Feature Article
Carraggi's Corner: How EA's NHL Sucked Me Into Hockey

It was the biggest year for the Boston Bruins in decades, and I honestly could not have cared any less. Me, a sports writer for a major Boston newspaper and "die-hard" fan of everything Boston, was more concerned about the state of the putrid New England Revolution (MLS) than I was the conference-leading B's.

Like most (ex-)fans, you could blame the lockout. After that, hockey just did not have the same appeal to me. They just became grunts scooting around the ice while scoring less than a geeky high-school student.

Fast forward to today, and I am eagerly awaiting the day Tuukka Rask and the boys can redeem themselves after one of the ugliest choke jobs in NHL history.

What changed my opinion on the sport so drastically that I would ignore a record-breaking 2008 campaign just to salivate over a question-filled 2010 one? The answer is EA's NHL series.

This may sound absolutely ludicrous, but the degree of difficulty and amount of strategy it took to score a goal in an NHL game was always lost on me until I began playing the series during the last two years. Those guys were not just huddled in front of the goalie for warmth, they were skillfully battling for position in hopes of tipping in a rebound! And those guys were not just dishing the puck from teammate to teammate until one was forced into taking a shot that seemed to have a three percent chance of finding the back of the net. No, they were cycling it around in hopes of catching a defender out of position and freeing up a genuine scoring opportunity!

These are things I honestly understand and appreciate more after playing the NHL series. If I happened to be less knowledgeable about football, I don't think the Madden series, which has seen football strategy devolve into finding a guy with a 97 speed rating in the slot and sending him on streaks or calling a play-action that has zero relation to how effectively you run the ball, would have been as gracious a teacher.

Not to pick on Madden, but the subtleties of a game like football (line play, route running, the true effect of certain personnel for different packages) does not translate as well as hockey does when you are battling along the boards, passing and planning defensive strategies on your game console

Watching NHL games on television, I now actually have some semblance of understanding as to why and when which players move where, or why a pass was made, or why a goalie ate the puck. This undoubtedly has more to do with my previously barren knowledge tank of hockey compared to other sports, but since hockey is such an outcast in relation to the other big three American sports, it is a benefit to the sport that EA has made a series that relays how fun and involved the sport can be to a dummy like myself. Sure, I still catch myself making common errors and mistakes when it comes to the sport in general -- no game can teach what takes years to truly analyze and learn -- but I'm getting better.

Catch you guys at halftime.

Have you guys ever had a similar experience with a sports game? Is the sport of hockey simply primed for accurate digital representation? Am I just insane? Let us know!

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Member Comments
# 1 DJDReW3102 @ 09/13/10 12:56 PM
this game is great, i'm not a hockey fan whatsoever, but find this game to be a refreshing change of pace to the staleness of other yearly sports games. .... I can't believe I'm saying this, but i think I'm addicted to a hockey game more than sports I actually enjoy!
# 2 Skullduggery @ 09/13/10 01:24 PM
"Catch you guys at halftime."

Joke.... right?
# 3 Mikey88 @ 09/13/10 01:51 PM
Nice read.. i can't relate to your abandoning this great sport after the lockout though.. I would never even think of it. I still don't understand why hockey isn't bigger in the US than it is right now. Does not make any sense to me.. who doesn't like faced paced, hard hitting, high octane action? Oh, i guess its the same people that like golf and baseball or something. I have nothin against baseball, I love the sport but it's slow as molasses and you'd think with modern technology making everyone's attention spans dwindle into nothingness, that sports like baseball and golf would die a slow death and hockey would rise above.
# 4 GivenWings @ 09/13/10 01:52 PM
I love it !. =D

I can relate, but not 100%...
... I mean, I'm Canadian, so hockey's just simply in my blood.

Great article Mike !.
# 5 DJ @ 09/13/10 03:15 PM
Good article, Mike. Hey, we need to chat sometime; I used to work in sports journalism myself.

I grew up in NY and all of my cousins played hockey (I chose basketball. There was no way to play both b/c they were both winter sports) so I had a good understanding of the sport from them and followed the sport very closely in the 1990's. NHL 94 was my favorite game of that decade, without question.

When I moved to Florida, I stopped following the sport as closely as I once did and then when the lockout hit, I threw in the towel ... that is until I got my hands on NHL 08 (got that in 2009 used) and NHL 10. I think it also helps living in CO as the Avs have a good following out here and pretty good coverage in the local paper. But, I can say without question that EA's hockey game has helped re-kindle my interest in the sport and that makes me happy.

