Feature Article
Pucking Ridiculous (The OBG Chronicles): Realism, Really?

Thank you once again for reading another edition of Pucking Ridiculous (The OBG Chronicles). It has been a while since my last article, but this time around I want to broach the subject of realism in hockey and sports games in general.

Is It Possible, and do we understand the side effects of the demand for more realism?

In this edition of Pucking Ridiculous, we will address both topics.

Is it Possible?

That one should be obvious. If you will be so kind as to walk over to your gaming system of choice, insert your copy of NHL 11, and then press the power button you will see the most realistic hockey game ever made. The gameplay slider guru that I am, I'm sure I could make NHL 11 come close to playing a realistic game of stick and puck with full-length 20-minute periods -- NHL 11 is just that versatile.

Personally, I play nine-minute periods while never simulating games.

Now, as an almost obligatory disclaimer, I know that I have to state the obvious: things can always improve. The gameplay is not perfect by any means. However, in the case of NHL 11, obligation is the only reason I will say that.

It's a damn good representation of the sport.

Yeah, maybe it is not the most realistic hit, but it looks awesome.

Do We Consider the Side Effects of Realism?

I don't know about you guys, but many times during my "gaming career" I have asked myself, "Self, why would you want this game against the Panthers in the middle of October to last around two hours? Why self, why?" I could not even imagine the thought of tackling a baseball season with full sim settings. Kill me now!

I mean seriously, what the hell are you thinking self? Generally speaking, too many sports gaming enthusiasts constantly demand perfection, oftentimes in a rude fashion, while persistently clogging Internet forums with their ill-humored protests. They demand that everything be just as it is in the real world -- and now, damn it! As the EA Sports slogan famously declares, "If it's in the game..." Well, you know the rest.

The truth of the matter is that there is an inescapable necessity for balance in all things, including our quest for sports gaming Nirvana. I'd say my balance is about an even split between fun and sim. There was a time when it was a different story.

But something happened when I began to play the games and accept them for what they are, which is truly amazing feats of technological bliss. And with that thought in mind, a game like NHL 11 can really come to life.

Plus, there is just not enough time in life for everything to be realistic in my game. And frankly, I think that's a good thing.

This is yet another edition of Pucking Ridiculous (The OBG Chronicles). Before I leave you, I'm going to go ahead and give the Jaroslav Halak and the St. Louis Blues a shout out, jumping out to a 9-1-2 start.

Thank you, Montreal.

(Ed. Note - This was written before the Blues got dismantled by the Blue Jackets and then lost to the Predators in OT. So, all the Blues fans should thank Stephen for jinxing them.)

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Member Comments
# 1 Blzer @ 11/12/10 01:41 PM
I'm all about authenticity. Maybe it's not the same thing as "good gameplay" or "realism," but if something is being regarded as a representation of something that we are fully aware of, I love to have that authenticity feel. It was a huge reason I never looked further into The Bourne Conspiracy as Matt Damon's Bourne character wasn't portrayed in it.
# 2 jupebox @ 11/12/10 01:49 PM
Ever since I've started playing video games, I have hoped for more realism. With each passing year, it becomes exciting to see how "real" the games are getting. I wonder, though, if people will reach a point where they no longer want realism. At a point, video games will "simulate realism" -- such as psychology, chance, weather cancellations, etc. -- but those could interfere with the gaming (just as it interferes in real life). In theory, I think that I would still like those developments, but it is difficult to say. If you push a button at the right moment, it will be difficult to accept an outcome that is "by chance" different than what you actually did -- so in effect, the gaming result is different than the reality of your reality!
# 3 actionhank @ 11/12/10 04:22 PM
Damn the jinx!
I didn't expect the Blues run to last forever.
Although it was nice seeing the blues message boards with a few threads calling for "must trades!" after the first big loss.
I want realism in gameplay, and the way things work in game.
I don't want 20 minute periods, but i would like to have shots that should go in, go in every now and again.
# 4 canucksss @ 11/12/10 05:08 PM
great article and well said. been a gamer since NES days. i love sports games in particular hockey and basketball. in what u mentioned about realism thats what im looking for in the sport games. from stats, gameplay etc all must be similar or close to the real ones.

