Feature Article
Appreciate Sports Gaming, Don't Ruin It

Every year we all hear the same incessant whining go on across various forums about the price of the latest sports video game. Complaints about a $60 roster update or a tiny little facelift in gameplay for the price of a decent first date. So how can this be fixed?

It can’t.

The idea to release a sports game every other year has been floating across cyberspace for quite some time now. Battle cries for a cheap update have been heard, yet ignored. But this year it was not entirely ignored -- there was a lackluster attempt on the side of one video game conglomerate.

EA Sports canceled NBA Elite 11. The game has since moved on to Tiburon, but in the interim, EA gave all those NBA Live 2010 players a free update.

Yes, I just said free.

The update consisted of rosters and the DNA updates, but it still was not good enough for the consumers. Those who were kicking and screaming for nothing but an update finally got what they wanted, but now that they have it, there is just another reason to complain. The update did not hand out rookie faces or new jerseys. The courts and commentary are still the same. Sure it sounds pretty half-assed, but considering the bomb EA dropped on us with Elite, the developers did a fine job at doing what they could do.

This just goes to show that no matter how much is done by a company someone is going to complain about why it is not good enough. Consumers are picky; they think they are right all the time, but they never sit back and enjoy what is given to them.

We're not saying you have to love your games this much, but just try to enjoy them from time to time.
Source: gawker.com

This year with NBA 2K11, a sports game finally managed to completely remake itself in a year. The gameplay is different, and the AI is different. 2K did a fantastic job at creating what seems to be arguably one of the best sports titles in a long time. But people still complain. People are still asking why animations are off or why the AI is trading Carmelo Anthony for Peja Stojakovic. These are video games created by real people -- real people just like you and me.

Sports gamers need to give not just EA a break, but everyone a break from time to time. With all of the complaints about glitches here and there, people will inevitably start screaming about how broken 2K is at some point if we continue down this path. Eventually, MLB The Show might become the next MLB 2K7 in the eyes of gamers. The Madden team might as well not even release Madden 12 because all he will see on forums across the Web is how Franchise mode really is not that good.

So I personally ask all of you to take a chill pill and enjoy what has been given to you. You already spent the $60, and you know you will inevitably spend it again next year, so atleast try to have some fun. These are video games, they're meant to release stress, not cause it.

Member Comments
# 1 The GIGGAS @ 11/10/10 03:16 PM
There's a place for constructive, helpful criticism. There is never a place for hateful flaming for any reason. Break from the flaming, continue the constructive criticism.
# 2 NoDakHusker @ 11/10/10 03:52 PM
I couldn't agree more. Well said!
# 3 addybojangles @ 11/10/10 04:04 PM
How can ANYONE complain with the sports games we've seen this year!?

NHL 11, FIFA 11, MLB 10 The Show, NBA 2k11

It has been a ridiculously good year for sports gamers. So shut yer yappers.
# 4 jyoung @ 11/10/10 04:19 PM
How can ANYONE complain with the sports games we've seen this year!?
Football fans.
# 5 ODogg @ 11/10/10 04:40 PM
NCAA 11 negates that argument...well IMO of course. This has been the best year ever to be a sports video game fan.
# 6 ESPNFANAZ @ 11/10/10 05:05 PM
Well said and thank you for this article. The games won't be perfect, but I'm sure the developers are doing what they can to make a good product. Just take the time to thank them for their efforts and give constructive feedback on changes you would like to see. They will listen if you present a good attitude. If you are not having fun with the game, trade or sell it and move on.
# 7 statum71 @ 11/10/10 05:51 PM
Good article.

Yes, I add things to wishlist. Yes, I wanna see every game improve. But you won't find me saying any game sucks or is garbage. If I hate it that much...I don't buy it.
# 8 Dantecamp21 @ 11/10/10 05:52 PM
The last time I tried to take this route when talking about all of the whining geared at sports games people told me I had no business being here at OS.

I'm glad there are some of you out there that feel the same way.
# 9 poloelite @ 11/10/10 06:36 PM
If you don't like it, don't buy it.. If you bought it and don't like it, trade it.. I never remember playing Double Dribble and being worried about jerserys and court colors, but it was flat out fun.

**News Flash** there will always be something wrong with video games. These are people trying to program a computer to act as real humans, doing things 99% of humans can't do on this level. There's some things I don't like, but I hate to see the guys who say the shoes or jersery are off so the game isn't fun.
# 10 BaylorBearBryant @ 11/10/10 06:57 PM
Since EA left us NCAA Basketball players out to dry, with no roster update and no game available, I just don't see it your way. It sure isn't any way to treat a loyal consumer. It flat out sucks, and it's garbage. The recent restructuring at EA? I see it as a blessing. Maybe they'll pull their head out of their...
# 11 taiketsu @ 11/10/10 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by Dustin Toms
Consumers are picky; they think they are right all the time, but they never sit back and enjoy what is given to them.
Let's not get it twisted here - nothing is being "given" to us. We are, by definition, "consumers" because we PAY for their goods. When game developers start "giving" games away then I'm sure you'll hear a lot less criticism and much more "appreciation".

