NBA 2K14 is bringing emotion to basketball like never before seen in a videogame. Within NBA 2K14’s new engine, Eco-Motion, we were able to emote players in ways only imaginable on the next-generation of consoles. Some of the new features we’ve added to achieve this new level of emotion include player rhythms, personality badges, game significance, player reactions and behaviors. Here is a deeper look into NBA 2K14’s emotion and how we are advancing the game of basketball like never before.
Player Rhythm
New in NBA 2K14 next-gen is a gameplay feature called Player Rhythm. It’s a complete re-design of our streak system – which drives how a given player gets Hot/Cold throughout the game. A player is no longer restricted to being “Hot” in just shooting alone like in the past. We have added Ball Control and Defense into the mix, allowing players who specialize explicitly in passing/distributing the ball or defending and shutting down opponents to get in rhythm as well. Players can now play to their potential given that they perform well on the floor on both sides of the ball.
Rhythm is broken down into 3 areas of performance:
1. Shooting
2. Ball Control
3. Defense
Performing positively or negatively in each of these areas throughout the game will have an ongoing effect on a player’s Rhythm for those same areas. For instance, a player who gets a couple of early steals and blocks could get his Defense Rhythm up. A ball-handler who turns the ball over frequently could lose confidence in his dribbling skill as his Ball Control Rhythm gets Cold.
Derrick Rose is Warm on Shooting, but Cold on Ball Control Rhythm
There are a total of 5 states a player’s Rhythm can fluctuate between. The color of the Rhythm Icon shows you what state they are currently in (Neutral will simply not display any icons at all).
1. Hot
2. Warm
3. Neutral
4. Cold
5. Frozen
PS4 Tip: On the PS4, you can click the Touchpad at any time for a Rhythm Check. This will turn on the Rhythm icons for all of your teammates on the floor.
Personality Badges
Now that you know what the new Rhythm system is, let’s talk about the new Personality Badge feature and how the two work together. Personality Badges tie-in to how a particular player gets in (or out of) Rhythm during a game. Not all players are created equal. Some players can come in at a high Rhythm when the team needs him most, other players can feed off the crowd energy, or a player who can get into an opponent’s head and put them out of Rhythm.
When you bring up the in-game HUD (by pressing DPAD-Up during gameplay), you will now notice two sets of icons: Signature Skills and Personality Badges.
Personality Badges are displayed alongside Signature Skills. You can bring up the HUD by pressing DPAD-Up during gameplay.
There are a total of 21 badges in the game, and each player can be assigned up to a maximum of 3. A full list is located down below for a breakdown of what each badge means and their impact on rhythm, what its icon looks like in-game, and player examples around the league.
I would also like to take this time to point out that 6 of badges were previously Signature Skills from 2K13.
Game Significance
Going deeper in feature, we also take into account the context and significance of a particular game to a given player or the team as a whole. These can have an impact on how players could potentially perform for that game.
Hometown Games: Playing an Away game in a player’s hometown. Commentary will also point out these games to clue you in on whose homecoming game it is.
Visiting Old Teams: Playing against an old team whom a player has a history with. James Harden playing back against Oklahoma is a good example.
Rivalry Games – Some rivalries stand the test of time and some fizzle out. Players can get in Rhythm earlier during these matchups.
Games against Power Teams – Some teams tend to elevate their game when up against powerhouses.
Playoff Ramification Games – All games matter, but it definitely matters more when a playoff spot is on the line.
Player Reactions and Behavior
The role of Personality Badges does not stop with player Rhythm. On top of getting players to behave and react to what goes on around them, we also consider what type of player they are so that everything that you see in-game plays within context.
Westbrook going over the previous play with Ibaka
Team leaders such as your Alpha Dogs, Floor Generals, or Defensive Anchors will direct teammates and game plan for the next possession. Swagger type players are more apt to play the more over-the-top celebrations. Unpredictable players will exhibit emotional reaction to calls and might even lose their cool. These are just a few examples, but the level of detail adds to the overall experience so that players behave like their real-life counterpart.
Other Modes
Personality Badges become available in MyCAREER as you progress through that mode. They are automatically unlocked as you hit certain milestones and achievements. You will then be allowed to equip up to 3 badges for your player.
Jerson Sapida (a.k.a. “JersDaCurse”)