Feature Article
OS Fact or Fiction: NCAA Football 13 Edition

NCAA Football 13 is nothing more than a minor update to NCAA 12 and could be labelled NCAA 12.5.

Chris Sanner:
Fact.This year was a lame duck year for the franchise, and it showed. While there were gameplay enhancements, they were masked in a package that looked all too familiar. While the presentation saw some pretty significant upgrades, in the end a lot of the upgrades ended up feeling cheap and cheesy (e.g. Studio Updates). I'm sure with the infinity engine coming, NCAA 14 will feel a lot better and advanced -- or it could just feel old hat after we play Madden this year. The franchise needs something though.

Dustin Toms: Fact. The one thing I hate most when it comes to sports gaming are those (somewhat) rare moments when the ".5" label has some legit merit. This year, with NCAA Football 13, that ".5" describes what you get out of the box. There are some very amazing additions, specifically the recruiting updates, but when it comes to gameplay I feel nothing more than disappointment.

Total Control Passing was not a great addition to the game.

Chris Sanner: Fiction.I believe that, when push comes to shove, Total Control Passing was probably the biggest addition to the game/series this year along with the new approach to icon based passing. The passing game in and of itself took a big leap forward and with some tweaking and tuning, total control passing could be a permanent and impactful new feature of the franchise.

Dustin Toms: Fiction. Though not noticeable to just any gamer, the TCP has really elevated the passing game in NCAA Football 13. It's one of those big upgrades that is tough to notice, but when you do, there is a definite feel of accomplishment.

Dynasty mode is stale.

Chris Sanner: Fact. Let's see, you still don't get to run a program like a coach, the recruiting interface is quickly out-wearing its welcome, the process of Dynasty mode seems to hold your hand and play it safe, and the whole experience feels artificial and half-hearted with no real dynamicness to it. You still don't feel a part of a digital college football world, big things like Top 25 polls and stories, and such are hidden away. Simply put: Dynasty mode needs an overhaul.

Dustin Toms: Faction. I don't necessarily disagree with Chris on this, but I can't make myself say that Dyansty Mode is stale. Yes it is still lacking that something to draw you in (Connected Careers please?), but as I mentioned earlier, the recruiting system should be enough to keep you around for a bit longer. It might not be the biggest upgrade in the world, but being able to choose call topics and find gems/busts has really elevated this game to a whole new level for me. I practically sim through seasons without playing a game.

The studio updates are poorly executed and weren't worth the time to implement.

Chris Sanner: Fiction. The studio updates weren't done right, that's for sure, Reece is too jumpy and there are a lot of repeated lines. But that type of immersiveness and attempt at a dynamic feel to a dynasty game, is worthy of applause. I loved the attempt at trying to make the game simulate a Saturday, unfortunately there wasn't much out of the box thinking applied to the presentation or game design. But the studio updates are a good first step.

Dustin Toms: Faction, again. There are two questions here: one is fact, the other is fiction. The updates are terrible. I hate them. They are living proof that sports games are scripted. I've started a handful of dynasties and have yet to see any other outcome to the UW-LSU game other than a 31-14 Huskie win. But, on the other hand, the idea is fantastic. But let's be honest, what's the point of taking an innovative idea and poorly executing it?

No football game will ever correctly simulate penalties.

Chris Sanner:
Fiction.This is me hoping that EA will get it right. This is me betting against the grain. This is me basically saying...it probably won't happen this generation. Why? I don't know, but penalties just need to be called in football games. But alas, maybe next year.

Dustin Toms: Fact. I've said it a million times and I'll say it again: These are video games, and with sim gaming nothing will ever be perfect. Going into these EA Sports and 2K titles with these kind of expectations create an enjoyable gaming experience for me. If I went into each game expecting the best of the best, like the vocal minority, then I'd have my panties in a bundle, too.