Also, EA isn't releasing the "free" roster update out of the good of their heart - it's an attempt to hold on to their consumer base because their competition released a superior product. Not my problem.
# 12 LingeringRegime @ 11/10/10 10:35 PM
Great article. I love NBA 2K11, therefore I refuse to go to that part of the forums to see what is wrong with it.
# 13 savoie2006 @ 11/10/10 10:49 PM
As someone already stated, constructive criticism is fine and should be expressed so the developers have an idea of what the costumers want. However, I do agree, the nit picking that goes on is often over board. If we saw the level of realism that some seem to expect out of these sports games, alot of fans would become even more frustrated with the games because they are too difficult. I personally couldn't imagine trying to play NHL 11 if it was uber realistic, it's hard enough as it is for me. Sports games use to be all about fun back in the Nintendo and Genesis days. Why does it have to be so different now that technology has changed?
# 14 SHAKYR @ 11/11/10 12:26 AM
Man, I love sports fans...videogame sports fans! What does a sports fan do when their team isn't performing like they expect them too, they get upset! I think fans should get upset when a game company claims a game is a sim/realistic representation of their sport.

Keep the pressure on, real sports fans out weigh the casual arcade garbage.
# 15 BlackRome @ 11/11/10 07:36 AM
I'm sorry but 2k11 is no where near a great simulation.

Hopefully after they patch the game it will be but right now it just isn't.

You would only make that statement if you haven't been to the 2k boards or seen the videos.

I posted a 4 part video series that addresses some of these issues.

I've played every 2k ever released and this is one of their worst releases.

2k9 was never fixed by patches. Yet if you would have read the reviews you would have thought the game was the best ever made.

I dare anyone to show me the bumping "force field" or 2-3 second long slow animations in an NBA game.

It doesn't happen. The game is so slow it feels like playing basketball in molasses.

Basketball has the greatest athletes on the planet. It's a game based on athleticism and quick reactions. You wouldn't know it playing 2k11.

It plays like a soccer game should. Patience is a virtue.

No matter how great the fan boys think the game is it isn't.

Those of us who have played basketball at a high level and know the power of being able to get to any spot you want on the floor knows this facet of the game is missing from 2k.

It's been missing since 2k8. Moving around certain stick moves didn't help. The hesitation move has been on the right trigger since the game was created. No reason to change it but by doing so they ruined the dribble stick setting.

You used to be able to hold down the left trigger and turn you dribble stick into a sot stick.

So not only have they ruined the dribble system they now have ruined one of their own creations.

If it wasn't for users complaining 2k wouldn't have the following it has.

That's how games get better. If your happy with this slop they will make it even worse next year.

Instead of complaining about the complainers you should actually be thanking them.

I would rather pay $180 for a 2k8 roster update the last three years and online access than pay $180 for the last three NBA2k's. 2k9 was just terrible. I didn't waste my time. 2k11 is right there. I'm waiting for the patch
to see if the game is worth my time. Right now it's collecting dust.

I went out and brought a PS3 for 2k10. Just for 2k10. It played a better game of basketball than the 360 and wasn't a layup line.

Their are plenty of people who thought 2k10 was a simulation. Until you realize no one in the NBA scores 50% of their points in the paint.. On 2k10 you could score 80-90% of your points in the paint and be competitive. That's not the NBA but everyone swears it was a great simulation on the 360.
# 16 squadron supreme @ 11/11/10 11:11 AM
Some of it is unnecessary nitpicking but the majority of it is pointing out issues that have plagued these series for years. Fifa with its standing tackle or the ability to pressure for a full game and not have a severe stamina drop off. Madden with its poor pass blocking for the interior of the offensive line. 2K with players that will miss an annoying number of point blank shots with little to no defensive pressure. Those are just some that come to mind but the point is as people who have played these various sports games we shouldn't be complaining about these same issues and then waiting for a patch to fix it.
# 17 Skyboxer @ 11/11/10 01:00 PM
I love sports game and while some have made very good strides (NBA2K11, MLB The Show) there's a good amount that frankly have underperformed.
I also think FB games have been satisfactory at best. Aweseome games??? Not IMO but to each their own.
It's been the same uninspired gaming for way too long. Are they sometimes fun? Sure. Is it to the level we probably should be since "Old gen". No way.

To many people have just become complacent due to the lack of quality we've seen for years. Now when anything "Fluffy" is added it's all of a sudden a huge improvement on the game.

Again the FB games are ok, and worth playing. They just aren't anything special.
# 18 LucianoJJ @ 11/11/10 03:28 PM
I agree that some of the criticism has been harsh. Yes, the expectations are bordering on unrealistic for the game developers. You have to have thick skin to work for EA and 2K right now.

The forums are something the devs can learn from. Companies used to spend millions doing marketing research surveys, not they just have to go to a message board to know what their customers think. These companies are suffering financially, but consumers have less cash to spread around, as well. Eventually consumers will wise up, and stop buying games that need numerous patches, lack a certain level of realism, or fun.
# 19 spankdatazz22 @ 11/11/10 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
I love sports game and while some have made very good strides (NBA2K11, MLB The Show) there's a good amount that frankly have underperformed.
I also think FB games have been satisfactory at best. Aweseome games??? Not IMO but to each their own.
Agreed. I don't think all sports games can be lumped together and the developer efforts judged the same way. Then there's the extenuating circumstances - Madden gets criticized harshly (and imo rightly so lots of the time) because of how it's underperformed, but also from consumer frustration with it being the only option available. In the same way people criticize MLB2K for limiting baseball gamers' options - although there is at least limited choice in being able to purchase a PS3 and buy The Show if a person is that big a baseball fan.

I think it isn't limited to sports games though - gamers overall have grown increasingly cynical about everything it seems. When Microsoft released their new XBL update, I read tons of over the top negative comments like "It's too bright - this SUCKS/IS HORRIBLE",
"Where are the blades - this SUCKS/IS HORRIBLE", etc. People seem unable to have nuanced discussions. For some people things have to be the best ever, or they're the worst.
# 20 stlstudios189 @ 11/11/10 06:14 PM
what I have learned is every game has a group that dislike it

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