Feature Article
Dump N' Cheese: The Loop Glitch and Why the Silence EA?

Last night I played a little OTP because none of my clubmates were online for EASHL. (For the record, while the NHL 11 demo is awesome, there are only so many third periods one can play in a row.)

I play left defense so finding games is not a problem since most OTP players just jump at a chance to play forward and rake in those awesome points. Of course, they usually do this by holding on to the puck and making sure that they never pass it around, thus making playing D easy if not a little boring at times.

Here is a brief summary of the games:

  • The first game we scored two goals in the first period, and the game was looped.
  • The second game the opposing center took a stupid penalty in the second period, looped. The game was tied 0-0 at the time.
  • The third game our left wing called for a couple of unwise passes from the AI goalie, down 0-2, looped.
  • The fourth game the opposition was down 0-3, then they tried to loop the game but somehow the loop got reversed after about three minutes, and those of us who stayed in the game managed to finish it.

Four games in a row looping was attempted and there was a success ratio of 75 percent. Now, for those unaware of what "looping" is, basically it is a glitch that causes the game to crash and (usually) ends with it not counting. There are a couple different types of looping glitches, but probably the most popular one tends to occur when someone pauses the game, and then via sneaky ways gets the game to get caught in a faceoff loop once everyone returns to action on the ice.

I also have to say that my random OTP games are not always that bad. In my experience, maybe one in five OTP games gets looped at the moment. In the EASHL, maybe one in 10 ends with a looping fiasco. Four games in a row was just bad luck I suppose, but even if the loop rate is 10 percent of games, it is still too much.

The thing that makes loop glitching so much more annoying compared to the usual cheese on the ice is the fact that there is nothing you can do about it. If someone is trying to score goals by abusing the game mechanics, you can adjust your defense and take those opportunities away from the cheeser for the most part. It's not fun, but it can be done.

With the faceoff loop, there are tricks you can try to avoid being looped. The problem is that, short of not playing the game, nothing works for sure. You can try and dump the puck over the boards, score a goal, score an own goal, take a penalty etc. But still, the loop will usually keep on looping.

The only thing that reduces your chances of being looped is the "Never Press Resume" rule. Whether it is a cut scene, intermission or a pause, never press a button to resume play. Never.

Following this rule makes the games last about five minutes longer than usual, and you have to obediently follow the rule. One innocent press of a button and wham, you just wasted 30 minutes of your life because someone could not handle the inevitability of a loss.

And since using this glitch has spread like a Russian wildfire over the past six months, people are starting to use it for the most ridiculous reasons. Get a penalty, loop the game. If people do not pass to you often enough, loop the game. Not enough points scored, loop the game.

You get the picture, right?

Then there is the minor detail of EA not addressing the problem.

The loop glitch, as far as I know, has been around for a while. In other words, this is not just an NHL 10 problem. However, I have to say "as far as I know" because I did not get into online hockey until this year. There had been promises that the glitch would be fixed in NHL 10, but the same glitch is obviously still around. Maybe it is slightly evolved, but it still results in the game not counting.

So how can EA ignore our cries of frustration without either fixing the problem for good or acknowledging the problem and talking to the fans about it?

Every single EA NHL forum is filled with threads about this glitch. People are complaining about it, or they are trying to find counter measures to fight the phenomenon, or people are talking about using the loop glitch to fight other glitchers.

Even reporting the glitching teams in the EASHL to EA directly is too difficult, and even if you do report the team, it does not usually lead to the team in the wrong being punished. And because of EA's terms of service agreement, we cannot even post the offending team names or Gamertags/PSN IDs to EA's own forums, thus making it harder to avoid teams that are known to loop.

And here's the real catch. Even if EA decides to ban a team from the playoffs after numerous complaints about the team, how does that help the non-playoff teams who have had to suffer the consequences all year? Plus, if EA deletes a team and their record, the loopers will just start another team and hope that they get away with cheating this time around.

Looping is essentially a get out of jail free card that can be used over and over again. Knowing how easy it is to get out of a loss in the EASHL once you have mastered the art of looping also makes me wonder about the validity of the rankings. When I look at the top teams in the EASHL, I can see a couple of teams who have looped us, and we are ranked just behind those teams in the top 10,000.

Simply put, I sincerely hope that this issue will be fixed in NHL 11. There are over 500,000 people who play in the EASHL alone, and the frustration of playing games that will not finish or count is just too much sometimes.