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Member Comments
# 1 tarheelguy4736 @ 08/09/12 12:47 PM
Good read. I agree with it feeling like NCAA 12.5. I placed NCAA 12 up until NCAA 13 was released. When I started playing NCAA 13 even my girlfriend asked me what was different about the game because it looked the exact same lol. Maybe EA was holding back in 13 and is making a big leap forward in 14. I like the improvements they added to this year's game and the game is still enjoyable, but I just feel like they are holding back the creativity this game deserves. Many of us remember the old gen days when you had cover magazines in dynasty, player suspension, in game scores (which I'm glad they brought back), and other little things that made some of the NCAAs on the old gen systems one of the bests to date. I'm not saying they need to bring some of that back. I'm just saying they need to be more creativity and get in to the mind of a college football fan and realize the potential this game could have with the right additions. EA just needs to think outside their normal box, which seems pretty small at times, and just continue to add to an already good base game.
# 2 texasgmr @ 08/09/12 01:09 PM
Great read guys!
# 3 beermn76 @ 08/09/12 01:20 PM
I have played the game but had not purchased. This article just cemented my decision to skip this year. Very well done article.
# 4 Bmore Irish @ 08/09/12 02:02 PM
two words: unrealized potential. i like the game, total control passing is definitely nice, but i can't help but (naively?) hope that next gen is where they take the next big step.
# 5 jfsolo @ 08/09/12 02:03 PM
People that actually consider themselves writers should feel ashamed to use hackneyed terms like "12.5". That's so middle school and bereft of even the slightest bit of thoughtfulness.

Even with versions of games that I have absolutely hated, and stopped playing in less than a week, I never though of a game as ".5", it's such a disingenuous critic. Not liking a version is great, but criticize with some rigor, and not platitudes.

OS has banned certain buzzword from the site because of their inanity, this should be another one.
# 6 DorianDonP @ 08/09/12 03:50 PM
I agreed with pretty much everything except that penalties can't ever be simulated realistically.

I think once we get physics in the mix, it may come to fruition.
# 7 TDenverFan @ 08/09/12 03:54 PM
I don't think this was 12.5 at all. Updates are small, but majorly noticable.
# 8 khaliib @ 08/09/12 04:52 PM
Nothing done to OL/DL interaction that affects the Gameplay as a whole.

Out of the 430+ new catching animations, about only 10 seem to play the most during Gameplay.

No personality to coach's, teams nor player recruiting so that they actually have an impact on Gameplay.

Star players have little impact on Gameplay, nor does the AI seeks to utilize these players.

Major Ratings editing needed to get Option Teams to perform somewhat as Marketed/Hyped again.

Ratings that are so Generalized, that any player could be substituted at a position and perform the same.

Audio sounds for Stadium size/crowds sound just about the same.

No Broadcast Style Camera Angles, thus ESPN License is under utilized and/or absent during Gameplay.

As usual, what happens in the Demo, seems to not happen in the Retail version.
-ball dynamics on punts, all balls bounce forward as previous years
-actual running lanes on ST, most just cluster towards the middle

Simply no life for big games or big moments.

Animations are still forced to play out on a reduced field to showcase some visuals.

It's alot of Fact before sales, but then the truth reveals those Facts to be Fiction.

My thing is why don't the community see this type write-ups/feedback while Dev's are hitting forums like these heavily during their Hype time or from those that get to pre-play and give feedback before release?

Especially after Pre-release Vid's clearly show some of the same yearly issues and the lack of progression to the game as a whole?
# 9 HouseOfBalloons @ 08/09/12 05:47 PM
Here's the best part of NCAA 13 (12.5)... I bought it for 59.99 at Best Buy. Because I pre-ordered it I got a $20 gift card through Reward Zone. With a promotion if you spend $50+ online on games you get a $10 gift card, I got that. I traded the game in a month later and got $43. I made $13 for playing NCAA 12.5 for a month.

The game itself. Very disappointing.
# 10 xcanadaman9x @ 08/09/12 05:51 PM
If this game is NCAA 12.5 and last year was NCAA 11.5, isn't that a years improvement anyway?
# 11 Gotmadskillzson @ 08/09/12 06:05 PM
Fact: NCAA series is treated like the red headed step child of Madden. Madden get all the kobe steak, fine wine and fine women. NCAA get the spam, government cheese and kool aide and is stuck with the fine woman's fat ugly friend.