im still waiting for your sliders OBG with the new patch and tuner =)
# 5 thedudedominick @ 11/12/10 05:14 PM
For me the realism I search for isn't in playing full length games, but for the players and the reactions to represent the real sport. I want the players to play like real players on the ice or on the field. In hockey I would love to see more stick play to help add the next bit of realism. In football I would love to see the hand play and interaction between WRs and DBs. Just a couple of things that would add to the realism without taking away from the fun of the game IMO.
# 6 sanders @ 11/12/10 06:08 PM
This hits the nail on the head. I've heard many people complain that NHL 11 isn't as good as NHL 10. I can point to one single thing as the cause. They made the game more realistic. It's much harder to go through an entire team deking your a$$ off and scoring highlight reel goals. A lot of people don't like it because that's what makes the game fun for them and other people love it because then when are able to do that it makes it that much more special.

Do people really want to play a game against a computer team that employs the trap and spend the game dumping and chasing and really having to work work work for maybe a goal or two? I don't think so in probably about 95% or the people out there.

I love the fact that now you have to make nice plays to score as much as you have to make nice dekes.
# 7 Dazraz @ 11/13/10 05:40 AM
There does have to be a fine balance between realism & fun gameplay. Most individuals can usually mess around with the sliders to find a medium they are happy with. I think the best way developers can make a game feel realistic is in the broadcast presentation. This is one the key reasons the NBA 2K & MLB the Show series stand out. For me the lack of presentation is one of the weakest areas of NHL 11.

I have to disagree with your theory of playing full 20 minute periods. No amount of meddling with the sliders will give you realistic shot/goal stats over this length of time.
# 8 PapaOso @ 11/13/10 08:53 AM
I love the title of this article and, personally, I think a 100% realistic game would be miserable. Think about it, there would be teams in the game that you would never want to play as because they wouldn't have a chance of winning. A single game would take hours to play. Don't even get me started on reviewing the fine print of EVERY single 100% realistic contract that you have with EVERY single one of your players. The games are convoluted and complicated enough already. Don't take out the ever shrinking bit of fun thats left in there.
# 9 mgoblue! @ 11/13/10 12:24 PM
Solid read but I disagree that you need to play full length games to get full length results or realistic gameplay. I never sim games in any of my dynasties or franchises but I also don't play full length games and I still get solid, realistic gameplay. Realism doesn't just pertain to full length games. And those gamers who call for more perfection have every right to. Perhaps some go about it the wrong way but there is nothing wrong with a gamer asking for more from his/her game.
# 10 GivenWings @ 11/13/10 01:21 PM
Great article and very, very well written Stephen !. I will definitely be coming back for more.

Just a side note. You mentioned your "slider guruness" and I was wondering what you're currently using and if you can hook a brother up with some advice, or maybe even the settings themselves?.

# 11 onlybygrace @ 11/13/10 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by GivenWings
Great article and very, very well written Stephen !. I will definitely be coming back for more.

Just a side note. You mentioned your "slider guruness" and I was wondering what you're currently using and if you can hook a brother up with some advice, or maybe even the settings themselves?.

They are on the slider forum...

and thanks for the kind words.

They are in the EA NHL Sliders sub-forum and are entitled "OBG's Organic Shooting Sliders" or something...
# 12 CX1329 @ 11/13/10 07:14 PM
I like my games to be as realistic and authentic as they can be so that I may, within the limitations of a console, enjoy the experience of actually being in the game. I'll never be a basketball player like Kobe, so I want to control him and do the exact same things that he does in the NBA, for example. And by that, I don't mean leaping 50 feet in the air, doing a front flip and then dunking the ball. Like I said, I like realism and authenticity.

To me, it's all about being able to faithfully emulate the sports that I watch in real life. On the other hand, I don't go to the same extremes as some people on here, that like to control all the teams in the franchise modes, replicate the trades that occur in real life and such. They have every right to play the game in whichever fashion they choose to, obviously, but personally, the in-game universe is where I draw the realism line.
# 13 Jgainsey @ 11/13/10 07:47 PM
I agree with most of the article, but I still think we're a long way off from worrying about our games being too realistic.
# 14 catcatch22 @ 11/14/10 01:03 AM
These games are no way any where close to being "too realistic". If anyone thinks these games are too realistic then A. They do not watch the real games for 2.5 hours or B. have not competed in those sports at a competitive level.