I've said the same thing about MLB The Show, too.
# 6 buckeyedude33 @ 09/13/10 04:57 PM
My story is similar, but is different in that before I ever played any of the NHL games I thought hockey was the stupidest sport that was at least somewhat featured in mainstream America. I mean really, who doesn't play for an entire year now-a-days? I do live in the South so hockey takes a back seat most of the time, but now NHL 11 is my 3rd NHL game to own. I have now taken the next step and am currently in the process of playing recreational hockey, and hope to play for my high school team next year.
# 7 russwg1970 @ 09/13/10 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by Mikey88
Nice read.. i can't relate to your abandoning this great sport after the lockout though.. I would never even think of it. I still don't understand why hockey isn't bigger in the US than it is right now. Does not make any sense to me.. who doesn't like faced paced, hard hitting, high octane action? Oh, i guess its the same people that like golf and baseball or something. I have nothin against baseball, I love the sport but it's slow as molasses and you'd think with modern technology making everyone's attention spans dwindle into nothingness, that sports like baseball and golf would die a slow death and hockey would rise above.
I'm a recent convert to the NHL, and I love it now. It's a sport full of tradition, dedication, and excitement. The only reason I think the NHL isn't more mainstream here in the US is unlike baseball, football, and basketball the sport is considered a Canadian pastime, and it's beginnings lie within their history.

The more I watch hockey, the more I'm amazed at the toughness of the players. And You don't see nearly as many prima donnas in the NHL as say the NFL, and it's not even close compared to the NBA. Football is still clearly my favorite sport, but the NHL is a very close second now.

Thanks for the article.
# 8 Vikes1 @ 09/13/10 05:40 PM
After being a huge hockey fan throughout the 80's...for whatever reason, my interest waned.

That is until like DJ...I played NHL '08'. Since then, I've been hooked again. My interest in the real life NHL is back pretty much in full force. Mainly because of a video game?...yep! Seems a bit silly, but true none the less.

It takes a pretty special video sports game to have that kind of power. I believe "The Show", FIFA, and NHL are in a league all their own as far as sports games go. I'm terrible at playing NHL, but I just can't quit playing!
# 9 Perfect Zero @ 09/13/10 06:04 PM
My first Playstation game was a non EA NHL 96 (I think it was made by SCEA), and I had a blast with it. It was around the time the Stars came to Dallas, but I never really followed it. Baseball has always been my first love, so I watch it all the time when it's going on. I've had a like for football, but my High School stunk at it, and I really hate the NFL now (so much so I don't watch it anymore).

Last year, I went to a Texas Brahmas game on a whim and really got sucked into the action. It helps that the arena is ice cold, and I had a really good time. I'm more of a CHL fan, but when the demo came out, I decided to watch more Stars hockey and to buy NHL 11.
# 10 ILLCHILL @ 09/13/10 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by Skullduggery
"Catch you guys at halftime."

Joke.... right?
Haha, glad my sarcasm wasn't completely lost! Also glad I'm not the only one who had a similar experience with the game/sport.

Thanks for the kind words fellas!

And wlfpack (or anyone else), hit me up sometime on AIM or Skype (illchill1234 on both), always love chatting some good sports/writing stuff.
# 11 LucianoJJ @ 09/14/10 10:24 AM
Mike, you represented the power of video games. This is what the developers dream of. Hockey really is a game best watched live, but EA, 2K and the NHL want people to get excited about the sport.

After reading MMChris' entry about EA Tiburon's football slump, EA Canada had their own hard times. NHL 09 was the breakout to me. While I am trying to work my way through NHL 11, and it does look and sound the same, it's obvious they put a lot of time and effort into gameplay. The result is that we are more into the game, and into the sport. Nice post.
# 12 tabulaRasa @ 09/14/10 10:45 AM
DOnīt you think media has something to do with it to? I mean, post lock-out hockey is so much more about speed and skill and it much more fun than the pre lock out hockey of the trap.

US media downplays hockey, and letīs face it, the average joe gets hyped by the media.

Oh NHL11 rocks! I really like HUT too, gets me back to the days when me and my friends spent hours just trading together teams
# 13 Therion7 @ 09/14/10 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by russwg1970
I'm a recent convert to the NHL, and I love it now. It's a sport full of tradition, dedication, and excitement. The only reason I think the NHL isn't more mainstream here in the US is unlike baseball, football, and basketball the sport is considered a Canadian pastime, and it's beginnings lie within their history.

The more I watch hockey, the more I'm amazed at the toughness of the players. And You don't see nearly as many prima donnas in the NHL as say the NFL, and it's not even close compared to the NBA. Football is still clearly my favorite sport, but the NHL is a very close second now.

Thanks for the article.
Some great points there, Russ. My main sport that I have followed for many years has been soccer as I'm from Scotland. However, the attitude of some players and the lack of a level playing field in a wider European context has grown tiresome over the decades. You pretty much know who's going to be in the mix for the domestic league and the Champions League before a ball has been kicked. There's no salary cap.

As you said, you have to admire the toughness of someone like Duncan Keith losing a mouthful of teeth after an encounter with the puck but still getting back on the ice. That's beyond compare - even in a sport like rugby. I also appreciate that not all players are Goliath specimens and wit and guile can be rewarded rather than size. Kane and Toews could not be classed as big guys. Strong but not big. And what about the schedule? Regular season is loooong and the players are either on the road or on the ice most nights. Yet there's little complaint - unlike other athletes.

I've pretty much liked hockey as a sport since EA's 16-bit masterpieces and even managed to track down a couple of replica NHL jerseys in my youth which was no mean feat when eBay didn't exist but 08 really got me into the sport again and let me identify who the lesser known talents were after losing touch during the PS2 era. It also helped that the advent of broadband let you watch streams or highlights of leagues around the world rather than just having access to a boxscore.

