Feature Article
Grand Slam Tennis 2 Initial Reviewer Impressions

It’s challenging to evaluate Grand Slam Tennis 2’s gameplay, because it’s a completely different experience depending on what difficulty level you select. On the highest levels, the CPU almost never misses a shot. On the lowest levels, the CPU players trip all over themselves trying to get to the ball and move like slugs. But in between those extremes, there’s a decent game of tennis. 

First, it’s important to mention that this isn’t a sim-style tennis experience. Gameplay is fast and accessible. Most of the time, the ball will end up where you meant to hit it. Matches seem relatively shallow at first, but nuances emerge as you continue to play. In short, this game nails the “pick-up-and-play” factor, and there are no enormous game-breaking flaws in the core gameplay. 

Grand Slam Tennis 2 won't be mistaken for a pure sim of tennis.

But even though the game isn’t a pure sim, there are a lot of unrealistic elements that detract from the overall experience. The CPU doesn’t miss first serves, ever. They also almost never hit unforced errors. On lower difficulty levels, the game is easier because the CPU players can’t get to anything you hit, not because they make any mistakes. But on higher levels, the CPU will reach (and make good contact with) pretty much everything. This becomes especially problematic when the CPU attacks the net. Passing shots are extremely difficult to pull off and lobs are woefully ineffective. 

As far as tactics go, the tried-and-true strategy of keeping your opponent running around to all corners of the court works well. But in real life, there’s more than one way to win a point, and this game doesn’t reflect that very well. Many real-life players achieve great success by simply slugging it out with their opponents, baseline-to-baseline, and trying to outlast them. In this game, that style just doesn’t appear to work. 

There are some variations in play style among CPU opponents, but not enough. The serve-and-volleyers come to the net reliably, and it’s satisfying to prevent a young John McEnroe from playing his preferred style by keeping him pinned back with deep topsin-heavy shots. But the baseliners and all-around players pretty much all feel the same, aside from the absurdly fast Rafael Nadal. All things considered, I’m afraid that playing against the CPU won’t have much replay value.

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Member Comments
# 1 ZoneBlitz @ 02/16/12 09:15 PM
Classic EA effort: gimmicks, marketing hype, and the sport is exploited to sell a game.
# 2 killer miller31 @ 02/16/12 09:43 PM
its funny to me how this game was loved on the wii 2 years ago but now that its in hd plays the exact same awesome game of tennis even better in some places but its getting no love and being called gimmicky? this is exactly why i trusted my own opinion on the demo and the fun i had on the wii version and bought this game and love it! as do most everyone who has purchased and ignored the reviews.anyone i have talked to or seen thats bought it are very happy with their purchase...online is a blast! far better experience online then top spin 4 where half the people that are on cant connect to eachother do to 2ks classic server errors lol... both play a great game of tennis but both have their faults as do every games.but we have a good variety of tennis games here and both have a spot on myshelf.im really enjoying grand slam 2 at the moment though money well spent for me...=)if anyones playing on ps3 im killermiller3131 hit me up!
# 3 marine5942 @ 02/16/12 10:48 PM
i hhave to agree with killer, the game has flaws but very fun to play. now that ea is in the game (no pun intended) it will force both companies to step up their tennis game even higher
# 4 Dazraz @ 02/17/12 03:14 AM
At least Grand Slam Tennis 2 has a Multiplayer Tournament mode to play offline. The lack of such a mode was a gamebreaker on the otherwise superior Top Spin 4.
# 5 Splitter77 @ 02/17/12 07:18 AM
Originally Posted by killer miller31
its funny to me how this game was loved on the wii 2 years ago but now that its in hd plays the exact same awesome game of tennis even better in some places but its getting no love and being called gimmicky? this is exactly why i trusted my own opinion on the demo and the fun i had on the wii version and bought this game and love it! as do most everyone who has purchased and ignored the reviews.anyone i have talked to or seen thats bought it are very happy with their purchase...online is a blast! far better experience online then top spin 4 where half the people that are on cant connect to eachother do to 2ks classic server errors lol... both play a great game of tennis but both have their faults as do every games.but we have a good variety of tennis games here and both have a spot on myshelf.im really enjoying grand slam 2 at the moment though money well spent for me...=)if anyones playing on ps3 im killermiller3131 hit me up!
its not the same as the wii version.
at least in the wii version there were unforced errors.
you could also angle shots better toward the lines in the wii version.
# 6 hf199 @ 02/17/12 10:06 AM
Why isn't Jimmy Connors in any of these games?
# 7 killer miller31 @ 02/17/12 03:51 PM
i was using my move controller last night and unforced errors and better line angles are ALL there and its consistent.perhaps we will get with a patch the ability to hit more angles a little better with "TRC"as well and also then we will see the unforced errors more so as im seeing them with the move controller.
# 8 Scottsomnia @ 02/17/12 09:32 PM
I just played my first 2 games with the move and thought it was really fun
Plenty of unforced errors and balls going out
# 9 bomccready @ 02/17/12 10:23 PM
killer miller & Scottsomnia, I should note that I'm reviewing the game on the 360. When you're using the Move, do you and the CPU hit the ball out, or just you? On the 360, I hit the ball out and into the net plenty - it's the CPU that doesn't. If it's more realistic with the Move, though, that's great news.
# 10 crashjbv @ 02/17/12 11:28 PM
I actually couldn't disagree with this review more, and i'll thoroughly explain my reasoning. I could be way off, but based on you're review, I don't feel like you've really given this game much time.

To be fair, though, I will say that when I played the demo, I thought this game was going to be terrible. Moreover, i'm about as harsh of a critic as you could find as i played collegiate tennis, and am a 4.5 tennis player. While I will still say that TS4 may offer the best tennis sim to date, GST2 has enough to it that makes it as good of an overall experiance.

