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OS Exclusive: Gridiron Heroes Interview

After celebrating the successful funding of Pixel Rampage's Gridiron Heroes, project lead, Dave Murray, answered a few questions for Operation Sports about the history of his Tecmo Bowl-inspired project and its future plans as an online multiplayer game.

1) How did you make the transition from being just a game fan to becoming a game developer?

Life's path is a strange one. The Gridiron Heroes concept [is] something I've been developing for a few years now. I've worked on or helped out with various game projects in the past. Those were more in the RPG side of things. This project was started all on my own while seeking out the team I knew I always needed. An old Tecmo aficionado, Victor, had disappeared from the Tecmo scene and when I was able to reach him I knew that GH had some life in it. Fast forward to today, our Kickstarter got funded and we are pushing this hardcore.

2) How big is the Gridiron Heroes development team?

There are five of us. Two in a more full-time fashion, myself and Victor, while the other three jump in to do their parts.

3) Are there any concerns that having a fully editable football game will rouse the ire of the NFL or NFLPA?

There is nothing infringing about what we do and we do it for the love of the only real awesome football game ever created (controversy brewing?). I am sure some OS members will have something to say about this.

4) Is Gridiron Heroes based off the NES version of Tecmo Super Bowl, or the SNES version? There were some subtle gameplay differences between the two carts, most notably in the passing game.

Inspired is a much better word. We are 'inspired' by the NES version though. The BIGGEST difference between the NES & SNES versions are speed.
The NES version is much, much faster. We've collectively played the NES version a thousand times more than the SNES version so we may be biased. Also, most [of] the modern Tecmo releases have been based on the SNES version, and you see where those went.

5) In just about every version of Tecmo Bowl, the player on defense can control the nose tackle and run untouched through the middle of the offensive line and into the backfield. Has Gridiron Heroes found a way to fix this infamous gameplay exploit?

You couldn't run past or through the line, but rather, could immediately dive at the quarterback after the snap. Tecmo Super Bowl II & III for the SNES took care of this. We have many defensive formations where that gap doesn't line up but also there are different ways that we rate the offensive line and defensive line relationship. [Linemen] have base stats, but also random boosts here and there of power, speed, quickness, etc to make things more unpredictable.

Video Caption: A familiar crimson-colored team takes the field for 15-minutes of gameplay footage (work in progress).

6) Diehard Tecmo Bowl fans probably already have one or more ROM updates of the original game on their computer. What does Gridiron Heroes bring to the table that gamers can't get from a simple Tecmo Super Bowl roster update?

Well, TONS. Player development, franchises, free agents, having the ability for an unlimited playbook (which we've capped at 30 for now), train your team, buy players and building a stadium are all here. This list really could go on forever. Most ROM updates focus around the NFL rosters being current. Gridiron Heroes has nothing to do with the NFL at all.

7) Tecmo's own attempts to update the Tecmo Bowl franchise for the Nintendo DS (2008) and Xbox Live Arcade (2010) suffered from laggy online play. Is delivering smooth online play a priority for Gridiron Heroes?

It is and it will be. Moving forward we'll be looking into the Unity engine because of it's incredible scalability and performance. All of the modern Tecmo Bowl remakes have been half-assed in our opinion. Our game birthed because of this. Fans want a real and solid update. Something new, but also very, very familiar.

8) For gamers who don't want to play online against other people, what kind of single player modes and options do you have planned?

Gridiron Heroes at it's core is an MMO of sorts. It is served online and played online. You have to grow your team and franchise to compete online. One of the items on our expansion list would be able to take your team that you've built through a Man vs computer season, but that is farther off.

9) Initially, Gridiron Heroes will only be a "coach mode" simulation style game. Then later, an update will be released that gives the user full control of his players on the field. Do you have a specific date in mind yet for releasing the "user control" update?

We've coined our game a "GM-style" game because it is similar to the other Soccer/Football managers already out there. You set your lineup and strategy before hand and then watch it play out. There are no specific dates in mind because we are heading into Beta for our current version. The next logical step is a live peer-to-peer expansion. We'll keep everyone posted, but expect it sooner than later. We’ll give the project as much time as needed to ensure the it meets our and everyone's standards!

An early preview of the simulation interface (work in progress).

10) Once the "user control" update launches, will separate leagues exist for each gameplay style? Or will "coach mode" and "user control" teams be lumped together into the same online leagues?

The core of our game will always stay the same. You build and grow your team and franchise in a league format of 14 or 16 teams. Any expansion from here such as live peer-to-peer or Man vs computer would be served in a variety of different ways outside of the original format. Besides, could you imagine trying to play 'live' against someone who is controlling their team if you were only coaching you team? You'd be in for a world of hurt!

11) Thanks for taking the time to talk with Operation Sports. The last word is yours.

