Hello everyone, it's good to once again contribute another edition of Pucking Ridiculous (The OBG Chronicles). I'm relieved to say that I've recently recovered from the NHL 11 Flu as the long awaited cure, NHL 11, has at last graced the tray of my 360. Even to this dedicated audience of NHL gamers, I'm almost embarrassed to admit I played the game for eight hours on release night and feared that my recently repaired Xbox would not survive the session.
NHL 11, although far from perfect, is a great game. Like many of you, I'm still searching for the right sliders, and I'm glad to say that I think I've come close to finding the right set for me. It's an arduous process, no doubt.
Before I risk losing your attention, let me get to the point.
In the weeks heading up to release, I spent a lot of time on YouTube and the OS forums reading impressions and watching clips from the NHL 11 demo as I was without an Xbox until September. My findings were surprising as I found many non-traditional hockey fans not only playing the game, but making videos for YouTube. I was grateful for their new interest in the sport and astonished to witness a video game have such an impact on those who not only were calling the puck a ball, but also stating that they had no previous NHL knowledge to draw from.
Here are some testimonies from some of our very own posters here at OS who have found a new interest in hockey thanks solely to the EA hockey series and NHL 11. The first example is most impressive as "Kougar," a resident of Quebec of all places, had no interest in hockey until playing EA's NHL 09. Now he's a true guru.
Kougar's Story
[i]NHL indeed gave me an interest in hockey. Here, in Quebec, it's a major sport, but I wasn't a big fan. It all started when all my friends had this game, NHL 09 on Xbox. What I loved about the game is that the right stick controls your player's stick. I found that incredible. So I rented the game, played a few matches, and finally I bought it. It was probably the best video game purchase of my life. There were so many options, and I was a bit confused with all of this, but I started a mode called Dynasty mode. I took a random team, the Carolina Hurricanes, and started playing. I learned really fast the players, the rules, the strategy of hockey. I learned changing lines, and everything.
Then there were the '09-'10 playoffs. My friend invited me to watch them, and I accepted. It's where I realized hockey was so incredible. I was yelling and talking to the TV, telling players go there and saying how good those players were.
I still have my NHL 09 game. It means a lot to me, without it I wouldn't be a hockey fan today. I still play my Dynasty mode during my free time, and my team is in its third year.
Segagendude's Story
My story:
I've always just been a football fan first, followed by baseball and Nascar.
I wanted to try something new. I started playing the NHL 11 demo and loved what I saw. However, because I don't regularly follow the sport, I needed assistance.
So I started watching the NHL Network's replays of past playoff games. Now, I won't claim to be an expert, but now I'm getting into hockey unlike ever before.
In summary, NHL 11 has gotten me into hockey, and I'm loving it!
Nelson8403's Story
I picked up NHL 09 after playing it at my friend's house, and I really got to understand how the game of hockey worked. I learned how offside occurs, icing and all of the penalties. I have become a huge fan of hockey since that time, and EA Sports' NHL series got me into it at the right time! My home team is the Blackhawks, and they won the Stanley Cup! Being able to follow along and discuss the game like I knew it like the back of my hand was great. Thank you EA Sports!
So the next time you feel like this is just a game, you may be right. But it's not just any game, it's NHL 11 and it's winning hearts for the world's coolest game one console at a time.
Thanks for reading Pucking Ridiculous (The OBG Chronicles). See you on the boards.