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FIFA Soccer 13 Demo Impressions

I hope you weren’t hoping for any drastic changes.

After FIFA 12’s dramatic revamp of the series, the 2013 demo seems like FIFA 12¾. That is not a bad thing, mind you, considering that 12 did plenty of things right, and managed to incorporate three new and big features without suffering from any game-killing, first-year mistakes. Judging from the demo, FIFA 13 adds a layer of polish on the features that 12 brought, and it does so successfully.

Before we get to the actual impressions, can I once again make clear my disdain at the short lengths of the games? We got five minutes for PES and now six for this FIFA demo. If these demo impressions generally sound a little conservative, that’s because I really, really don’t want to leap to conclusions about a game’s engine over games of three minute halves. Having said that, here they are anyway.

First of all, the beautiful game is still beautiful. Everything on the pitch looks stunning, from the crisp colors to the smooth animations. There’s action on the sidelines too, as we can now see players warming up. The only drawback is the crowd, who look like they were lifted right from the late 80s arcade days of Street Fighter. Behind the mic, Martin Tyler and Alan Smith return to the booth again, and hello, Geoff Shreeves! Liverpool fans may recognize him as the reporter who goaded Kenny Dalglish into bursting a vein or two, and in FIFA 13 he’ll be around to do some sideline injury reporting. All in all, it’s the same slick stuff (save for the close-ups of the crowds) we’re used to getting from the franchise.

As for gameplay, first of all, it’s quicker. Anybody who found last year’s slower, more deliberate pace are well advised to set game speed to slow, and lower a few speed related sliders until you’re satisfied.

The improved player intelligence means that on offense, off-the-ball players look to make clever runs, instead of running just for the sake of it. I’ve seen more instances of them using the channels, dropping deep into the hole, and curving their runs behind the backline than in FIFA 12. The player movement really makes a difference and offers you more passing options than before. If you liked crafting an attack in FIFA 12, you’re going to love doing so in FIFA 13.

The new first touch system is another great addition. Depending on a player’s technical ability and the power the pass was hit with, it is now possible that he won’t be able to trap the ball cleanly. This adds a much-needed touch of unpredictability (in a good way, as it places the onus on you to pay more attention to your passes), and in fact, I would like to see its effects ramped up just a touch more to really highlight the difference between, say, a Messi and a Carroll.

The only new addition that is a bit of hit and miss is the new dribbling controls. It is beneficial, not to mention realisitic, that we are now able to dribble sideways while facing the goal -- especially helpful when you're sizing up a defender down the wing before making your move-- but the fact that it is contextual (read: automatic) can sometimes lead to awkward moments where a player is “crabwalking” for no reason. However, this is more of a cosmetic issue than it is a gameplay one, and it doesn’t affect things much in practical sense.

For those concerned about the lack of CPU fouls, rest assured, I’ve seen plenty in the demo -- well, as many as you should see in a three minute half, anyway. The referees are smart with their advantages, and for the most part the cardings are pretty sensible. I’ve been given a fair share of yellows for not just cynical tackles, but even tugs.

However, there are still a few gameplay things that can be improved upon. Several of the complaints from last year’s game look to have remained, with the biggest issue being the AI defending — they’re still a touch too passive. In situations where they should be snapping into tackles, a lot of times your AI teammates decide to stay behind the ball. The same thing happens on the other end too, where sometimes the CPU defender also tends to play too conservatively. To be fair, tweaking the sliders do help the AI pressure more, to a certain extent, but why these options are in the sliders menu and not the tactics one is beyond me.

While player individuality looks to be more pronounced — it’s not totally there yet, but I’ve at least seen Pirlo spray balls around the pitch — there’s still not enough tactical variation to distinguish between the teams. I have a theory, though it’s one that’s solely based on my own experience from playing FIFA 12 and 13: it’s not that the CPU is incapable of attacking in different ways, it’s that, since the defenders are inherently too conservative to force the issue, there’s no need for the CPU to take an alternate route or even slow down. However, again, there is the danger of reading into this too much as all the teams in the demo do tend to play the ball on the ground—if I see Stoke playing like this in the full game, then it’s a definite problem.

Final Thoughts

All in all, FIFA 13 looks like it has built upon the things that made FIFA 12 so successful and enjoyable. The good — the dribbling, passing, presentation elements — has gotten better. On the other hand, unfortunately, a few things that have sometimes made 12 frustrating to play — passive AI defenders, lack of CPU attacking variety — look to have remained. Ultimately, despite the flaws, it still shaping up to be an impressive game, especially on the attacking side of things. The bottom line is that if you liked the careful, measured, style that FIFA 12 brought to the table, FIFA 13 is going to be day-one purchase for you.

