As is the norm in WWE releases these days, there's a fairly robust set of downloadable wrestlers created by the community in WWE 13. Whether it's legends, omitted current stars or grapplers from other promotions, WWE 13 looks to be continuing the trend of unique DLC wrestlers from the community. As always, there is some variance in the quality, but you can always use the filters to find specific content or stuff that's rating highly in the community. In the meantime, here's a list of some of the best characters to check out so far.
1) Kurt Angle
This version of Kurt Angle is pretty solid, complete with multiple ring attires and a gold medal around his neck. It's too bad they didn't leave 'The Patriot” theme music in the game, as his entrance would be complete at that point. It's fun to sport the “It's True” t-shirt, and the character animates with appropriate Kurt Angle taunts, including his little step move with his arms going out to the side. And of course, the Angle Slam and ankle lock finishers are in there.
2) Rob Van Dam
This is a pretty good RVD creation, as the taunts, outfit and music are all pretty close. He has the “double thumbs” taunt, of course, and moves like Rolling Thunder and the Five-Star Frog Splash are present and accounted for. He also fights with the appropriate amount of kicks, hurricanranas and crappy RVD punches. The face isn't the best, but overall the character is on point.
3) Andre the Giant
Thanks to the increased emphasis on big men this year, a wrestler like Andre looks appropriately proportioned, and the face on this community creation is pretty good. His moves focus on Andre basics such as strikes to the back, slams and bearhugs. Kudos to the creator for making multiple ring attires, including Andre's retro '70s attire, complete with trunks and awesome afro.
4) Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart
As a longstanding member of the Hart Foundation, "The Anvil" is represented with fairly good accuracy thanks to community creations. Since Bret Hart is featured heavily in this year's game, it basically provides most of Neidhart's costume, and his goatee also looks right. Most of his offense is of the power variety, including various slams and heavy shots.
5) Jushin “Thunder” Liger
One of New Japan Pro Wrestling's finest, Jushin “Thunder” Liger is created with almost perfect accuracy here. The multiple color schemes on his costumes are awesome, and the mask has a great level of detail. He has a snazzy cape in his entrance, and he fights with moves like the wheel kick, sit-out powerbomb and the superplex. Also fun that his entrance name is announced as Justin “Thunder” Tiger — as close as the creator could get it, I guess.
6) Doink the Clown
Why not celebrate one of the WWE's most prolific jobbers with this nearly spot-on visual representation of Doink the Clown? Obviously, this has a lot to do with the clothing options available in the character creation, but still, the character has been recreated in great detail, complete with green afro, accurate face pain, clown tie and big boots. His offense has lots of wind up punches and other moves like neckbreakers, which seems appropriate.
7) Yokozuna
Another well-create big man, Yokozuna looks perfect with his giant checkered robe and red sumo outfit. The face is pretty good, too, and his hair style matches up well from back in the day. Unfortunately, there's no Banzai drop to speak of, but Yokozuna uses belly-to-belly suplexes that accurately resemble those he used to slam the likes of the Undertaker back in the early '90s.
8) The Hurricane
Even though this guy is pretty much a footnote in WWE history, he has been created with surprisingly good detail here, including cape, face paint and taunts. His finisher is the shooting-star press, and his offense focuses on speed and aerial attacks. Too bad the awesome entrance music for him wasn't included, but what can you do.
9) D'Lo Brown
While the face on this D'Lo Brown creation isn't perfect, the multiple outfits (Nation of Domination, Euro Champ, Kevlar vest) make this worth checking out. He animates with the appropriate amount of arm-gesticulating and head-shaking, and he has signature moves like the “Sky High” powerbomb, goofy leg drop and the “Lo Down” frog splash.
10) The Iron Sheik
Complete with awesome mustache and traditional headwear, the Iron Sheik looks the part as he walks out to the ring. His offense focuses on much more traditional offense than many of the current-day stars, and he finishes the fight with his patented camel clutch.