With WWE finally returning to our gaming consoles, new game modes have popped up right in front of our eyes. Today, I delve deeper into each mode, explaining to you what each entails.
Universe mode is the WWE universe in a nutshell; You control almost everything. You have three shows a week, which you should be familiar with. Raw on Monday;Superstars on Thursday; Smackdown on Friday. Each show has pre-determined matches based on which wrestlers are rivals and which are allies. The best part of this is that you can change the rivalries and allies to whomever you want. You can basically alter it anyway you feel like.
Do you want to keep up with current WWE programming? You can put the WWE title on CM Punk before your Universe starts, or anyone else with any other title for that matter. Heck, you can also decide who gets booed and who gets cheered.
Even with some glitches, this mode will be where WWE 12 shines.
Create an Arena
THQ answered a lot of prayers with the Create an Arena feature. You can create an area to look like any past, present or future setup that you want. If you want to take a nostalgic trip down memory lane and create an old school WWF ring, you can. Want to go back to the attitude era? Change the ropes to red and the apron to say “RAW IS WAR.”
If you're artistically challened, or just too darn lazy, then download the arena you want. Odds are it will be available online.
Freedom is always welcome in the videogame world. Kudos goes out to THQ for this spectacular feature.
Create a Story
The mode is still there -- that about sums it up. Not many wholesale changes here. If you were familiar with it in the past you won’t have a problem with it now. That’s not to say it’s bad. It can be a very rewarding mode when you see your story come together. But at this point, I do think It’s been overshadowed by Universe mode.
Create a Wrestler
One of the absolute best creation suites in gaming is back, and it’s just as good if not better than ever. Your wrestler will fee authentic, thanks to hundreds of moves.
Not only can you create any look you can imagine for a wrestler, you can share it with the world with the Community Creations feature. Some the created wrestlers are so true to life they look better than THQ’s version. There is already a fantastic Goldberg available for download.
Road to Wrestlemania
The much anticipated road to Wrestlemania mode returns with a new twist. Instead of being able to select from a group of superstars, you have to take what you are given. To start out, you are given Sheamus. After going through a period of time with him, you will eventually find yourself in control of Triple H and eventually your created wrestler. You also have objectives in every match. If you lose or don’t complete them you have to start the match over. The story doesn’t branch.
Without spoiling anything, the story itself is pretty good, and is on par with what you could see in WWE programing. The voice acting is pretty well done, and the mode itself does a good job of keeping things flowing. Even without branching storylines.
Superstar Threads
Sure to be a popular mode, Superstar Threads let you change the color of any wrestlers attire in the game. You can’t change the design, which is something I hope they will add for next year, but this is a good start. Customization is king.
Match Creator
Match creator is not a mode per se, but simply customizing the type of match you want to play. Such as a Fatal 4-Way in a Hell in a Cell, and the arena you want to play it in. Simple enough right?
WWE 12 is sure to have a mode to please everyone. The new modes and the improved Universe should keep gamers busy for a long time.