When we released our early impressions of Need For Speed: Rivals for the PS4 on Saturday, we talked about having some fun with it, but needed to spend more time with the title to get a better overall feeling for it. We are happy to report that after doing just that, the fun factor has increased dramatically.
We have grown to love the visuals, especially the consistent frame rates no matter what action is taking place in fictional Review County. The action is fast paced, exciting, and most of all fun, and that is never a bad thing when it comes to the racing genre.
While we touched on the less-than-stellar storyline in our early impressions, we've noticed it really isn’t about a story in the first place. The game offers objectives whether you have chosen to enforce the law, or simply ignore it as a racer. As you accomplish these objectives, your in-game options open up to new cars, upgrades, and of course – new missions. It’s basically an open racing world that incorporates you along with AI, friends, and others with the implementation of the AllDrive technology. AllDrive is the method in which the game blends basically single player, co-op, and multiplayer all in one – and has done so seamlessly.
On the surface we initially felt like the game was a bit shallow, but as our time with the title has progressed, our mindset has slowly changed. While Need For Speed: Rivals may not offer up the standard ladder type progression or career path that is seen in your typical racing game, what it does offer up more than makes for that(if that’s what you like) Not only do you have a set of goals you need to obtain to progress, but Rivals also provides mini challenges and achievements on the side. While trying to accomplish your set goals, you will also have the ability to try and break speed records, perform spectacular jumps, and beat the records your friends have set – and you will know instantly when you do so.
There is still much to explore in Need For Speed: Rivals, as we prepare the full review for Wednesday, but so far the game is starting to turn into one of our favorite PS4 launch titles. Hopefully the game continues to impress us the way it has so far, and we promise to give you full report in the next couple of days.