Feature Article
The Motion Controller Showdown -- Who Wins?

Now that the Playstation Move and Xbox Kinect have been out for a bit, it seems like the right time to evaluate the motion-control systems out there on the market. With that in mind, here is a categorical breakdown of the motion-control offerings from Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft.


One of the selling points of any motion-controlled system is the ability to jump in and play while reproducing natural movement as a form of input. People of all ages and gaming experiences can jump into a properly developed motion-controlled game with little difficulty. For all three of these platforms, this holds true.

And when the games and systems are working correctly, the Kinect, with its lack of controllers, is the easiest to get into because you don't have to pick up and play anything to have a motion-control experience.

Best Choice: Kinect


Speaking of working correctly, all of these systems have their issues.

The Kinect works well, but occasionally -- usually it's the game rather than the system -- you will get recognition issues. Fighters Uncaged is the most notably frustrating of the Kinect games I have played, at least in terms of reliability.

The Move and Wii don't have as many issues as the Kinect, but they can still be maddening at times. With the Move controllers, I had occasional lighting issues with a few games, and the camera position can be a bit finicky.

Safe and reliable.

At the end of the day, the Wii's longevity helps here because it simply works most of the time. It's still more frustrating than a controller when things go wrong, but perhaps because it does not do as much as the other two, the Wii just seems more reliable.

Best Choice: Wii


In terms of practicality,the Kinect requires a great deal of space and certain lighting conditions. However, it is nice not to need to hold a controller (in most cases). You will also need a place to sit or mount a rather large sensor.

The Wii is easier to setup, but it is hampered by low fidelity and the under-supported MotionPlus. You will need less space than the Kinect, but that's usually because it's only tracking your hand movements.

From my experience, however, Move has been the most practical in its setup and application, working in various levels of lighting and with a much higher sensitivity than the Wii. It also incorporates the rather tiny Playstation Eye camera, which as a benefit can be used for various other things in many non-Move supported games.

Best Choice: Move


When it comes to a built-in feature set, all of the systems share some similar elements. The controllers can all be used to navigate system menus, and of course, play games.

The Wii's built-in speaker is a nice touch, but it is rarely used effectively. Again, Wii MotionPlus would be a great addition, if more than a handful of games supported it. For now, it is hardly worth recommending the additional expenditure (Nintendo is at least making MotionPlus the standard controller now).

I love that the Move controllers can be used together, creating opportunities to dual-wield weapons or block a volleyball with two hands. In the end, however, Kinect’s ability to recognize your entire body is really a game changer, especially when it comes to sports games. It’s a different feeling -- moving your legs in addition to your arms -- than either of the other options. Plus, the vocal commands actually prove pretty handy at times.

Best Choice: Kinect

Cost of Entry

Looking purely at the numbers, the Wii will set you back the least amount of dough. Your talking simply about a system now retailing at sub-$200 prices.

A PS3/Move bundle will run around $400, but the actual Move itself only runs around $100. Don’t forget, though, that, like the Wii, you will need to buy additional controllers for multi-Move, multiplayer games.

An Xbox/Kinect bundle is more in the $300 range, with an individual Kinect running around $150. Unlike Move, this is a once-and-done fee since it does not rely on controllers and can track multiple people at once.

Best Choice: Wii

Range of Titles

If you want a system with a large library of titles in various categories, you will want to stick with the Wii. A five year head start helps here, but you can expect many dated titles of dubious quality mixed among the winners.

Kinect and Move have not had the chance to build an impressive library, but what is out there tends to fall into the mini-game or fitness genres -- not much variety at this point.

Best Choice: Wii

Quality of Titles

Despite years of existence, the Wii touts very few standout titles, especially when it comes to true motion-control games. I would argue that Wii Sports and its sequel, Wii Sports Resort, remain the best sports games on the platform. It is not saying much when one of your top games is the free pack-in title.

Kinect also sports mainly clunkers at this point, but EA Sports Active 2, Kinect Sports and Dance Central have received some critical praise. Still, these are launch titles with the associated and expected flaws.

The colors, the colors.

Move has not found its stride yet either, but I would take Sports Champions over Kinect Sports. It also wins here for far more inclusion into existing genres, from shooters to strategy games to the motion-heavy Heavy Rain.

