Feature Article
Pro Yakyuu Spirits 2012: Is the Japanese Baseball Sim Right for You?

Pro Yakyuu Spirits might be the best playing baseball game in the world.

Before delving into Pro Yakyuu Spirits 2012, I’m going to refer you to my impressions of the 2011 version of this annual Japanese baseball franchise.This article details the basics of gameplay, most of which hasn’t changed drastically since last year. Pro Yakyuu Spirits 2012 still represents a stellar baseball game, with tremendous graphics, atmosphere and ball physics.

However, most of the changes offered will probably be of little consequence to casual followers of the series (a group I firmly lump myself into). The graphics look a little better, especially cut-scenes and crowd shots. The ball physics are surprisingly more fluid.

I also find the default settings to present a bit more of a challenge, though I’m still able hack and make contact with ease (that’s not to say I get hits easily). And, apparently, there is a new announcer.

Outside of these changes, most will find a similar experience as last year. Rather than rehashing what makes this game so good -- again -- check the aforementioned article, or this review at Spirits Translations. I’ll break down whether this game might be for you .

Spirits 2012 is definitely worth picking up if you:

1. Are willing to work: This game naturally requires a great deal of effort to enjoy, primarily because most of it isn’t in English. Thankfully, a great deal of resources for the non-Japanese speakers wishing to engage in a different baseball experience is available at http://www.spiritstranslation.com. Still, constantly needing to check a website while playing can be tiring and time consuming.

2. Enjoy interesting modes: There are a number of different modes in this game, including the unique Grand Prix mode. Grand Prix is a card-based game where you build a team and progress through various tournaments. It’s definitely deeper than The Show’s Diamond Dynasty.

3. Possess an interest in Japanese Baseball: A major hurdle for many sports gamers will be a lack of familiarity with teams, players, playoff formats, etc. This shouldn’t necessarily prevent you from jumping in; in fact, it’s a great way to learn about a different culture and its sporting traditions.

4. Are willing to try something new: Again, there’s a lot of very nice things to discover within Spirits 2012, but it functions very differently than your average American baseball game. For instance, not only can you swing for contact or power, there’s a different button for pull and opposite field swings.

5. Are willing to invest more than time: Getting this game will run you a bit more than your average game as well, since it’s being imported from a different part of the world. Shipping can quickly push the cost of this game up to $100. PlayAsia is a popular site and a good place to start.

I’d say if you can identify with at least four of these statements, Pro Yakyuu Spirits 2012 is a worthwhile experience. It is a fantastic looking and smooth playing baseball game, with lots of depth waiting to be explored. If you are a bit leery about diving in, you can get previous versions slightly cheaper on eBay. Still, this is a game, and a series, that true fans of baseball need to play at least once.

If you are a diehard Pro Yakyuu Spirits fan, let us know what you think about this year's version. If you are new to the series, check out our "Other Baseball" forum.

Member Comments
# 21 TheDayMan56 @ 07/21/12 02:22 PM
This thread has made me very curious about the game, I watched a few YouTube videos and the game looks fluid. As someone willing to try new things I'm thinking of purchasing a used 2010/11 copy, will a Japanese import game work on my PS3 with no problem? Or do I need a modded PS3?

Sent from my DROID4 using Tapatalk 2
# 22 Manny_Shevitz @ 07/21/12 03:18 PM
You don't need a modded PS3. There is no region lock on the PYS games.
# 23 bkrich83 @ 07/21/12 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by lhslancers
The only people who prefer The Show over Pro Yakyu are those that haven't given the game a chance.
That is unequivocally false.
# 24 bkrich83 @ 07/21/12 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by 19Redwings
I think that he means Show players dont give PYS enough time. If the only game you have been playing prior to PYS is the Show then you need at least a month to figure out all the ins and outs of this game.
Still false. Nothing wrong with PYS, it's obviously a quality game, just not my cup of tea for instance. I could play it for a year, I still would prefer the show. Strictly my preference in game play style and I just have zero interest in the NPB and their style of play.
# 25 Perfect Zero @ 07/24/12 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by jvalverde88
oh its fun alright, all you need to give Darvish is one run and it'll be a almost guaranteed win.
Yeah, I really like Darvish over here and I like the whole uniform set that the Fighters have. I also forgot that Yoshinori Tateyama played for Hokkaido, so that will be really neat. That and they go by the same rules as most of civilized baseball with the DH. It should be fun.
# 26 NotoriousReignz @ 07/24/12 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by bkrich83
That is unequivocally false.
He did write IMHO afterwards.
# 27 bkrich83 @ 07/24/12 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by NotoriousReignz
He did write IMHO afterwards.
It's still false.
# 28 bkrich83 @ 07/24/12 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by 19Redwings
Then why are you still here, why do you care to keep posting? That would be like myself going into the UFC/MMA game forum and posting, I have no interest in this game I dont play this game. That makes no sense unequivocally...
Is it not an open discussion? Is the name of the thread not "Pro Yakyuu Spirits 2012: Is the Japanese Baseball Sim Right for You?"

