Feature Article
The Nostalgia Lists: Three Favorite Sports Games

Nostalgia is sort of an odd phenomenon, when you really think about it. Naturally, we tend to look upon items, events, and moments in our past lives with a fondness that may have not actually existed back when they were more prevalent than they are now. So how exactly are we supposed to evaluate those things properly? It’s not an easy task, and ranking some of our favorite sports games from our childhoods is no different. But here at OS, we’re going to try and put ourselves up to the task by ranking three of our favorite sports titles as children.

Here is my (imperfect) list:

3. Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball (SNES)

There’s something to be said for simplicity. Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball was about as simple as it got: you saw the pitch, you pressed a button, and you watched it fly. It was the first baseball game I had ever played which incorporated real life player stats (with fictionalized player names) and paid homage to some of the games’ best traditions. I attribute this title to my love for statistics in baseball, as the game would provide you with a neat box score in a newspaper format after each and every game. I’d write the stats down, and average them out over the course of a make-believe season. As sluggish as the game was at times, there was no denying its character – something which lacked in a lot of sports games in the late 1990’s.

2. NFL Blitz (N64)

It’s really a shame that there aren’t many exaggerated sports titles to go around anymore. More than anything, the blame should be put directly on the shoulders of the leagues themselves, as they continue to restrict things like late hits and bullish gameplay. NFL Blitz was the absolute king of over-the-top gameplay, with monster in-play hits, wild post-play wrestling between players, and drawn up plays like “Da Bomb”. There wasn’t a whole lot of depth to the title, but it was fun as heck to play with friends and produced hours of competitive play.

1. NBA Jam (Sega Genesis/SNES)

If there was ever a game that deserved to be called fun, it was NBA Jam. The game was in no way realistic, but what it didn’t have in realism, it more than made up for in innovation and creativity. The easy to learn 2 on 2 setting made the game easy to pick up and play, with a load of awesome animations that were foreign to sports gaming before it. NBA Jam also introduced me to cheat codes – most of which were just another way to customize the way you wanted to play the game. In a way, the “no rules” style of gameplay is exactly what made it so refreshing.


What is your childhood top three sports games list?

Member Comments
# 21 James1333 @ 09/19/13 06:02 PM
Coach K
College Football National Championship 2
World Series Baseball 98
# 22 sffan444 @ 09/19/13 06:31 PM
Tecmo Superbowl
Mike Tyson's Punchout!
Joe Montana NFL 95
# 23 BBallcoach @ 09/19/13 07:19 PM
1. Tecmo Super Bowl (NES)
2. Ken Griffey Jr's Slugfest (N64)
3. NBA Hangtime (N64)
# 24 RayRay34 @ 09/19/13 07:58 PM
Tecmo Super Bowl
Lakers vs Celtics
RBI Baseball 3
# 25 ram4x4marc @ 09/19/13 08:33 PM
Not in any order but going a different route, some that I played Non-stop that might not have been the most popular

1- Tecmo Super Basketball, funny injuries, every team, full roster and a nice alternative to the EA ones at the time that had only playoff teams

2- MLBPA Baseball- EA baseball game with every team on it for SNES

3- WWF Royal Rumble- First game to involve knocking out the ref so you can rake the eyes and choke a guy. Awesome theme music when choosing wrestlers, and of course..the Royal Rumble match!
# 26 Bryzine21 @ 09/19/13 08:43 PM
1. Tecmo Super Bowl
2. NBA Jam
3. Baseball Stars
# 27 LOEAnubis @ 09/19/13 08:48 PM
This was kind of tough to narrow it down to three.

1 - Tecmo Bowl
2 - Bases Loaded
3 - NHL Hockey (Genesis)
# 28 Armor and Sword @ 09/19/13 09:41 PM
1) Baseball Stars

2) Tecmo Super Bowl

3) Bases Loaded 2 The Second Season
# 29 lynkraid @ 09/19/13 10:09 PM
1 - SNES -Ken Griffey Jr Baseball
2- SNES/Arcade - NBA Run & Gun
3- Genesis - NBA Jam TE.

4th would be a tie between any of the World Series Baseball games from 95-98, and Tecmo Bowl for Genesis.
# 30 Dolphins88 @ 09/19/13 10:36 PM
NHL 94/95, madden 93-95, tecmo bowl,

Honorable mention lakers celtics, Gretzky hockey
# 31 sooperb @ 09/19/13 10:56 PM
Tecmo Bowl
NBA Live 95

Also a game which never gets spoken about, NBA In The Zone!
# 32 sammysosa @ 09/19/13 11:04 PM
1= World Series Baseball for the Genesis.
2=Madden 1990 for the Genesis.
3=Mike Tyson's Punch Out for the Nintendo Master System..
# 33 dtlm6 @ 09/19/13 11:14 PM
1. Tecmo Super Bowl (Nintendo)
2. NHL Faceoff '99 (Playstation)
3. NCAA Final Four '99 (Playstation)
# 34 MAGboyswifT27 @ 09/19/13 11:35 PM
All these were classics!
# 35 krunchybox @ 09/20/13 02:55 AM
I agree with all three of those games. I loved playing those games. Too bad they make games like that anymore.
# 36 Stroehms @ 09/20/13 04:11 AM
3. NHL 94 (First Video Game ever)
2. MVP Baseball 2005
1. Ken Griffey Jrs Slugfest - N64
(Still the only baseball game I've completed a full season on)
# 37 cashless @ 09/20/13 04:45 AM
1) International Superstar Soccer 64
2) NHL 94
3) NBA Jam
# 38 eye guy @ 09/20/13 06:47 AM
1. Jonah Lomu Rugby

2. NBA Jam

My number three is a game that had a dunk comp. I believe it was the first game to have the mode. The controls were simple with scoring judged by the type of dunk and the distance from where the player jumped from. To complete the dunk, you had to hold one of the face buttons and release it when the player was at the hoop. And it was all dude scrolling...

It was on the sega m.s 2 I think, or maybe am early mega drive title? My older cousins and I stayed up Christmas eve and spent most of Christmas night playing the dunk comp. anyone know or have any idea what this title is called?
# 39 eye guy @ 09/20/13 08:04 AM
Found it...

3. Jordan vs Bird
# 40 H to the Oza @ 09/20/13 12:12 PM
I was not fortunate enough to own the SNES/SEGA era so NES it was (Tecmo Bowl!!) , then I would take every opportunity to go to a friends house to play any version of NHL on SNES/SEGA . Those two games, by far, have the deepest impact in my childhood.

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