Best Choice: Move

Inclusion in Sports Games

Again, the Wii has more sports games, but it would not be the platform I would recommend to the sports-focused gamer. Annual titles, like Madden and FIFA, are significantly different (but not always worse) than their "big brothers." And, again, Kinect’s sports offerings have fallen into the mini-game or fitness territories.

For now, Move is your best bet. In addition to Sports Champions, it’s already been included in favorites like NBA 2K11 and Tiger Woods 11. While the implementation is questionable in NBA 2K, I love that titles are being updated to include Move support -- something not common for the Kinect. And we have MLB: The Show 11’s home run derby to look forward to as well. At this point, Move has embraced traditional sports gaming more than the other two.

Best Choice: Move


This is a tough category, but we can rule out the Wii. I would say the console has nearly run its course, especially with high-def alternatives now on the market.

Move is essentially a great update to the Wii, but it is still limited by its handheld controller. I’m sure we will see more great titles, but I’m doubting its ability to truly transcend what the Wii offered (beyond better graphics and fidelity).

The Kinect, on the other hand, is cutting-edge technology that will no doubt get better with age. As long as developers get away from simply updating Wii-style games, I think we will see some groundbreaking gameplay in the near future.

Best Choice: Kinect


Of the three, I have simply had the most fun thus far with the Kinect. Perhaps it is because it's the newest, the shiniest, and the most different, but I think that is what Microsoft is going for here. Playing a Kinect game feels like nothing else, and when that feeling is implemented creatively, you get some of the most engaging experiences in motion gaming.

Best Choice: Kinect


Going by the score of this highly unscientific survey, the top motion controller (for now) is a the Kinect. However, it just barely beats the highly functional Move. It also squeaks by the Wii -- an aging system, but one that is cheap, reliable and comes with a huge library of games.

The winner, barely.

That said, I give extra weight to the last two categories (fun and potential), as I think the momentum lies in Kinect’s favor. With a quality sports title, I think the Kinect as a platform and technology can be truly revolutionary.

But for now, if you own a PS3, you will probably find something to like with the Move controller, even if it is just a better way to navigate the XMB or re-experience your favorite Move-updated games.

In both cases, time will tell if the quality and implementation of motion controls make either of these new peripherals a "must-have" purchase.

Member Comments
# 1 cheechoo98 @ 01/12/11 05:33 PM
Nice article..

Out of the 3 I own a Wii, but have tried both Kinect and Move.
I Agree with your verdict! I don't own an X-Box but am really intrigued by the Kinect more than than the Move.

Here's my experience trying out both ont he same day at FanExpo 2010 in Toronto:

I was demoing the Kinect w/ the white water rafting game and it was really responsive. I said to the 12 yr old kid playing with me, "Let's do the YMCA! And see if it works!!!!" We did the YMCA in the raft and it was an amazing moment to see it on screen! Outstanding.

PS Move. They gave me Table Tennis to play. it's not even letting me serve properly. And when I try to do it, my player switches positon instead! WTF!!! I made up a rule right then and there: If you're ever going to demo a piece of software/hardware, DO NOT demo a Table Tennis game. B.o.r.i.n.g.

I did try the sword fighting mini-game at a store and that was more fun.. but still...

I find the Kinect has waaay more possibitly and promise. Let's put it this way.. I think the Kinect made people buy an X-Box, but the Move doesn't make people want to buy a PS3. ( and I'm a SONY fan thru and thru!)

