Feature Article
Must-See Old School Arcade Games on PSN/XBL


The Playstation Network and Xbox Live Marketplace have provided game developers with a way to offer cheap, downloadable games to customers. Many of these downloadable games are old classics, given spruced-up graphics and online capability. With the release of NBA JAM: On Fire Edition and Tecmo Super Bowl recently, it made me think that are other classic sports titles that deserve the PSN/XBL treatment. Here’s a list of “old school” games that would be welcome additions for sports gamers.

Arch Rivals

Billed as a “basketbrawl,” Arch Rivals was a video arcade (remember those?) staple. The game was two-on-two, similar to NBA Jam, but with a twist. Players were able to punch each other to steal the ball while the referees looked on disinterestedly. Players could be tripped up by debris from the crowd and lose the ball; it was like the Pistons-Pacers brawl at the Palace without the ability to punch out the fans. And for another icing on the cake, slam dunks occasionally resulted in a broken backboard. The ability to use your Xbox Live Avatar to “duke” it out with your friends would make Arch Rivals a fun downloadable game while offering something slightly different than NBA Jam.

Mutant League Football/Mutant League Hockey

Mutant League Football was a Sega Genesis game where football took place in a post-apocalyptic world with aliens, skeletons, robots, trolls and mutant superhumans. All kinds of dangers (landmines, fires, etc.) were present on the field and players could use dirty tricks to make big plays or cause gruesome injuries. The game was based on the Madden ’93 engine, so NFL 2Kfanboys might want to avoid this one (just kidding).

The teams and players were based on real NFL players, such as the Midway Monsters and K.T. Slayer. I’d love to see a Mutant League Football with improved graphics and new players based on today’s stars (Dead Reed, anyone?). 

Mutant League Hockey was a spinoff of Mutant League Football that had many of the same attributes, like rinks full of danger and special trick plays. However, the hockey version only gave gamers three types of players: robots, skeletons and trolls. Fighting was of course included, along with giant demon head goalies. Like the football version, some of the teams were based on real NHL teams (The Derangers), but also included some teams from Mutant League FootballMutant League Hockey would be another fun online game for fans of hockey seeking even more violence and mayhem than a normal game of hockey.
Baseball Simulator 1.000

Baseball Simulator 1.000 was a Nintendo Entertainment System game that allowed gamers to play a simulation style of baseball with an editor mode that allowed for custom players. The game had a very good season mode, but the most memorable part of the game was the “ultra plays” that were super hitting and pitching plays. For example, the “Tremor Hit” would shake the field so fielders couldn’t get to the ball, while the “Speeder Ball” allowed the pitcher to change the velocity of the ball mid-pitch. There were six stadiums, five of which were pretty standard and one that was in outer space. In an updated Baseball Simulator 1.000, I envision being able to use you and your friends’ avatars as players in the game. However, hardcore baseball simulation fans might find the “ultra plays” to be the ultimate example of “cheese” in online gaming.

Ready 2 Rumble

Ready 2 Rumble is not as “old school” as the games above, as the boxing game made its appearance on systems like Playstation, Dreamcast and Nintendo 64. A Wii version was released in 2009, but a PSN/XBL release would fill the void for an arcade-style boxing game on those systems (sorry EA, but Facebreaker doesn’t cut it). 

Ready 2 Rumble included many colorful characters, though I’d like to see the updated version allow for created boxers and/or avatars. The improved graphic capabilities of today’s systems would really bring out the bruising suffered by the fighters during bouts, which was another highlight of the original. An arcade-style boxing game is needed on PSN/XBL and I think Ready 2 Rumble would fit the bill, as long as the developers get the rights to Michael Buffer’s voiceover.

High Heat Baseball

The High Heat Baseball series was a baseball series that featured one of the best simulation engines ever seen in a baseball game. While the graphics weren’t the best, the realistic gameplay and ability to tune the game to your liking more than made up for it. When the producer of the game, 3DO, went out of business in 2003, Microsoft snapped up the rights to the game. Unfortunately, it has sat dormant for years. I’d love for Microsoft to give 360 gamers another choice in baseball simulations. PS3 owners would be left out, but they are lucky enough to have The Show franchise. An updated version of this classic, featuring the same great gameplay with new stadiums and up-to-date rosters, would bring a great deal of excitement to baseball gamers on the 360.

Which classic sports games would you like to see revived on the Playstation Network and Xbox Live?

Member Comments
# 1 murph17 @ 12/22/11 04:26 PM
Step 1: Take NHL 94
Step 2: Update rosters, add online play
Step 3: Profit
# 2 dcal @ 12/22/11 04:48 PM
Great call murph17 - NHL 94 set the bar. I had forgotten about Arch Rivals, nothing like throwing a punch as your opponent goes to take a shot. Mutant League Football and Hockey were great as well, only semi-sports game I could get my brother to play back in the day.
# 3 tril @ 12/22/11 05:00 PM
NES 4 on4 hockey. the one where you could pick the skinny medium or fat players.
# 4 murph17 @ 12/22/11 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by tril
NES 4 on4 hockey. the one where you could pick the skinny medium or fat players.
Ice Hockey is available on Wii Virtual Console. Don't hold your breath for a PSN/XBL release
# 5 supersol13 @ 12/22/11 05:27 PM
NHL 94 or 95 would be amazing with updated rosters. I would love to see the real tecmo superbowl with the real rosters.
# 6 statnut @ 12/25/11 06:12 PM
Forget Baseball Simulator 1.000, Baseball Stars (NES version) would be amazing.
# 7 jyoung @ 12/25/11 06:28 PM
For those wanting NHL 94 with updated rosters and online play.

Check out:


Great website that offers online leagues.
# 8 Bull_Dozer @ 12/26/11 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by statnut
Forget Baseball Simulator 1.000, Baseball Stars (NES version) would be amazing.
I haven't tried this, but it looks like someone has hacked and made an updated Baseball Stars:

# 9 speedtrucker @ 01/03/12 02:03 PM
so not nes but MVP NCAA baseball '06 made as a XBL purchase... first game to use swing stick, the right thumbstick for basethrowing and you could adjust your slides inside/outside/center of the bag.
# 10 graduate @ 01/07/12 02:46 PM
Mutant League Football and Hockey were great as well, only semi-sports game I could get my brother to play back in the day.

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