Feature Article
Staff Roundtable: When Is the Best Time To Release a Sports Game?
Jayson Young: Games should be released several weeks before the real season starts. Fans are excited to learn about all the new faces in each year's game, as well as scout out their favorite team's upcoming schedule. Plus, the reality is that most games these days ship with one or two major problems. In other words, the extra window between a game's release and the sport's opening day gives developers more time to get their game working properly so fans are not stuck with a broken game when the real season starts.

That's one vote for the NCAA Football style release date.

Dustin Toms: Games need to come out before the season starts. That's all there is to it. Many gamers use the Maddens and The Shows of the world to get themselves pumped up for the season to start. I also know that without sports games my knowledge of rosters would be nowhere near as impressive as it is now.

One final point that I would like to make is based on rosters. Every year Knight and the OS community get MLB: The Show and start creating every team's farm club. They work long hours for free just so they, and all the other baseball fans out there, can play with all of the young talent on each squad's roster. The best part about it is that each year the goal is to get the rosters finished by the time the real season starts, and the past few years the roster file has been released within a week of the MLB's first game. But if The Show were to come out two days prior to the first pitch, everyone would be waiting a lot longer to get the rosters they love.

That's two votes for the NCAA style.

Caley Roark: I would rather get a polished game near opening day instead of a buggy one a month in advance. The truth is for a lot of games, the rosters that ship are inaccurate anyway. I'm always itching to start my Show franchise, but I need to wait for the actual teams to name starters and their 25-man rosters.

That's one vote for the Madden style.

Kelvin Mak: My heart says the earlier the better, but rationally, I prefer the games to release closer to the season's start. Sure, watching all the promo videos and playing a demo for weeks does not scratch the itch, but every time after I unwrap the game like a kid on Christmas morning, I realize that two things tend to happen:

1. There are usually a few bugs that need to be eliminated, and releasing a game earlier than the companies do now is probably just going to make that worse.

2. Since I mostly stick to single-player modes, even if I start a franchise as soon as I get the game, I almost always start another one a few days after the real season has begun -- or for soccer games, after the transfer window has closed. So a game being released earlier does not stand to benefit me much because the heavy gaming won't begin yet either way.

That's two votes for the Madden style.

Bob Kollars: I want the game to ship at least a month before the real season begins. As a franchise/dynasty guy, I need time to get acclimated to the gameplay and tweak sliders. In the case of NCAA Football this year, it will probably take us two weeks to find the right blend of sliders, wait for rosters and do roster tweaks. For people who are pumped about the seasonal sport that they love, these yearly sports title can't come quick enough. As mentioned previously, let's say you're an NFL and Madden fan. You do not need to have the start of the season and the game's release coincide with each other -- for some, these two events syncing up might cause some to be hospitalized for overexcitement.

...Oh, did I mention I am also just very impatient.

That's three votes for the NCAA style.

Christian McLeod: Call me old fashioned, but I actually miss the days when Madden would release in October, and other sports franchises hit after the season started, too. For some reason, those games seemed so much more complete compared to today's crop. You rarely had game-breaking bugs, patches did not exist, and the final product was extremely polished. I know that part of the reason for these late releases was because there was no way of integrating roster updates, but I just remember investing so much more time with those titles.

I'll even freely admit that I'm the type of gamer who finds himself shelving several big sports titles like EA's NHL title after about a week, only to start playing again in November/December when the real NHL action starts heating up. Perhaps this is the root cause for my enjoyment of the games mentioned above, and this translates to a perceived lack of quality in my head. Either way, I don't care what anyone says, there is no reason why Madden should ever be released in mid-August, or why we should be playing a hockey game before training camp breaks. The developers should polish the game and enjoy the natural hype the beginning of each sports season generates.

And Christian causes the stalemate by going with Madden's style.

Well, it looks like we'll have to leave it up to the community to break the tie.

Member Comments
# 1 Facts @ 07/11/11 07:21 AM
NCAA style. With the difference in times, I believe a patch would get the game up to speed at the same time as if you went with the Madden style. You just get a month more to play the game.
# 2 johnprestonevans @ 07/11/11 07:47 AM
I think EA just wants to give NCAA Football more time before it's "big brother" comes out. I enjoy both games, but I find that as soon as Madden is released, NCAA jumps right on the trading block for me. Giving the college game another couple of weeks sounds like a great idea. I think realeasing Madden at the end of August is the perfect time to lead into the new NFL season. I will however miss Madden in mid August simply because it was always a great birthday present.
# 3 Vince Howard @ 07/11/11 08:42 AM
I prefer the NCAA style because that way we have time to get adjusted to this year's game, make a good slider set, and adjust rosters. This way, when the real season starts, we will be ready to play a great game from September to January and not have to worry about adjusting anything.
# 4 Demoncrom @ 07/11/11 09:40 AM
In the case of Madden, it may be better to push it closer to the real season for 2 reasons, 1 it gives NCAA players more time to rock before switching over to the Big Boys and 2. with this years lockout there is going to be lots of movement in the league after the dust settles.