I always played my baseball games at 9 innings but I also spent 3 hours watching every moment of the mets broadcasts. So in summation, the more we have become a highlite ESPN nation, increasingly more people want less of the sport and more of the highlites of said sport.
# 15 savoie2006 @ 11/14/10 05:19 PM
I'm fine with the idea of a good blend of "sim"/ "arcade" style of gameplay. Like you said, I don't have the time between work and family to play an uber realistic style of sports game. However, I would still like the game to represent the sport enough to where it kind of feels like I'm watching an actual game on TV. Atmosphere and Presentation help this alot. Something NHL 11 does well, but hopefully it gets much better with NHL 12.
# 16 stlstudios189 @ 11/14/10 07:00 PM
gameplay and presentation are a must in the realism but too much can make the game a chore
# 17 Gordy748 @ 11/15/10 08:04 AM
Originally Posted by thedudedominick
For me the realism I search for isn't in playing full length games, but for the players and the reactions to represent the real sport. I want the players to play like real players on the ice or on the field. In hockey I would love to see more stick play to help add the next bit of realism. In football I would love to see the hand play and interaction between WRs and DBs. Just a couple of things that would add to the realism without taking away from the fun of the game IMO.
Ditto squared. While I don't mind never seeing the Seagals opening performance or sitting through the national anthem every game, I do mind when each and every introduction of NFL11 is a battle of the quarterbacks (which is a little weird as the QBs are never on the field at the same time). I also mind when I get no information about the capabilities of the team I'm playing and, ergo, advice on how to change my strategies.

I don't mind either if I can accelerate the clock play so a 3 hour game gets done in 45 minutes. But I do mind when the players (both mine and the AI's) pull off impossible moves to make plays (e.g. Tron-like sliding LBs, tacklers speeding up in mid-air to tackle RBs, WRs slowing down to let the CB pick, WRs speeding up or sliding left to catch a ball). I honestly don't mind playing NFL using animations but the way it plays, it's just BS.

That said, I'm playing NHL11 this year so EA managed to get another 60 bucks out of me. Hey ho.
# 18 Nunyerbiz @ 11/15/10 04:09 PM
For me, it's all about gameplay. If you need to bend the laws of physics a bit to give the player great control and a well-balanced experience, then so be it. I'm not a huge fan of this trend to motion capture the entire sporting universe, as I feel from a gameplay perspective, it takes control away from the player and gives it to the CPU. It's the computer that has to decide which scripted and preset animations fire for any given scenario to make sure it all "looks realistic". NBA2K11 is the best combination ever for solid AI and great animation work, but I still think the game can feel clunky at times when pre-canned animations trump controller inputs.

As far as "presentation" and making things more TV-like... with pre-game storylines and commentators babbling on about this or that via canned soundbites... Developers can knock themselves out with as much of that stuff as they like... or they can completely give it up all together. I don't care either way. I skip past all of that pre-game stuff as soon as I'm allowed. With sports video games, I want to play them, not watch them. Never once, in 20+ years of sports gaming, have I ever thought to myself "Wow, I'm glad I listened to that soundbite that the computer thought applied to this pre-game warmup scene." ... I just never understood the fascination with aping television presentation.
# 19 onlybygrace @ 11/18/10 12:13 AM
Man, I truly jinxed the Blues.

Since I spoke these words, they have completely come apart at the seams.

So Hockey Gods, I doeth truly repent of my arrogance. If you wish, let me write you a song...

I'm a badass guitar player.

Oh...yes...arrogance, right...I'm sorry, Hockey Gods. Save my Blues!!! We're all sorry for whatever it is you hate about us!!!

Sometimes I think that the fact that Gretzky played here for only 3 days or something is really an omen. Perhaps it's a telling sign of the position of the Blues in the universe.

The Curse of The Great One!!!
# 20 Caps2cup05 @ 01/18/11 11:00 PM
Now if only the standings in BAP worked...
So real...

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