 13 The Show did just that for both our readers and staff.

Our consensus pick between both the staff and readers for the Current-Gen Sports Game of the Year is MLB 13 The Show.

Honorable Mentions: Tiger Woods PGA Tour 14, NCAA Football 14

Readers' Vote Results: MLB 13 The Show (41%), NCAA Football 14 (22%), NBA 2K14 (18%)

MLB 13 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 1 bobtrain @ 01/01/14 01:54 PM
Finally some well deserved recognition for what has been one of the best sports games in recent years.
# 2 Dazraz @ 01/01/14 02:11 PM
I agree totally. Glad that Tiger Woods 14 got a deserved mention.
# 3 Jimbo614 @ 01/01/14 02:20 PM
It just had to be...
All you had to do was look at the forum. Very few people had a complaint.
And there was several threads of grown men just telling other grown men how much they loved The Show and what it meant to them.
That means a lot.
I will go on record as saying that no other video game makes quite the emotional impact as The Show.
A lot of us had given up on Baseball, something we cherished growing up. And The Show has brought us back. It's like falling in love with your high school sweetheart all over again.
It's Love.
And that's a hard thing to beat.
We Love you SECA
# 4 porkys8077 @ 01/01/14 05:17 PM
I agree, I love MLB The Show.
# 5 DaReapa @ 01/01/14 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by bobtrain
Finally some well deserved recognition for what has been one of the best sports games in recent years.
Agreed. Not even a big fan of baseball (and conversely, I'm a HUGE fan of basketball), but I can honestly say that The Show has consistently been the best sport series hands down this past gen. Even though it's not without its flaws, The Show comes closer to capturing the essence of its sport than any other sports game on the market.
# 6 thedream2k13 @ 01/01/14 06:54 PM
wow 2k14 current gen got basically none of the votes. Times are changing for the 2k studio. To much hype, not enough substance
# 7 asu666 @ 01/02/14 10:14 AM
I voted for NCAA 14 because I've had a lot of fun with it and I'm sad to see the series go. It went out on top, superior to Madden imo. However, The Show could win Game of the Year every year. Sony San Diego just does a wonderful job and I'm really excited to see what they can do with the PS4.
# 8 Armor and Sword @ 01/02/14 11:55 AM
A truly remarkable baseball game is how I will put it. Never has a game come as close to real life as The Show series this gen. It was a system seller for me. When The Show 2009 was released.....my mouth dropped. I had to have it even though I was still content playing MVP 2005 on my old trusty PS2.

But when MLB 11 came out....things went to another level with classic rosters. And that continued on 12 and now 13 is truly the pinnacle of the series. I can only imagnine once the hiccups are worked out.....how incredible this series will be on the PS4 in the coming years.

Can't wait to dive in eventually.

I really love NBA 2K14, NCAA 14 and yes Madden 25 as well. Also I recently picked up WWE 2K14 and that game is a total riot. I am having so much fun.

I am not one for nostalga.....never have been. Sports games today are leaps and bounds better than the much nostaslgic PS2/XBOX era. yes features of some games have been removed for better or for worse....but game play, franchise modes, player animations/movment and realism is so amazing now. I am in hog heaven.

I guess you really had to come from the 2600 era to understand how far we have come. Even the NES system had some great sports games (tecmo, Baseball Stars, Bases Loaded etc) but when you go back and play them (save for the exception of Tecmo Super Bowl which IMO still holds up as a truly fun game) they just don't have the same wow anymore. Not when i can pop in The Show and play my 1978 Yankees, or the 1996 Yankees or the 1985 Royals.....and really feel like I am playing baseball. That's the difference. The games today are as close to real life as they ever have been. I know nothing is perfect......but realize what we have today.

It's the best it has ever been and IMO will continue to get even better on the new consoles in due time. By 2016.....we will be singing the praises of The Show, 2K B-Ball, and Madden.....I know it. And look back at this era with far more fondness.

I think these games right now (Show 13, M25, NCAA 14, WWE14, 2K14, Tiger, FIFA) will hold up for a few more years till the next gen get's it feet under them. In fact I think it will hold up far longer than the PS2/XBOX versions did. I felt the leap from PS2/XBOX to right now is significant. I have a feeling the leap to PS4 and XBOX One won't be for some time in terms of modes.

Just my thoughts.
# 9 ty5oke @ 01/02/14 11:56 AM
Just picked up Tiger this week and looking forward to the sim side of the game. I couldn't get into the Show again for the 2nd year, immersion factor is still low for me in franchise mode. I'm hoping that PS4 will breathe some new life into it.
# 10 Malcom.hail @ 01/02/14 05:49 PM
Early nominee for mlb 14 the show as 2014 game of the year...
# 11 tabarnes19_SDS @ 01/06/14 06:06 PM
The show is by far the best sports game! For me personally. ..its the best game period!!

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# 12 HustlinOwl @ 01/06/14 06:09 PM
well deserved now with Next-Gen time to fully incorporate online to be just as strong as offline

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