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Member Comments
# 1 jsquigg @ 08/30/10 02:23 PM
It is a problem, but you of course attack the team that has been the most responsive to the community over the past 3-4 years. I'm sure they know about it and it should be fixed for 11. Gamers can be such nit pickers....
# 2 blazer003 @ 08/30/10 02:36 PM
This is what gives me little hope that they are actually going to fix the pump fake glitch in NCAA.
# 3 blazer003 @ 08/30/10 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by jsquigg
It is a problem, but you of course attack the team that has been the most responsive to the community over the past 3-4 years. I'm sure they know about it and it should be fixed for 11. Gamers can be such nit pickers....
He's pointing out that it's a major problem and it hasn't been fixed. I don't think he's attacking them in any way. And to say it's nit picking, there is nothing more frustrating than playing a game that doesn't count.
# 4 milesizdead @ 08/30/10 02:38 PM
I love this game and the team behind it is excellent in how they improve the game every year.
I still think that us EASHL players deserve some info on the glitch that is causing us grief almost every night we play.
# 5 hop706 @ 08/30/10 02:52 PM
This issue is far from "nit picking" Nit picking is complaining that the goalie doesn't have the correct brand of laces on his skates. Like the article says it could happen multiple times in one session and late in the game. It's downright frustrating. Then again a whole lot about EASHL/OTP or online gaming as whole is frustrating. It starts in the lobby where you always come across one fool who switches sides, back and forth then settles in after the lobby is full and refuses to push the ready button so you can advance to the pick position screen. Once there you run into the diehards who refuse to play out of position because it might affect their precious game grades and slow their journey to their pro card. If they don't get their position again they sit and let the clock run down so they can punish everyone for not letting them get their way. Finally you get into the game only to find out the guy that didn't get his way has taken his ball and gone home while the game was loading so already one team is down a player, The puck drops and oh my heavens someone scored 2 minutes into the game. Here comes the rush of mice jumping off the sinking ship. Go down 2-0 and you suddenly have 1 or 2 guys left out of the 6 you started with....if you're lucky. Bottom line is the percentage might be lower but it seems as though 85-90% of online gamers are complete jerks and take things WAY too seriously. If you want to argue this point then tell me the last time you played an OTP game where it started and ENDED with 6 on 6. It doesn't happen.
# 6 addybojangles @ 08/30/10 03:15 PM
This is a huge problem and it needs to be addressed in NHL 11.

You say 1 in 10 are looped in EASHL? Maybe it's because my team is pretty good, but we get looped 3-4 times per 10. I've found never hitting the button MIGHT work, but who knows? It's probably just speculation.

Either way, whenever we're beating a top 50 ranked team in the 3rd period, we start getting pauses. It seems like all top teams do this to protect their rank.

Just as worse is being able to quit out of a game before the clock hits 18:00. Our team has scored maybe 20 times in the first 2 minutes of the game only to get a pause and a quit. For whatever reason, EA Sports has enacted a rule where EVEN IF THE TEAM QUITS THE GAME, it still doesn't count.

I'm cautiously hopeful for these changes to make their way into NHL 11.
# 7 TheRisingSan @ 08/30/10 04:51 PM
Wow, this really is a travesty. I myself don't play NHL 10 nor have played a sports game online (this year probably will be my first playing any sports game online) so before I read this article, I had no clue about "looping". It's amazing that so many people are willing to cheat just to protect their stats. It really shows how much integrity people have. I really hope that they fix this and that I will never have to see this in sports games online.
# 8 ViperXX79 @ 08/30/10 05:57 PM
You can go to youtube and watch one of the "top teams", deke and destroy, loop several teams. The rankings have always been a joke. People are either glitching or boosting to get where they are.
# 9 King10Sooted @ 08/30/10 06:10 PM
Know what would be cool? If EA made like an Operation Sports division for the EASHL. And in order to play in it you would have to be an OS member. And we can have some trusted people from the OS community moderate the division and kick out anyone who wants to cheat/glitch/cheese.

I know something like this wouldnt happen. But I just wish people would have a little more integrity. I know there is thousands of people out there who dont want to cheat, and want to play a fair sim game. But playing with randoms you always run the risk of cheaters.
# 10 CarlCarlson @ 08/30/10 06:32 PM
I was playing OTP the other day and when the other team paused the game one of my teammates said something about going to the Instant Replay screen to avoid getting looped. I can't confirm if this method works or not because it's a little late now.. but thought I'd share.
# 11 russwg1970 @ 08/30/10 08:07 PM
This is why I don't play games online anymore. Why do games have leader boards, I mean really!?! The only people at the top are boosters cheating their way there. The only game that I know of that has a legit leader board is Forza 3, because you can watch their race.

What's crazy is who are the a-holes that spend the time to figure this crap out? Does't EA have a way to track the percentage of games "dropped" to an individual account and displayed on their profile to help identify potential cheesers?
# 12 voodoo_magic @ 08/30/10 10:35 PM
Thank god nhl '11 comes out soon because it seems like the problem is just about as bad as at the end of last year when in the last 2 months teams would try to pause glitch probably 75% of the games.