I now go and watch the real thing live, have a wardrobe full of jerseys and once you've seen your first game in the flesh it's hard to go back to other sports. Just the whole atmosphere is great, even with a 1000 or so spectators.

With the increasing availability of HD broadcasting, hockey can only increase in popularity. Look! You can see the puck!
# 14 [Icy] @ 09/14/10 11:46 AM
Well for me is even more weird, as there is no ice hockey in Spain besides 5 or 6 amateur clubs in the north. There is zero TV or news coverage, etc.

It all started with me being already a huge sports sim fan, who discovered the shareware version of EHM a few years ago, then the version under SI umbrella, and then NHL09 and the EASHL, where my addiction become almost an illness

So since 09 i'm the weird Spanish guy who follows the NHL daily and watches as much games as possible streamed online, who has played in some of the top EASHL teams despite living in a country where the only thing people knows about ice hockey is that the players fight each other frequently.
# 15 ILLCHILL @ 09/14/10 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by RealmK
A real Bruins fan wouldn't have stopped caring. A real Bruins fan would have stuck with the team regardless. Just saying.
It wasn't the team, it was the sport and the league. Tough to invest too much in the former if the latter disinterests you.
# 16 duckfever8 @ 09/14/10 08:22 PM
I got into hockey when I was about 7-8 years old with NHL 98 for the ps1 back in the day. The only things I knew were some team names (Oilers, Rangers, Islanders, Red Wings, Canadiens) and a couple players like Gretzky and Lemeuix. But that game got my hooked on hockey since it was unlike any other sport I've seen before. Plus hockey is fast paced exciting and most players aren't divas like many NBA pIayers. I decided to become a Kings fan because I use to like their uniforms. Now I got a collection of LA Kings jerseys, replicas mainly but their pretty spot on. While football will always be my number one, hockey is my number two favorite.
# 17 Mikey88 @ 09/15/10 11:29 PM
I remember introducing my buddy (American guy) to the NHL series on PS1 i believe back in the day.. He absolutely loved it and that got him to start watching games on tv.. He grew up in Cali where he played baseball and football in high school, never played hockey before but he thought he had a decent understanding on how to play.. and he always said that since he played baseball and football, hockey would be easy to pick up and play... lol....a few years after that he took it a step further and he joined a recreation ball hockey league with me. Needless to say he found it incredibly hard lol and has an even greater respect for the athletes that play the game at the pro level.

I think what i am getting at for people who've only seen games on tv or played the videogame, its hard to get a grasp on how hard the sport is to play, even at the recreation ball hockey level LOL
# 18 Matt_350z @ 09/16/10 06:50 PM
Whats weird is.... the NHL series brought me back into videogames.

Like a lot of you, as I entered my 30's, other priorties and interests took over my life. I stayed a fan of the NHL, and continued supporting my Boston Bruins. However, it wasn't until a buddy of mine showed me NHL 08 on the 360 that my almost decade long hiatus from gaming ended.

I remember being in my teens, and throughout college playing EA's NHL game on the Genesis. Great times indeed. It was finally brought full circle in NHL 08, when I could now easily play the same friends across country, via online.

I feel it really shows the quality and overall fun this series brings to the table. I have since become a devout fan of SCEA MLB game as well.
# 19 buzzguy @ 09/27/10 02:37 PM
Good write-up, Mike! Seems like many Bruins fans are getting back on-board, even after last season's playoff debacle. It's like you guys want to finish some "unfinished buisness"!
Being a Jets fan who can actually remember going to NHL games in Winnipeg, I envy you guys who have teams close-by. Especially the newer hockey fans and those coming back. Go see your local teams, and the atmosphere will make you wonder why you didn't go before, or just stopped going after the lockout. Cherish what you have and just love the game. If it took a video game to show you what a beautiful-yet-gritty sport hockey is, so be it. Strong testimont to how EA Canada's game is such a good example of what hockey really is.
# 20 kLong023 @ 10/08/10 09:26 PM
Excellent article! I can relate 100%!

I am 21 years old and when i was younger, my uncle was the announcer for the Wheeling Thunderbirds/Nailers (the ECHL affiliate of the Pittsburgh Penguins) games. I was able to go to ALOT of T-Bird/Nailers games, and a few Penguin games. I often got to go on the ice right after the game, got to meet team many times, and they even gave me the game puck a few times. I was quite the hockey fan. But something happened over the years, and i stopped following and watching it all together. In the past 4 years, though, (i can't remember exactly which year it was), something made me pick up the yearly installment of EA Sport's NHL, and I fell in love with the sport all over again. I love the sport more than ever, know more about it than i ever have, and EA's game definately has something to do with that.

I've always been a big football ban, and I LOVE my Steelers, but this year, I was just as excited for the Pen's season opener last night at the brand new Console Energy Center as i was for the first week of football season.

Thank you EA Sports for helping to bring hockey back into my life! GO PENGUINS! GO BABY PENS! GO NAILERS!!!

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