Operation Sports took me under their (huge) wing with this. I and we are very grateful for the community's acceptance and input. We are looking to do big things with Gridiron Heroes and it's awesome that a community so large has an interest in a retro-style football game. So, THANK YOU!

For more on Gridiron Heroes, check out Pixel Rampage's official website and Youtube page.

Member Comments
# 1 davefmurray @ 03/15/12 07:30 PM
Ha! Thanks man!
# 2 JayBee74 @ 03/15/12 09:57 PM
So you'll set your strategy before the game? Like input on 3rd and 4 a 25%-75% run-pass ratio? You will have no control in selecting plays during the game?
# 3 SalvArmyMatt @ 03/15/12 10:26 PM
Yeah... this looks pretty cool! But, I totally need to call plays during the game. If I can't assume the GM/Head Coach role then I'm out.
# 4 charter04 @ 03/15/12 10:46 PM
I've been a fun of Tecmo Super Bowl since it came out. I still play it on my NES! I am so excited about this game. I'm so glad someone finally based an update on Tecmo Super Bowl. Why Tecmo has not done that is baffling. It's by far the best version!
# 5 charter04 @ 03/15/12 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by charter04
I've been a fun of Tecmo Super Bowl since it came out. I still play it on my NES! I am so excited about this game. I'm so glad someone finally based an update on Tecmo Super Bowl. Why Tecmo has not done that is baffling. It's by far the best version!
*fan* is what I meant
# 6 Cletus @ 03/15/12 11:10 PM
Can you make 2 "separate modes"? One for GM where you don't call the plays then the other for coach and GM where you call the plays also? That would pacify most. I wish i could have given some money this project, but I couldn't. I'm glad you got your goal and am looking forward to the end result.
# 7 davefmurray @ 03/16/12 10:57 AM
Mode 1 is GM-style.

As we grow, there will be many, many modes.

Mode 2 will be man vs man.

Mode 3 will be man vs com.

Mode 4, 5 & 6 could grow infinitely into what we want it to. Head Coach vs Com, Superstar mode, etc. The sky is limitless.
# 8 charter04 @ 03/16/12 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by davefmurray
Mode 1 is GM-style.

As we grow, there will be many, many modes.

Mode 2 will be man vs man.

Mode 3 will be man vs com.

Mode 4, 5 & 6 could grow infinitely into what we want it to. Head Coach vs Com, Superstar mode, etc. The sky is limitless.
It sounds so awesome. Can't wait for this game!
# 9 Bull_Dozer @ 03/16/12 05:02 PM
Really looking forward to GH =)
# 10 JayBee74 @ 03/16/12 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by davefmurray
Mode 1 is GM-style.

As we grow, there will be many, many modes.

Mode 2 will be man vs man.

Mode 3 will be man vs com.

Mode 4, 5 & 6 could grow infinitely into what we want it to. Head Coach vs Com, Superstar mode, etc. The sky is limitless.
Dave, in Mode 1 will we be able to call plays during the game, or set up play calling conditions before the game and then watch the game play out? (or don't watch the game play out)
# 11 TDenverFan @ 03/17/12 10:24 PM
I'm excited for this! IDK how the league set up works, but we need to create an OSers league.
# 12 mpt54 @ 03/18/12 04:49 PM
looks really fun looking forward to this
# 13 elgreazy1 @ 03/19/12 08:53 AM
Does anyone know who to contact in order to contribute to the game? I'm a graphic design major and would love the opportunity to help the company by supplying logo designs or whatever graphic elements they may need.
# 14 jyoung @ 03/19/12 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by elgreazy1
Does anyone know who to contact in order to contribute to the game? I'm a graphic design major and would love the opportunity to help the company by supplying logo designs or whatever graphic elements they may need.
You could try filling out the contact form at the bottom of their website:

# 15 davefmurray @ 03/19/12 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by elgreazy1
Does anyone know who to contact in order to contribute to the game? I'm a graphic design major and would love the opportunity to help the company by supplying logo designs or whatever graphic elements they may need.
Jay, no during game play-calling.
# 16 foote92 @ 03/22/12 07:00 PM
Madden has got nothing on this lol.
# 17 JayBee74 @ 03/22/12 10:38 PM
No during game play calling is interesting. I believe that was the only way to go head to head in Front Page Sports Pro 95 (a game well ahead of it's time). That was during the early days of internet, so I'm not sure how the head to head play was achieved.

"No during game play calling" is definitely NOT a game killer for me.
# 18 JayBee74 @ 03/29/12 12:18 PM
What's up with this game? Any new stuff?
# 19 jyoung @ 03/29/12 12:55 PM
My guess is they're working to get the April Beta ready for launch.
# 20 JayBee74 @ 03/29/12 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by wEEman33
My guess is they're working to get the April Beta ready for launch.
Oh yeah, that's right around the corner.

Curious what other OSers think about not being able to call plays during the game.

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