A while ago my friend sent me this picture after an OT victory in EASHL.

This prompted me to write about the physical aspects of NHL 11 and how it affects the EASHL. Our club -- as well as our friend's club over on the PS3 side of things -- tries to play a game of hockey resembling hockey in real life. Both of our clubs have been talking about how NHL 11 exaggerates the physical aspect of the game now that the new physics engine has been introduced into the game.
If you have a team whose strategy is to hit everything that moves until your opponents are so intimidated that they fumble every single pass they try to make and can't intercept a pass if the puck was the size of a Frisbee, then it becomes very difficult to play the game for the intimidated side. After the other team has been turned into a beer-league team, then even the grinders can score a goal easily.
The problem is not the Broad Street Bullies style of hockey. In fact, I think it is amazing that you can play the game this way and do well while checking entire teams senseless. The problem is that there are not enough penalties called for interference. Even after you have dumped the puck or passed it away, you can still get flattened, and the 6-foot-11 monster just moves on and does the same to the next guy.
It can get extremely frustrating spending half the game on your back while yelling "interference" after each hit. I use a playmaker build and make sure that I pass or dump the puck early so I will not turn the puck over by stubbornly skating into a hit. But lacking the puck makes no difference because a devastating hit still takes me out for a few seconds. And that gives the opponent plenty of 3-on-2 and 2-on-1 chances in the offensive zone.
Now that the patch is out and a new tuner is out along with it, things have calmed down a little bit with the checking -- thank you EA for that. I have played maybe 10 games since the patch, and the checking has been balanced out a bit. There are more glancing blows instead of huge hits so the patch has helped. The release notes for the patch also stated that the delay regarding interference had been cut by a quarter of a second, which seems like a long time, but in my opinion it could have been cut even more. In the 10 games I have played, interference was called only once out of maybe 20 occasions where it should have been called.
I do not know why the developers have made NHL 11 so Bully-friendly. Is it just to promote the new checking engine, or is it just so difficult to balance the sliders and penalty logic?
Regardless, just to make it clear, I love to watch a team that plays a physical brand of hockey. It's just that with the current lack of interference calls, teams know this and some teams abuse it.
Going back to what started me on the subject, 62 hits in a 2-on-2 game, can anyone top this? If I recall correctly, the game ended in the third OT, but that is still 30-plus hits in a standard three-period game.