# 2 charter04 @ 01/12/11 05:53 PM
I have to agree. I own a PS2 and a 360. I don't care about brand loyalty. I don't like Wii as much because I like more hard core games. I got the 360 just because it came out before PS3. I love the Kinect. I got it so I could play games with my family and my wife. It has been worth it. Not having to have a controler and everything being easy to quickly understand has been a blast. Kinect sports really surprised me. We have fun with every game. The boxing game is fun but seems the least skill based to win in. I also like to show off and use the voice and motion controls of the guide. Really cool. I didn't know how much we would play it but it has been a lot. Can't wait to see what games they will come up with to utilize this system.
# 3 Pete1210 @ 01/13/11 11:23 AM
I am sticking with standard controllers for my 360 and PS3. I have the Wii if I want to play with motion controls. Kinect looks like it could be fun to try, but that's about it. Already some of my friends tell me their Kinect hasn't been used on in weeks.
# 4 charter04 @ 01/13/11 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by Pete1210
I am sticking with standard controllers for my 360 and PS3. I have the Wii if I want to play with motion controls. Kinect looks like it could be fun to try, but that's about it. Already some of my friends tell me their Kinect hasn't been used on in weeks.
What does that have to do with who wins the motion control battle? I for one play more games with a controller and always will. That has nothing to do with this.
# 5 kabeeo @ 01/13/11 04:39 PM
All of these comparison articles and those that are touting the Kinect always fail to mention that the device simply does not work with FPS games like Call of Duty and Battlefield. How do you run and shoot people? It doesn't make any sense? Do you stand in your living room and actually run? FPS accounts for something like 40% of online gaming. Kinect is just OUT for the realm. Stick with the Move.
# 6 davitpr @ 01/13/11 10:27 PM
It's really interesting to see how all of a sudden everyone forgets about the ps2 eyetoy which the kinect is based on. Kinect its not something "no one has seen before". We've seen it, its called ps2 eyetoy. Dr. Richard Marks from Sony was doing tech demos back in 2000 which prove the ps3 Move was concieved long before the wii and also that kinect its now something new. Kinect its cool for playing games that involve catching red balls with your grandma but other than that there's no potential. Its not natural to play some games without holding anything in your hand. Have you seen how stupid people playing kinect look? I assure you that in soe time microsoft will make some kind of controller/device that has buttons for the kinect. Mark my words. Sony was working on making games without a controller but found out the limits of doing that some 8 years ago, thats why they made the Move which is incredible precise. I have played both an the Move is by far the best. Think about it. If you want to be immersed in the game why would you want to see your own body moving in the game? Your body IS ALREADY moving! Also, there's no point of having something track your whole body; its a waste of resources. The important points to track are your hands, head and feet; its not like theres gonna be a game that requires me to play with my *** is it? Kinect its only
Selling because its a gimmick and people are ignorant and think this is the future!! Maybe it is but not right now. Not like this and not in 10
years. For me, the best motion contoller it's the one that its the most immersive, meaning: the one that makes you forget you are playing a videogame and puts you right in the action. So far the Move it's thr one closest to it. No noticeable lag, super precise and you
Dont see your own body everytime and everygame. Kinect does recognizes your body but its a useless waste. It has lag and ypu are remided every second you're just playing a game. Xbox fanboys try to hide kinect's failures by saying "even my grandma can play" or "its the newest technology" but if my ****** grandma can play a game that should be enough prove of how lame it is.
# 7 charter04 @ 01/14/11 12:42 PM
I love it when Sony fan boys say things that always seems to go in their favor. Again this is all about the best motion controler. Not why Playstation Eye did something first. If you think The Playstation Eye is the same as kinect then you really don't know what your taking about. Your one of those Sony guys who can't like anything other than Playstation things. It's sad. What has Sony done for you other than take your money? I could care less about Microsolf and being loyal to them. I think the Move does some great things. They have impoved on what the Wii does. I just already had a 360 so why not get the Kinect? We have really had a ton of fun with it. How can you debat with that? I love games with a controller more but it's way more fun to play the Kinect with friends and family who aren't gamers than trying to teach them how to play Madden with a controler. How about going somewere else with the clear biased love affair you have with Sony. If you can't be objective we don't need your oppinoin.

For the guy who said you can't play FPS's with kinect. WHO CARES? Who would want to? I wouldn't want to play my FPS's with anything other than a standard controler. I like that the Kinect gives me a easy to pick up and play set of games. You don't have to be able to do everything for it to be good.
# 8 davitpr @ 01/15/11 02:08 AM
If you think the PlayStation eye is the same as the eyetoy then you dont know what you're talking about. I was talking about the eyetoy. You know? The one that came out in 1998 and allowed people to play without controllers, had voice control, you could control the user interface with hand gestures an could recognize objects in 3D space? Yes, the EYETOY. I am talking about the best motion controller and the kinect is not it. It's easier to use obviously but that doesn't make it the best. We all have different taste and opinions but at the end of the day we'll see what all the kinect lovers say when they can't have fun in games because they got bored of themnpr when microsoft announces the new never-before-seen "kinect controller: for more precision and control".