I also think that EA is making a move because they know that if there is no agreement than I do not believe they can still use the roster names. Remember, the player association was dissolved and the names and likenesses of players is not own by the league but by that every association that no longer exists. I say they are pushing it back just in case the league needs more time to figure this mess out and I say its a good move.
# 5 LucianoJJ @ 07/11/11 11:01 AM
I'd be happy if the game shipped a week in advance to the opener of the real life season. The extra time could help with patching bugs, more play testing, and proper player ratings/rosters. I know these companies are concerned with helping retailers hit sales numbers, but quality of product can drive sales, too.

Yes, NCAA ships earlier to allow it to get a share of the sales before Madden comes along. But you won't see people in parkas in the bleachers of Wrigley Field in August because of retailers. There is a time for everything. College football in July is just wrong. EA can bring back Arena Football if they need to move some units in the summer.
# 6 Layoneil @ 07/11/11 12:46 PM
why do people think there is going to be "extra time"? that extra time will only happen once for the first time they change the date, the development cycle is still ultimately just going to be a year long for every game after that. old games had less bugs because the newer consoles are more difficult to develop for.

pro-games should come out when the first preseason game starts, just as the athletes need some time to get ready for the year so do the developers and most gamers.

i'm also mostly a franchise guy who will restart after the trade deadline.
# 7 tril @ 07/11/11 01:28 PM
I dont think it matters, as long as its around the start of the season. IMO, seevral months before the seaosn starts is a bit odd.
a new College football game in the middle of the summer is really pushing it, cause this is when the baseball season really get interesting, for fans of the sport.
In addition, college football is a late summer early fall sport. the game shoudl be released just when all the college kids head baclk to school. maybe a week before.
Last thing I want to think about is leaves falling off the trees in the middle of the summer.
# 8 ChaseB @ 07/11/11 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by Layoneil
why do people think there is going to be "extra time"? that extra time will only happen once for the first time they change the date, the development cycle is still ultimately just going to be a year long for every game after that. old games had less bugs because the newer consoles are more difficult to develop for.

pro-games should come out when the first preseason game starts, just as the athletes need some time to get ready for the year so do the developers and most gamers.

i'm also mostly a franchise guy who will restart after the trade deadline.
Yeah, I don't get why some of the writers were talking about development time either.
# 9 speedtrucker @ 07/11/11 02:24 PM
for NCAA I like the early release, the college game does not have the roster changes that pro leagues do with free agency and trading. there is not a big reason to restart dynasties like there is for pro leagues, in NBA2k11 I started my gaming with "My Player" where the rosters were not as important and then I went to the "Association" mode later but even then I had to restart my "Association" after the trade deadline but even then it felt disjointed because my Mavs roster was going to feel weird either way. there was no way to adjust properly for the season changes, excluding injuries which I feel are happenstance.

Pro games need to be as close to the start of a season as possible, NCAA can/should stay a bit further out for both 1. added playing time before Madden sales affect it & 2. less/rare roster turnover following the spring drills.
# 10 goalieump413 @ 07/11/11 06:07 PM
When's the best time? When it's finished! I know release day patches are the norm now, but all too often, the devs miss some key issues even after the release day patch. Recall that NCAA11 was plagued by the reverse pump fake glitch?
# 11 CujoMatty @ 07/12/11 03:09 AM
Definetly at sone point before the season. Case in point OOTP 12. I had pre ordered it in February and it just came out end of June. I'm still in to it and think it's a great game but I know I would have been into it even more in April.
# 12 Ikki @ 07/12/11 07:06 PM
I see no mention of FIFA. The best-selling sports game is released a solid month AFTER most european leagues kick off (almost 2 months after the start of the french league).
# 13 mrclutch @ 07/19/11 10:22 PM
The earlier the better for NCAA. I prefer Madden mainly because I'm much more of a pro fan than college. I can usually get a good couple months in before Madden comes out and NCAA goes on the shelf until bowl season.

I think the bigger the gap in release dates for the 2 games would probally max the sales to other guys like me who prefer one to the other.

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