FIFA Soccer 13 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 Broncos86 @ 09/17/12 03:41 PM
A good write up, and I agree. I think FIFA 13 is a good move in the right direction. There are some issues, but none of them will prevent me from purchasing the game ASAP.
# 2 THE YAMA @ 09/17/12 04:13 PM
Very nice read. The demo blew me away with how smooth the game ran. The first touch control is a nice touch of realism. Counting down the days until I pick this game up.
# 3 Altimus @ 09/17/12 04:23 PM
Good read and I have the same thoughts about the game. The defending for me still brings a sour taste to my mouth though. I really hope the retail version is much better tweaked and the fact the games will be longer will "slow" the tempo down.
# 4 Gnemi @ 09/17/12 05:20 PM
The "Normal" speed of the demo defies description or justification. I downloaded the Madden 13 demo and was blown away by its speed, but then again, these 350 lb dudes running the 40 at a pace of ~4.5 seconds only play for a max of 15 seconds at a time. It makes (more) sense in Madden, but it's a cartoon in FIFA. To run like that for an entire match would require every PED known to man.
# 5 KG @ 09/17/12 06:52 PM
Solid review. I think the Season Ticket reviews are going to be helpful in giving this game its just review due to the short demo.
# 6 Gnemi @ 09/17/12 07:13 PM
Because I'm insane and because I really badly want to play this game over the weekend, I may drop $25 to get Season Ticket. Who knows? Maybe I'll even like my Pokemon Team and take it online to get smoked by 13 year-olds!
# 7 ezio @ 09/17/12 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by Kelvin
I have a theory, though it’s one that’s solely based on my own experience from playing FIFA 12 and 13: it’s not that the CPU is incapable of attacking in different ways, it’s that, since the defenders are inherently too conservative to force the issue, there’s no need for the CPU to take an alternate route or even slow down. However, again, there is the danger of reading into this too much as all the teams in the demo do tend to play the ball on the ground—if I see Stoke playing like this in the full game, then it’s a definite problem.
I had the same thought on the part in bold. Because the defense is too conservative and neve really close down any space there is no need for them to try and posess the ball and move the ball backwards and actually try and break down the opposition. Also, as for your Stoke reference, I agree and I may have to play them in my first game with ST
# 8 steelerfan @ 09/17/12 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by Gnemi
The "Normal" speed of the demo defies description or justification. I downloaded the Madden 13 demo and was blown away by its speed, but then again, these 350 lb dudes running the 40 at a pace of ~4.5 seconds only play for a max of 15 seconds at a time. It makes (more) sense in Madden, but it's a cartoon in FIFA. To run like that for an entire match would require every PED known to man.
You know you can change the game speed, even on the demo, right?

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# 9 keator @ 09/18/12 09:11 AM
cant wait for this game to drop on season pass.
# 10 OliDegu2008 @ 09/18/12 10:18 AM
I'm excited but fear it will be a replica of last years.
# 11 BRxSKINSx @ 09/18/12 03:09 PM
I'm downloading the demo right now.... Checking it out to see if it's worth a buy..... I don't know the game of soccer....BUT the game always looks good.... Haven't bought it in the last 2 years though....
# 12 kelvinmak @ 09/18/12 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by ezio
I had the same thought on the part in bold. Because the defense is too conservative and neve really close down any space there is no need for them to try and posess the ball and move the ball backwards and actually try and break down the opposition. Also, as for your Stoke reference, I agree and I may have to play them in my first game with ST
Haha, yeah, if they get the first touch control thing right, I'm really tempted to start a career mode with Stoke and play with Pulis' tactics. Basically, hoof as many balls up at Terry as possible .
# 13 ezio @ 09/18/12 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by kelvinmak
Haha, yeah, if they get the first touch control thing right, I'm really tempted to start a career mode with Stoke and play with Pulis' tactics. Basically, hoof as many balls up at Terry as possible .
What i really want to see is if the CPU will play that way. I doubt they will to be honest but we will see on Friday
# 14 baggio77 @ 09/18/12 06:29 PM
I couldn't score or defend in FIFA12. I'm not great at soccer games, but always loved playing them. Last years game took the joy out of it. FIFA13 looks and plays a lot better to me, and its only the demo. Looking forward to getting my hands on the complete game.
# 15 razorkaos @ 09/19/12 06:57 AM
overall, 13 looks and plays better than 12. but i think Attacking AI dont works as it should, defensive AI is dumber than ever, the normal speed is too fast for my taste, and, one more thing...

its just me, or manual passing/crossing looks easier this year? i know im playing full manual for more than a year, and passing is, by far, my best weapon in this game, but in the demo, im able to switch the play whenever i want, with an incredible accuracy, and even considering the power of the pass due to the first touch control...
# 16 DBMcGee3 @ 09/19/12 03:42 PM
I had fun with the demo, but it's definitely starting to feel stale for me, and I can't justify shelling out another $60 this year. May just rent this one a few times during the season to get my fix, and if the retail version blows me away somehow...........bada bing bada boom.
# 17 Broncos86 @ 09/19/12 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by DBMcGee3
I had fun with the demo, but it's definitely starting to feel stale for me, and I can't justify shelling out another $60 this year. May just rent this one a few times during the season to get my fix, and if the retail version blows me away somehow...........bada bing bada boom.
Fascinating. Not that your view is wrong, but I can't stop playing the demo. I'm choosing it over retail NHL 13.
# 18 UntilTheNxtRnd @ 09/20/12 03:28 PM
I looking forward to the game after finally playing the demo. I'm sure adjusting sliders will help out the overall experience but I still enjoyed the game demo as a whole and I'm thoroughly excited for the release next week
# 19 DBMcGee3 @ 09/20/12 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by Broncos86
Fascinating. Not that your view is wrong, but I can't stop playing the demo. I'm choosing it over retail NHL 13.
Haha, that lockout doesn't have you pumped to play a hockey game? Like I said, I'll definitely rent Fifa, and if history is any indicator, I'll cave in and buy it just to play with friends. I just wasn't particularly floored by anything in the demo. As mentioned in the article, it's tough to judge a game based on 3 minute halves, but honestly I didn't really notice any of the first touch "unpredictability" that is getting such positive feedback. Probably more noticeable when you aren't playing with really, really good teams like the ones on the demo.
# 20 Broncos86 @ 09/20/12 09:30 PM
I saw first touch work on various occasions; in including passes that went off the foot to a defender, go out of bounds, etc. I saw and felt the difference between better and lesser players.

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