Talk to me when that happens.
# 9 charter04 @ 01/15/11 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by davitpr
If you think the PlayStation eye is the same as the eyetoy then you dont know what you're talking about. I was talking about the eyetoy. You know? The one that came out in 1998 and allowed people to play without controllers, had voice control, you could control the user interface with hand gestures an could recognize objects in 3D space? Yes, the EYETOY. I am talking about the best motion controller and the kinect is not it. It's easier to use obviously but that doesn't make it the best. We all have different taste and opinions but at the end of the day we'll see what all the kinect lovers say when they can't have fun in games because they got bored of themnpr when microsoft announces the new never-before-seen "kinect controller: for more precision and control".

Talk to me when that happens.
The more you talk the more of a Sony Fan boy you sound like. I don't know if you read the post but EYETOY was not one of the three we are talking about. It was last gen. I don't think Kinect is original. None of the three are. Nintendo had the power glove before the wii. I don't think anyone thinks the Power Glove is as good as the Wii. Nintendo started motion control for the most part not Sony. Even Sega had a none controler motion control before Sony had the EYETOY. It was terrible. You don't have to come up with something first to impove on it. The EYETOY was not that good. It didn't sell good at all. I had a PS2 and had no intrest in it. Most games just put your actually image on the screen while you played games. The Kinect is much inproved over the EYETOY just like the move is an improvement over the WII.

Even if they add some type of controller or wand how is that a bad thing. It would just make something good even that much better. It would still do what WII and move can't. Track your entire body. The reason it is important to do that is games like Dance Central. That game is very challenging by the way. It is the only game that does what it does and you can only play it on 360. You don't have to get a Kinect. I can see the value in all three systems. It's fan boys like you who can't. Why don't you just post things on Sony message boards with all your freinds.
# 10 davitpr @ 01/15/11 05:15 PM
I see the value in all 3 as well. I mentioned Eyetoy because All xbox fanboys say tht kinect is so "new" and microsoft did something "never before seen" which is false. If MS makes a controller (which they will) then that only proves my point: kinect has limits. It doesnt matter if it can track your full body; its useless, unless, as i said before, you wanna keep playing dancing games and catching balls. Full 3D tracking doesnt give you any advantages. Just think about it. Which motion controller can do more right now with precision? The wii did great things but not Microsoft. Both Nintendo and Sony passed on Kinect. Microsoft was the only one to take it. If that doesn't tell you something then I don't know what will.
# 11 DrUrsus @ 01/24/11 02:41 AM
Got my 6 year old daughter a Kinect, Kinect Sports, Dance Central, Kinectimals, for Christmas. We mostly play Kinect Sports together, and we have a blast. Suprisingly, I play it by myself sometimes as it is very fun and addictive. Bowling is excellent. Beach Volleyball and Table tennis are a lot of fun. Boxing sucks imo. Plus, it's getting my duff off the couch unlike Madden, NCAA FB, etc. I am very happy with my purchase. I had a hard time deciding which one to get, Move or Kinect, but at the end of the day, it was for my daughter, and not me so the Kinect had better kid games, and I thought it would be easier for her to play since she didn't have to learn how to use a controller (she hasn't played any other video games except those on the iphone).

I plan on buying a Move too for my PS3, but not until MLB the Show comes out and if it is implemented well even if I only end up using it for HR derby. I hope they have some mini games for the Move. I doubt I will use it for my franchise play.
# 12 DrUrsus @ 01/24/11 02:49 AM
davitpr, imo the Kinect is good for casual gaming at this point, like what I described in my previous post. It really can be a lot of fun. The Move will work better (at least at this point) for shooters, golf, baseball. Each have their strengths and weaknesses, it depends on what you are looking for. Most of us on OS will probably just stick to our normal controllers anyway for our traditional sports games Personally, I sometimes enjoy just vegging on the couch playing MLB the Show.
# 13 Skyboxer @ 02/02/11 02:23 PM
Im toying with the idea of selling my Kinect.... Havent used in quite a while. May wait to see what's down the road.. Which is what i should have done in the first place.

I still have 2 move controllers etc... Will uses when socom and mlb the show comes out.

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