Feature Article
Interview with NHL 2K11 Cover Athlete Ryan Kesler

Operation Sports got a chance to talk with NHL 2K11 cover athlete Ryan Kesler yesterday. Read on to find out what Kesler thinks about being a 2K cover athlete, video games and a certain Chicago Blackhawks theme song.

Operation Sports: Ryan, thanks for taking the time to talk to us. First off, were you a big gamer growing up, and how specifically have games impacted your life?

Ryan Kesler: Yeah, I've been a big gamer ever since I can remember. My brother is nine years older than me, and he started me on video games early. We started with Nintendo, playing Ice Hockey and Blades of Steel. Then we got the Sega Genesis, Playstation, Playstation 2, Playstation 3, Xbox, Xbox 360 -- I had them all growing up.

OS: Knowing that you are such a big gamer, when 2K Sports approached you to be on the cover of NHL 2K11, what was your reaction?

RK: I was very excited and very humbled when I heard about the whole thing. It's not every day that you are asked to be in a video game, and I still remember when I was asked. It's something I will never forget my entire life. It's just something for me that I grew up always dreaming of being on a cover.

OS: I've read a lot about your mo-cap work with the development team at 2K. Can you describe that experience?

RK: I had to put on a suit, and they put these tiny white balls all over my body. The suit I had to get in was a little tight. I've never really worn a spandex suit before -- it was a little different (laughs). It was really fun though, [and] even now I will look at different moves in the game and go 'whoa, that looks like a move I would pull off.' It's cool things like that they can take out of mo-cap.

OS: So they didn't make you do anything too crazy during the mo-cap session?

RK: On a couple celebrations I did something crazy but nothing too crazy.

OS: Back in the day it was all the rage for athletes to be on the cover of cereal boxes. One of our editors, Chase Becotte, was wondering what is cooler in your eyes: to be on the cover of a cereal box or the cover of a video game?

RK: ...I'd have to say video game because of me being such a big gamer. I'm actually building my own arcade right now. Gaming is something I grew up loving, and I still love it. Again, I'd have to say video game cover.

OS: So since you're building an arcade, what's your favorite gaming system of all time?[/b]

RK: ...All-time favorite? That's a tough one. My all-time favorite classic game though is Ms. Pacman. All-time favorite '90s game would probably be NHL 2 on 2 Open Ice or NBA Jam. My all-time favorite modern game would be either Golden Tee or Big Buck Hunter -- one of those.

OS: Based on your all-time favorite choices, you seem to be more of a sports fan than any of the other genres?

RK: Actually I really like the classics. I could name about 15 classics right now that I am in love with.

OS: Well, then speaking of classics, are you a big Mario Kart fan?

RK: I have it on the Wii.

OS: Which character do you roll with?

RK: ...Yoshi -- I couldn't think of his name.

OS: Based on his balance and speed I'm assuming -- much like your game on the ice?

RK: (Laughs) Yeah, exactly.

OS: Back to the broader picture in regards to hockey games, what is the first hockey game you yourself remember being in?

RK: ...I couldn't even tell you. I just remember being myself -- probably when I was a rookie seven or so years ago. I was putting myself in the lineup because the game had me as the 13th or 14th forward. I'd have to actually go in and put myself in the game (laughs). It was actually pretty cool.

OS: So did you make yourself dominate?

RK: (laughs) Exactly!

OS: OK so one real hockey question to end it. Now, you personally had a great year and so did the Canucks. Being from the Detroit area, and with you guys losing to the Hawks in the second round, is it safe to say that there is no more annoying song than Chelsea Dagger by the Fratellis?

RK: Actually I don't really mind it, it's a catchy song, but I just don't want to hear it seven times in one night. Especially not in the last game of the season. It gets very annoying after you hear it for about the fourth time.

OS: So what would you make the Canucks theme song be for this season to be played after every goal you score?

RK: ...I'd probably make it the most annoying noise you could possibly hear. (laughs)

OS: I see... (laughs) So no specific song or artist in mind? Maybe something from Justin Bieber?

RK: What about Dumb and Dumber? That's the movie where they are in the van isn't it?

OS: Yes...

RK: And then the one guy says 'what's the most annoying sound you've ever heard?' and he starts screaming. Yeah, I'd probably do something like that.

OS: Nice. Well, thanks again for your time Ryan and please make sure to take it easy on the Red Wings this season.

RK: I'll try. Thank you.

So how do you think Kesler will do this season with the Canucks, and what do you think of NHL 2K11 at this point? Make sure to sound off below.

Christian McLeod is a senior staff writer at Operation Sports and self-proclaimed hockey nut. Hailing from Hockeytown, he is already planning his route for the Red Wings Stanley Cup victory parade. Follow him on Twitter at Bumble14_OS, drop him a line on the OS Forums at Bumble14, or challenge him to a hockey game on XBL/PSN via Bumble14.

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