Feature Article
Peyton Manning Interview

OperationSports.com is proud to have interviewed All-Pro quarterback Peyton Manning of the NFL’s Indianapolis Colts. Mr. Manning was kind enough to take the time to discuss his involvement with “NFL Fever 2004” and sports video gaming in general.

What follows is a transcript (both text and audio) of the interview, conducted on November 25th by Managing Editor Shawn Drotar.

Operation Sports: Good afternoon! Thanks for taking the time to talk to us today!

Peyton Manning: You bet. Thanks for having me.

Operation Sports: How were you involved in the design of “NFL Fever”, and what interested you in working with game?

Peyton Manning: Well, I felt very flattered and fortunate that they asked me to be the spokesperson and on the cover of the game; starting four years ago now. It’s my third year being on the cover, but it’s been four years since the people at Microsoft and Xbox came to me. I had two trips that were part of the design and development process. I flew out to Seattle – to the Microsoft campus – took my father out there, actually. We really went out there for some “chalk talk” sessions; meeting with some of the designers and developers; trying to take their computer and gaming developing expertise and combine it with some football knowledge from myself and my father. We really had some interesting conversations and “chalk talk” sessions with these people. It was just fun to be in on the embryonic stages on the development of the game.

Download OS_Manning1.mp3 to hear more of Peyton’s answer – including more about the involvement of his father, Archie Manning, in the development of “NFL Fever”!

Operation Sports: “Fever” has a new style of passing in the game – “Read-and-Lead” passing – how does that reflect the actual process that a quarterback goes through in the pocket?

Peyton Manning: Well, it really does. With the speed of the game today - how fast these defensive backs are, and how fast these defensive linemen are; the days of throwing to a stationary receiver are really over with. Now, as a quarterback, you have to throw…in football talk – real meathead talk – “where he’s gonna be”.

Download OS_Manning2.mp3 to hear Peyton tell you how he thinks and acts on the field –in his own words!

Operation Sports: “Read-and-Lead” passing is certainly something new to gamers. Were you also involved in its creation?

Peyton Manning: A small part, possibly. Like I said, I’m proud to be part of the Xbox and the “NFL Fever” team because of how hard everybody out there works on these games. I was out there at the Microsoft campus, and spent some time with the developers. A lot of these guys have cereal bowls and milk in their offices, and you can tell they’re having late nights there, and waking up with ideas in the middle of the night – they’re putting in the time. I’ve always prided myself on my personal work ethic, and they’re always looking for ways to make the game better. That was a concept that the people at Xbox and Microsoft came up with for “NFL Fever”, and it ties in with what I do as far as anticipating and throwing the ball – I think it’s a great concept.

Operation Sports: With additions like “Read-and-Lead”, how realistic are games becoming? Are they at the point where they can become a limited scouting tool?

Peyton Manning: I tell you – I feel like they are. Obviously, as a football player, we get to do both. All football players play video games. It’s because they compete when doing it, and love doing it. Everybody loves seeing themselves on the screen. At the same time, for people that loved high school football, but don’t get to play anymore – if you can’t be out there playing, it’s the closest thing to being in a football game.

Download OS_Manning3.mp3 to hear Peyton explain why playing a football game can even be better than attending one!

Operation Sports: Do you have any other favorite video games beside sports games?

Peyton Manning: Yeah, but you know… I like football (laughs). That’s kind of how I grew up. You know my dad played, so I’ve always liked football. I like sports, and I keep up with sports. I play the golf and the basketball games, but I’m football biased. I’m always the Colts when I play – I’m loyal to the blue and white and the horseshoe – so I try to stick with the Colts. A lot of guys get competitive about it. It’s all in fun for me – it’s fun because I’m a small part of the “Fever” team, and I’m just proud to be a part of it.

Operation Sports: Does it seem odd controlling a digital version of yourself on screen?

Peyton Manning: It’s a little different. It takes a little while to set in. Growing up, I can remember my older brother and I playing Odyssey against each other in the early 80’s. Then I remember going to Atari, and then “Tecmo Bowl”…

Download OS_Manning4.mp3 for more old-school gaming with Peyton, why he’s always played as the Colts, and why today’s football games are so amazing!

Operation Sports: Have you ever played “Fever” over Xbox Live?

Peyton Manning: I have. That’s something that’s still hard for me to comprehend how you’re able to do that. I play against my little brother, Eli, on Xbox Live. I tell you, I don’t know if the people at XSN Sports and Xbox Live were thinking of this – but it’s a great way for people to keep in touch!

Download OS_Manning5.mp3 to hear Peyton explain why Xbox Live is good for more than just gaming!

Operation Sports: Well, I suppose I have to ask, then – between you and Eli - which one of you is the better player?

Peyton Manning: It’s funny – that’s what everybody asks!

Download OS_Manning6.mp3 to hear Peyton’s answer – and who the best players are in the competitive Colts locker room!

Operation Sports: Given the opportunity, would you continue to work with “NFL Fever”? Where would you like it to go in the future?

Peyton Manning: Well, like I said – I’m proud to be on the team right now. As long as they want to let me hang around, I’m proud to do it, and happy to offer any kind of insight or help that I can. I’m trying to keep the word out there. I think with Christmas time coming around, it’s the perfect Christmas gift for kids, adults – whoever! As a player, I’ve always tried to work hard and get better. There’s always another level you can something to in anything – and I think that’s true with “Fever”. But right now – it’s the best thing out there.

Operation Sports: I’d love to give you an opportunity to talk about the “Peyback Foundation”. I know that’s something you’ve been working with for some time, and it’s something that a lot of people appreciate. Would you like to tell us a little bit about what you’re doing for the community?

Peyton Manning: The Peyback Foundation is a charity foundation that I started in 1999, and it benefits disadvantaged youth by providing leadership and growth opportunity in Indiana, Tennessee and Louisana – the three states that have been a part of my life. We have a huge Christmas party coming up, and we’ll be providing grants to various agencies during these times. It’s been a way to keep in touch with the community here in Indianapolis, in Tennessee, where I went to college, and of course, in Louisiana, where I grew up. It’s a way to give back to these communities - who have been so good to me. Especially with the holiday season coming up – and even though we’re in the middle of an exciting NFL season – you have to keep things in perspective, and keep your priorities in order. I’m really excited about the things that we’ve done, and I’m excited about the things we have planned for the future.

Operation Sports: Peyton, we really appreciate you taking the time to talk to us today!

Peyton Manning: I appreciate that, Shawn – thanks a bunch!

Operation Sports: Best of luck for the rest of the season. Thanks for visiting us at OperationSports.com!


Special thanks go to Charles Leone at Microsoft for facilitating this interview! Thanks again, Charles!