Feature Article
Three Most Anticipated Racing Games for the Second Half of 2010

I tend to be a fairly placid gamer. I will never be someone who lines up at my local GameStop for a midnight release. I can usually wait for games to get a little cheaper in price before buying them, and sometimes I end up really late on even the biggest titles (I just started playing Dirt, for example). Still, sometimes even I get excited for something. I did obsessively check the Forza Web site for months before the game released and could not wait to sink my teeth into that game. The same thing went for Madden 10.

And the nice part about this year is that it has already been a big year for racing games, yet I am still excited about some upcoming releases. So here are my top three most-anticipated racing games for the rest of the year:

WRC 2010

While the two Dirt games are great fun, they did not really offer a true simulation of a World Rally Championship season. There also has not been much in the way of rally games on this generation of consoles. However, the developers at Black Bean Studios look like they are trying to rectify that problem. However, the studio is somewhat unknown because it has only worked on niche racers like Superbike World Championship and the Superstars V8 series.

Rally racing is more mainstream than either of those series and should give the development studio a much larger audience. From the videos available, the game looks very promising and features extraordinarily detailed courses that strive to accurately re-create the real-life courses from the WRC season. This accuracy is important since one of the touted features of the game is the ability to race against the actual drivers during the events throughout the season.

F1 2010 is looking to continue Codemasters excellent track record with racing games.


F1 2010

Codemasters has put together a string of terrific and successful racing games such as the TOCA/Grid and Colin McRae/Dirt series. The developers under the Codemasters umbrella have really have shown their ability to create fun, gorgeous and fairly realistic games that are also accessible. So I really have faith that Codemasters be able to create something special with the F1 license. The videos that have been released so far make the game look promising, and while I am not an F1 fan, I do love F1 games.

The game is supposed to feature a deep career mode that will let you experience the life of the driver. This means you will be able to change teams, work with teammates and deal with the media. The game should also allow Codemasters to return to a true simulation style, which is not to knock Grid or Dirt, but I feel like Codemasters has tended toward a more arcade style lately -- especially when compared to the Colin McRae days. Still, if Codemasters delivers once again, I would expect F1 2010 to be one of the highlights of the year

Gran Turismo 5

This game should be a given number one for any racing fan. I do not even own a PlayStation 3, and I still can’t help but be excited by what I have seen. I love the Forza series and consider Forza 3 to be at the top of the racing-game class, but Gran Turismo is still Gran Turismo. I missed out on the original iteration, but I have owned 2, 3 and 4.

Sure, the games may be constantly and consistently delayed, I don’t think Gran Turismo 2 could have had a worse menu or been any buggier, and I abhor the mandatory license tests, but again, it’s still Gran Turismo. It’s like Ferrari: It has the name and the history and that goes a long way.

This is not to imply that the series gets by on name alone. Each game in the series has earned its accolades, and I expect the same from the fifth version. The delays might be frustrating, but in the end, they might prove worth it. Besides, a growing complaint from gamers has been the over-reliance on patches to fix things that should have been corrected before release -- this has been especially true in sports games so OSers should know better than any other gamers. Therefore, shouldn’t we be glad that Polyphony is taking the time to get everything just right?

And remember how I said I didn’t own a PS3? I would expect that to change when GT5 gets released, whenever that may be.

These are the three racing games I’m most excited for, what are yours?


Gran Turismo 5 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 GrandMaster B @ 07/20/10 04:08 PM
No Test Drive Unlimited 2?
# 2 seeuatthemovies @ 07/20/10 04:42 PM
Good list, I'm looking forward to these three games as well. I'm stoked to see NASCAR making a true appearance in GT5. The F1 game really intrigues me though. I liked the Sony edition of that racing series and was disappointed when they chose not to continue.
# 3 ferriscj24 @ 07/20/10 05:54 PM
I'm really starting to think GT5 is going to be the mothership of the racing genre...
# 4 Bahnzo @ 07/20/10 06:37 PM
I have to admit I didn't know there was a new rally game coming out.

Originally Posted by ferriscj24
I'm really starting to think GT5 is going to be the mothership of the racing genre...
I think that remains to be seen. The author talks about buying a PS3 for GT5, but I think Forza has become the racing game of it's genre. It's possible GT5 could change that, but it would have to wow me to do that. Forza has so much going for it including a very solid multiplayer with XBL that I'll have to wait and see if PSN can attempt to match.
# 5 LucianoJJ @ 07/20/10 07:10 PM
I am sold on F1 2010. Release day purchase for me. I just hope the career mode isn't as goofy as TOCA, with the mentor who sounded like Scotty from Star Trek. Give me the cars, the liveries, the tracks, and just let me race. No career mode fantasy matters to me.