What's sad is when teams are caught doing this, they admit it and absolutely nothing is done.
A team over on eashlforum said in the chat after the game against a good team that yes they looped but ea wouldn't do anything so they don't care what anyone says.
This was in July, playoffs were over so nothing to win.

Until ea does something the online bap and eashl are just like the steroid era in baseball, none of the records or accomplishments of these teams means anything.
# 13 Dazraz @ 08/31/10 03:39 AM
Loops, glitches, lost connections! When playing online I found I was more preoccupied with these issues than ever really enjoying the game. This is why I remain an offline gamer.
# 14 JezFranco @ 08/31/10 05:23 AM
Originally Posted by Dazraz
Loops, glitches, lost connections! When playing online I found I was more preoccupied with these issues than ever really enjoying the game. This is why I remain an offline gamer.
I love online gaming (in general) when it is working and when you're playing fair teams/players that, just like me, love to play the game the way it was supposed to, and just enjoy it.
But those games are hard to find.
# 15 jb1 @ 08/31/10 06:21 AM
I rarely played online during NHL10 but even I experienced the loop glitch with about 5 seconds left in a game. It's obviously frustrating that there are people out there who are happy to do this on a regular basis just to protect their stats, it's just a shame that they can do this without any fear of reprisals from EA.

I would hope and expect EA to have been treating this as a priority and either fixed the isssue or found a way to punish those who do this.

Personally I mainly play versus and I have had some great games when I run into players looking to play Hockey but I would say out of my 30+ games over half of them have just been frustrating experiences. Just a couple of days ago I ran into a player who just continuously spun and deked his way down the wing looking to pass it cross crease at every opportunity and after he scored just tried to hold onto the puck in his own end. Now when I play I want to win like anyone else but I honestly don't care if I lose as long as the game has been enjoyable, infact some of my most enjoyable moments online were games that I ended up losing.
# 16 18 eighty 5 @ 08/31/10 08:08 AM
I can never really be bothered with online hockey because of the constant cheesing.


what is looping?
# 17 milesizdead @ 08/31/10 10:04 AM
I know Redshirt has mentioned this on this forum and EAīs as well last spring, but one developer saying that the issue is being looked at might not be enough.

What about all those players who donīt spend all their time on the forums?

I just think that the PR work by EA does not match the level of outcry looping has caused among EASHL/OTP players.

And hats off to Redshirt, it is amazing that an overworked developer donates his time for us
# 18 ChitownFan526 @ 08/31/10 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by milesizdead
I know Redshirt has mentioned this on this forum and EAīs as well last spring, but one developer saying that the issue is being looked at might not be enough.

What about all those players who donīt spend all their time on the forums?

I just think that the PR work by EA does not match the level of outcry looping has caused among EASHL/OTP players.

And hats off to Redshirt, it is amazing that an overworked developer donates his time for us
Agreed. I can understand not addressing specific causes because this can do as much harm as good in spreading how to do a loop glitch. However, the overall lack of any sort of consistent communication is troublesome. Like it was stated in the blog, it's a glitch that renders fair gamers totally powerless for the most part. My EASHL team has had at least 25 games stolen this year because of this loop glitch, and that's an astounding number in my opinion without any form of overt action by the game developer. I realize that this isn't the only responsibility that they have, I truly do. I just feel this particular cheat is unique like I mentioned above. So overall, I totally agree with the OP and I hope EA makes a more "transparent" effort to 1) combat the technical issues causing the loop, 2) perhaps develop a more concise method for reporting cheaters, and 3) no disrespect intended as I say this, but actually punish the cheaters that choose to ruin fair players' fun. They have no business in the same community, period.
# 19 Haeyena @ 09/01/10 10:30 AM
I would have to say that 25 games this season is a REALLY low number for our club. I'd say more in line with 100+. Around December to February we received 2 Bronzes and 1 Gold medal. Then the looping really took off. Suddenly the entire league is skewed and glitchers rocket to the top. We start playing complete bastards, who score glitch goals constantly and dance around the ice holding the puck for a minute at a time. We never placed again, even though we have mostly point+-per-game players and solid D. This isn't a laundry list about our club, it's to show the impact on the leaderboards and team points. If some teams NEVER lose it's easier to get to the top. And, in turn, makes it very frustrating. We absolutely love the sport and playing this game really plays into us not being able to actually play the game ourselves. That experience is sullied by cheaters. I have played 1000+ games....as far as I know...how many were glitched out combined with OTP?

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