First and foremost, if you play on the second hardest difficulty, it's a fantastic experiance. I just finished playing the grand slam classic between Justin Henin and Anna Ivanovich, and it turned into a 3 setter with stats that accurately represented an actual tennis experience more than any video game i've ever played. The computer finished the match with 20-something errors while i finished with 15. While that's not staggering, i've played a 5 setter on top spin 4 and had maybe two unforced errors. maybe in the easier levels of this game that won't happen, however, to say that the computer never hits the ball out is a completely unfair critique.

Aside from that, if you are a true hardcore tennis fan, the fact that create a character has an intense selection of actual equipment (double the ammount seen in top spin 4) will really stand out to you. From every brand of head band or bandana, to almost every major racket brand, and 4 to 5 different outfits for each professional player, it's easily the most realistic representation of the presentation of professional tennis.

Yes, the game has some flaws. The forehand animation is pretty weak, nadal doesn't hit one handed backhands, the first year of you're career is really easy, I get it. But keep in mind, this is basically EA's first ever attempt at a real tennis game. I would hate to think that if enough people read inaccurate reviews, they will chose to not make another game. EA Sports MMA was actually a decent game, and had alot to build on... but because of poor reviews and poor sales, it's likely that they will never make another one. I really hope this does not happen with this game because i feel like another year could produce an incredible game.

If you are a big tennis person, this is a must buy IMO. Playing on court 16 at the french open really has that early round of a grand slam feel. Playing center court at wimbledon with federer vs nadal while not perfect, is as fun as i've ever had in a tennis game. In closing, I think comparing top spin 4 and ea tennis is totally unfair. Both offer alot of good and alot of bad. However, if you like tennis, you need to pick this up.
# 11 crashjbv @ 02/17/12 11:32 PM
And let me say, I don't mean to say you're review is bad or that you haven't played it. Hell, maybe you've spent hours with it. I just know that going in, I simply bought it because i'm a die hard tennis guy and i'll pick up anything that is put out. I had very low expectations after playing the demo for at least an hour. I just know that after spending a couple of days with it, it totally exceeded the expectations I had for it. Give the espn classic a try on one of the harder levels, especially on clay, and I truly believe you may have a different opinion.
# 12 killer miller31 @ 02/18/12 02:39 AM
Originally Posted by bomccready
killer miller & Scottsomnia, I should note that I'm reviewing the game on the 360. When you're using the Move, do you and the CPU hit the ball out, or just you? On the 360, I hit the ball out and into the net plenty - it's the CPU that doesn't. If it's more realistic with the Move, though, that's great news.
i dont believe they had more errors but i cant test that now because my move no longer works so =\ but yeah i dont think the cpu had more unforced errors...i have just heard some people say even the human player doesnt get unforced errors so i was just pointing that out.
# 13 bomccready @ 02/18/12 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by crashjbv
And let me say, I don't mean to say you're review is bad or that you haven't played it. Hell, maybe you've spent hours with it. I just know that going in, I simply bought it because i'm a die hard tennis guy and i'll pick up anything that is put out. I had very low expectations after playing the demo for at least an hour. I just know that after spending a couple of days with it, it totally exceeded the expectations I had for it. Give the espn classic a try on one of the harder levels, especially on clay, and I truly believe you may have a different opinion.
crashjbv, thanks for the comments! This was an "Initial Impressions" piece based on the first few hours of play, not the full review, which will run soon. I'm glad you're seeing unforced errors on harder difficulty levels. I'm still not, but I'll accept that maybe there's something about my play style that's affecting what I see.

I also agree completely that another year could produce "an incredible game." I'm also a very harsh critic of tennis games (I'm not a 4.5, but I've played a lot and also coached a few years), so I might be a little too critical. But my overall impressions of the game are more good than bad, as you'll see when the full review runs.
# 14 SteelerSpartan @ 02/18/12 11:46 PM
I haven't seen one vid on youtbube yet that doesn't reinforce all the negatives from the demo(In terms of Sim Perspective)

-Cpu Hardly ever misses a 1st serve
-Net Hugging out the endo
-No stamina drain
-Nadal x5 Speed for practically every player
-1 Handed Back Hands
-Unforced errors at a Premium

^^^Looks like the same Demo Gamelplay to me....and that might be ok for some...It was for me for the 1st week and a half that I played the demo but the more I played the more shallow and predictable it became..

Hope this game doesn't go the way of NCAA Basketball 10 and gets a good patch that at least makes the Superstar level more sim and challenging/True to life....
# 15 geisterhome @ 02/19/12 06:21 AM
For me this tiny roster is gamebreaking, which is the case for i believe every tennis game (please correct me if im wrong). in my opinion we would at least the top 150 (not counting some legends..) male plus female players to get some real competition, especially in the grand slams. how do you guys feel about this??
# 16 tril @ 02/20/12 08:47 PM
what the heck is a 4.5?
# 17 tinpanalley @ 02/20/12 09:09 PM
I don't know but that sounds awesome. Can I be one too?
# 18 OhioBobcats @ 02/20/12 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by tril
what the heck is a 4.5?
I'm guessing he is talking about his skill level in actual tennis. It's pretty vague though depending on what part of the country you are in. Here is a rough outline though.


Most 4.5s probably could play college tennis at a smaller school.
# 19 at23steelers @ 02/29/12 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by OhioBobcats
I'm guessing he is talking about his skill level in actual tennis. It's pretty vague though depending on what part of the country you are in. Here is a rough outline though.


Most 4.5s probably could play college tennis at a smaller school.
Yep. 4.5 players are the top players in DIII schools.

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