WRC interest me, but it also concerns me. I hope Black Bean can pull it off. It has to be more of a sim than DiRT was. I bought DiRT used and sold it back shortly because I didn't like Codemasters going so far from what made the Colin McRae games so good. Black Bean may not have the resources to do as well as Codemasters did with Colin. (R.I.P.)

GT5 has all the goods, all the eye candy, all the hype, all the toys to succeed. Having WRC and NASCAR licenses adds to the broad appeal. But I wonder if it took too long. Did Polyphony and Sony stall to see if the economy would turn around? They must expect to sell massive amounts and make megabucks. I don't think GT will bomb creatively, but I wonder if this is the last GT. If it is the last GT, did they need to go out with a bang?
# 6 zdmetal @ 07/21/10 07:41 PM
I'm liking F1 and GT5, but I'm not so sure about the WRC game. I would probably replace that with TDU2 only because the other games that Black Bean have made haven't been very good.
# 7 BIG CAROLINA @ 07/21/10 09:59 PM
F1, GT5 and WRC = Racer Bliss
# 8 Bellsprout @ 07/21/10 10:02 PM
1. GT5
2. Not relevant as it will pale in comparison.
# 9 thesnowman8 @ 07/22/10 12:46 AM
What about the new Need for Speed? I'm excited about that one!
# 10 cepwin @ 07/24/10 09:53 AM
GT5 and F1 2010 are my top two.....I already have them on pre-order. As for the third, I do see WRC as a good choice. (Oh, and don't forget, it looks like SBK X, also blackbean, just got a NA release date...although you can import it on-line for roughly the same price...it's quite well done) NFS looks like fun and I can see at as a good choice as well if you're looking for something more arcady ... they're after something different than GT5 and F1 2010 and I think they reach their goals.
# 11 sleepychicken @ 07/24/10 04:02 PM
1) GT5
2) Test Drive 2
3) F1/WRC

I still play GT5: Prologue, GT5 should be great. There have been hints that a lot of the mechanics from past games such as the ******** career structure with the license tests may be out or changed to not be so frustrating and unrealistic.

Test Drive 2 looks like fun. It'll be a good game to have when I don't feel like getting all serious on some GT5. Don't know how much time, if any, I'll spend throwing parties in the "Sims" mode, but the open world driving and customization looks promising.

Need to see more about F1. Need to play a demo. Though the open wheel racing in GRID was pretty awesome, so I imagine the game will be good. Something is always a little off for me with Codemasters racers though. Can't pinpoint exactly what, but I can never stay interested in them very long. I think it's because their games are all over the place and I don't really care for the career structure. Maybe making a liscensed game will make it a more focused and interesting experience.

WRC is a great idea. BB's games have been improving lately, hopefully this will be a good title. Still, like F1, I need to see more about the game, play a demo before I consider buying it, if and when they decide to bring it over to the US.

No interest in NFS: HP right now. I watched the stage demo from E3 and it looked flat out boring. Maybe it would improve with more people in a game, but it just doesn't look all that interesting to me right now.
# 12 tommy4uf @ 07/29/10 01:56 PM
GT5, F1, and the sprintcar game that just came out on ps3. i know its already out but i was really excited to play that game and it lived up to my expectations of a $20 game. I'm gonna have to knock the dust off my wheel when these games come out. I cant wait. Now if we can just a new freakin NASCAR game, and not just a small part of GT5. A whole game dedicated to just NASCAR. I miss those games
# 13 Proof21 @ 07/30/10 09:08 PM
F1 and GT5 is all I need. I still play F1:CE to this day.
# 14 Proof21 @ 07/30/10 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by tommy4uf
GT5, F1, and the sprintcar game that just came out on ps3. i know its already out but i was really excited to play that game and it lived up to my expectations of a $20 game. I'm gonna have to knock the dust off my wheel when these games come out. I cant wait. Now if we can just a new freakin NASCAR game, and not just a small part of GT5. A whole game dedicated to just NASCAR. I miss those games
Are you talking about WoO? I would recommend picking up the PS2 copy of WoO. Also if you like Nascar, look for Dirt to Daytona, it is the best console Nascar game IMO.
# 15 EnigmaNemesis @ 07/30/10 10:19 PM
GT5 is my most anticipated.

TDU2, is on the list though, if it can build upon what it was trying to do with the first game.
# 16 tommy4uf @ 08/13/10 11:00 AM
Yep WoO is what im talking about. I have the WoO on ps2 also. i think there are two games. the ratbag game is much better than the newer of those ps2 games. And ive played Dirt to Daytona and hated it for some reason. It was WAY WAY to easy for me. I always found that the EA NASCAR games were the best although they started really getting weak toward the end b4 they finally just completely stopped making it

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