I wasnt aware the thread was entitled "Only post here if you love PYS. "

At what point were you put in charge of this forum?

If my posts offend you, put me on ignore.
# 29 bkrich83 @ 07/25/12 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by lhslancers
I guess you prefer more of a sim like experience in BB video games? Have you played a few seasons and seen how close you can replicate the stats? To each his own of course but I really like the cursor batting and two button press pitching. Which PYS game did you play most?
Two button press pitching i can get onboard with. Cursor batting I have never liked, dating back to the mid 90's. Stlll prefer the Show's classic pitching setup, as it replicates High Heat imo, and to me the PC version of that remains the finest simulation of baseball ever.

I have played some full seasons, statistically the game is well within the scope of reality.

As for game PYS game I spent the most time with I believe it was PYS 5. It was the first import game I had ever purchased. I am pretty sure it was PYS 5. I want to say it came out in 2008. My memory sucks. Like I said fine game, but just not my cup of tea.
# 30 fearwhatnow @ 07/25/12 03:43 AM
I find myself playing all 3 baseball videogames this year (PYS 11,The Show and MLB2k).
As a High Heat fan I love classic controls both in pitching and batting.That's the way I play both the Show and MLB2k.I think the classic pitching interface in the Show gives the best results/stats close to real life.Even if you max out pitcher control/composure you still get wild throws.
PYS 11 is a different story, a completely different game for me.The cursor batting is addictive and imho The Show devs should give players the option to play with this setting.It may feel too arcadey at first but it's great once you get used to it as it produces good results/stats and "opens" more ball physics.
In conclusion, for me:
The Show: Serious baseball, maybe too serious for a videogame.Can easily frustrate casual sports gamers.
MLB2k (12): The definition of fun baseball, easy to pick up and have a nice time.
PYS (11 for me): Serious, fun, the future of baseball games.
# 31 GlennN @ 07/25/12 10:26 AM
I just wish PYS had an English version. I don't have the patience to deal with translating, even with Spirit's great website. I would definately try PYS if there was a version in English.
# 32 NotoriousReignz @ 07/25/12 10:40 AM
Honestly, once you find the settings that you like and save them, it's pretty easy to just pick up and play the way you like. At the same time though, I definitely wish more text was in English, especially player names & positions. Don't know why they changed that in 2012.
# 33 EdoubleZ @ 01/14/14 09:13 PM
This game, and series looks great. I have been doing research, now that the MLB license is open for all, on what Japanese made games could easily be converted over to the US. The more videos I see of this series the more I hope it comes over.
# 34 Therion7 @ 01/15/14 08:59 AM
Now that PYS 2014 has been announced, PYS 2013 should be dropping in price and be cheaper to import soon.

2013 was a good bit better than 2012 imo, hitting more varied and in general a little easier to get into for newcomers. So if anyone's thinking about getting 2012 maybe hold off a little while.
# 35 AntiBandwagoner @ 01/20/14 06:42 PM
Disappointed to hear that the next version of the game will not be available for the PS4, the only Sony console I own.
# 36 Therion7 @ 01/22/14 05:25 AM
Originally Posted by AntiBandwagoner
Disappointed to hear that the next version of the game will not be available for the PS4, the only Sony console I own.
Vitas have come down in price quite considerably recently, and there's the potential crossplay on other future titles with your PS4, so maybe worth thinking about picking one up if finances allow?

Played my first game of Vita PYS in about 5 months and the game ended in a 1-1 tie after 12 innings. My first ever pennant mode tie!
# 37 AntiBandwagoner @ 01/22/14 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by Therion7
Vitas have come down in price quite considerably recently, and there's the potential crossplay on other future titles with your PS4, so maybe worth thinking about picking one up if finances allow?

Played my first game of Vita PYS in about 5 months and the game ended in a 1-1 tie after 12 innings. My first ever pennant mode tie!
Didn't think about that. May just have to pick up a Vita myself. Thanks.

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