Here are the Dynasty Presentation details you've all been waiting for, with former OS'er Christian McLeod spilling the beans on all of the goodies.
Notice the new ticker at the bottom of the screen. The scoreboard for your current game is MIA still (soon).
Every Week Tells a Story
For starters, it seems EA has embraced this key and crucial aspect of the sport. Every week of College Football is an event and it tells a story. To have this lead off the thought process behind the presentation for Dynasty Mode was a key and crucial component.
Living Universe
Before, all games were simulated at the same time and to find out what was going on across the country was darned near impossible. Now? Games will play out in real time as they should with 11 AM games leading the way followed by the 2:30 games, then the 6/7 games.
If you are playing a game at 11 AM, you'll see the new score ticker reflect that with most of the games set to start much later and only the early games will be playing out. Basically, you'll see the story of each Saturday play out before your eyes.
Ticker Updates
You will get updates like final score alerts and upset alerts on the ticker as your day. Basically, you see the entire week play out before your eyes while you play your game. If you start a 2:30 game, you'll see the last of the 11am games finish but also you'll see the 6:00 games start as you get late in the game.
An example of a single game studio update screen.
Studio Updates with Rece Davis
While the examples we saw were kind of choppy, just ever so slightly, it was still light years ahead of anything we've ever seen in NCAA Football. Reece will jump in and give updates to relevant games to your dynasty and game. For instance, if you are playing a team the next week or if you just played that team, you might get a score update. Also, conference games, big upsets, etc. will all be used as cut-ins. It doesn't appear there will be in-game footage from these other games, which is perfectly fine…we're talking baby steps here.
Oh and you can have single score screens, multiple score screens, or a combination in studio updates.
Rece's Studio Intros Before a Game
Now this one was cool. Basically before you jump into a dynasty game, you will get a studio intro like you would if you were getting ready to watch a game on ESPN, with Rece setting the stage if you will. The Bedlam example shown in the Dynasty webcast was simply outstanding. This is just another cool little addition to the game to suck you in.
Another look at the ticker, WVU is sad about it's Big XII loss.
…and after all that, Brad will react to Rece
When you have an update from Rece and you jump back to the game, Nessler won't just jump back into the game -- he'll be sure to comment on what we just saw in the update. So if a big upset just happened, perhaps Brad will say, "That's going to shake up the BCS Standings next week," or maybe even cooler (I hope), "Boy does that put a new emphasis on this game right here."
What do you all think of the new studio updates and dynasty presentation elements?