One day I hope EA Sports wake up and start making the NCAA series a PRIORITY and stop treating it as a test subject after thought.

You look at Madden's player models and look at NCAA's player models, don't even look the same. NCAA look like it is made by interns.

The same level of detail they give to FIFA, Madden and NHL, they need to give to NCAA as well. Why is it NCAA series is always playing catch up to the other 3 ? But yet they wonder why NCAA is always a place holder until Madden comes out for some many people.

The level of detail and dedication just isn't the same. It is as if the higher ups at EA just sit around their office and say give them an online working dynasty and they will shut up.

But then they look at Madden, FIFA and NHL and say, guys, give them the world, here is a blank check, go wild, spare no expense.
# 12 Joobieo @ 08/09/12 06:30 PM
Great read guys !
# 13 BTownSlinger @ 08/09/12 06:42 PM
I have been going back & forth on whether to upgrade from 12 or not. I have been playing NCAA a lot recently and thought maybe I'd bite the bullet and do it. It's way more playable than Madden '12.

Now, I'm not so sure again. I just widh I could get updated rosters. I can't come across any complete, maybe once the season starts.
# 14 SkillzKillz719 @ 08/09/12 10:11 PM
I think it's 12.5... in a good way. I think the community can handle one more game like this.
Everyone was all upset over last year's game, but I was alright with it. I'm satisfied with this game.
NCAA 14 just needs to do something actually... different.
# 15 videlsports @ 08/09/12 11:00 PM
I really Like the TCP. That made a Big Diffrence. I think they did a good Job, I just wish the IE was in this year"s version. TCP made windows that wern't there in the past. It makes for a realistic Passing Game which is awesome, You never feel out of a game IMO. wheather your down by 2 or 20 you can run your offense and make long drives. TCP saves this alone
# 16 DaSmerg @ 08/09/12 11:23 PM
After last year's NCAA release, this year is, out of the box, two years ahead, at least.

That being said, yes, there are still legacy issues of morphing, sliding, skating, magneting, rocketing and all it's ilk that unfortunatley pop it's head out here and there.

I just recently upgraded to a 55" LED honker tv and the back grounds...the field and stadium...look straight up really bad and sadly outdated.

The back end on online dynasty is so desperately in need of a rewrite to catch up with current technology. The offseason for 3 of us is a nearly 2 hour odessy mostly spent waiting for uploading of number crunches.

TCP was a really great addition IMO but it's offset by still horrible o line/d line interactions. There's just too many times where either it's a block or a complete (and blatant) whiff.

I totally agree, it's going to suck from a "meta play" stand point but in college football, single players can literally take over a whole game. Right Tim Tebow? LMAO!
# 17 THE YAMA @ 08/10/12 10:36 AM
An enjoyable read here fellas.
# 18 tested29 @ 08/11/12 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by TDenverFan
I don't think this was 12.5 at all. Updates are small, but majorly noticable.
I agree. I find it funny people choose to skip this year when this year, in my eyes, got much more compared to the previous years. 12 was terrible and 13, while far from perfect, is much better even though it still has its problems. I'm enjoying this year's NCAA far more than I have in a long time.

Originally Posted by The Article
There are two questions here: one is fact, the other is fiction. The updates are terrible. I hate them. They are living proof that sports games are scripted. I've started a handful of dynasties and have yet to see any other outcome to the UW-LSU game other than a 31-14 Huskie win. But, on the other hand, the idea is fantastic. But let's be honest, what's the point of taking an innovative idea and poorly executing it?
This. Honestly one of the few problems I have with this game is the studio updates. As the guy answered, they are terrible and repetitive. I so wish I could turn them off and I whole heatedly agree with this statement.

I'm far from a presentation guy though. I find everything before and after the game to be a waste of time. I'm mashing A from the get go cause I don't have time to sit though the same things every time I play a game.
# 19 jestep123 @ 08/15/12 04:55 PM
Will passing EVER be mapped to the stick? Maybe I am in the minority on this one but I think it would make it harder to be accurate.

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