Feature Article
NASCAR Thunder 2003 Interview

Operation Sports is proud to present our interview with Ed Martin, Director of NASCAR production, Electronic Arts.

Operation Sports: NASCAR Thunder 2002 was well received as a sim for the PC. Will NASCAR Thunder 2003 be dumbed-down for consoles like NASCAR Thunder 2002 was, or will we get a true sim like the PC version?

Ed Martin: NASCAR Thunder 2003 will be the first PC NASCAR title EA has shipped in a couple of years. It is very different from its console "cousins". The PC title was developed by Image Space - the same guys that do EA's F1 PC titles. It's definitely a hard-core sim.

Operation Sports: Will there be sliders for drafting? The drafting model in NASCAR Thunder 2002 for consoles was nearly Hover-like and not realistic.

Ed Martin: Again, the PC product is very different than the console - totally different developer, code, physics, AI, etc. So yes, the drafting in the PC version is very different from consoles.

Operation Sports: Will restrictor-plate racing be simulated better? It's way too easy to pass without drafting help and way too easy to get back in line of the drafting freight train in the console version?

Ed Martin: We do model the plate in the PC version so yes, it's different & realistic.

Operation Sports: Will the passing model be more accurate in the console version? It was a snap to pass five or six cars in a single turn at certain tracks like Atlanta.

Ed Martin: The console versions are meant to be more "arcade" like than the PC version that is an all-out sim. To appeal to the console audience, we do things to make the driving/racing experience more exciting. Passing is one of those things. We like to keep the player in the action & feeling like they're making progress.

Operation Sports: Will the physics model be logical in the console version? Cars always started to snap over steer in corners but never seemed to spin, as if some magic wall prevented a full spin from snap over steer.

Ed Martin: Again, as the console versions are targeted at a different audience than the PC, we do tend to "cheat" to come down more on the side of fun vs realism. That said, the physics & AI have been totally re-written for the console versions this year. If you turn the assists down, it's certainly a lot more challenging.

Operation Sports: Will tire wear be implemented in the console version as well as that in the Xbox version of NASCAR Heat 2002? Tire wear didn't seem to have much effect in NASCAR Thunder 2002, as the cars didn't get terribly loose -- they never do in this game -- or become tight.

Ed Martin: The physics & AI are totally rewritten in NT03 so yes, tire wear is more realistic.

Operation Sports: Will there be a progressive career mode like in NASCAR Heat 2003, where you need to climb through late models, modfieds, NASCAR trucks and then the Busch series before getting a Winston Cup ride?

Ed Martin: No, our Career Mode is based in the NASCAR Winston Cup Series. However, it's very different from NT02. This year, it's a real "team manager" game with in the game. You invest your winnings in everything from hiring the team members to deciding where to invest (e.g. engines, chassis, etc.).

Operation Sports: Are there any plans to take the NASCAR Thunder series online with both the PS2 and Xbox?

Ed Martin: We haven't announced anything in that area yet.

Operation Sports: (PC Version) How closely will Thunder simulate a weekend at the track? For example, will all the rules of NASCAR have to be adhered to (flag rules, pitting rules, etc.)?

Ed Martin: The rules are all in there but the player has the ability to decide/set what is on & what's off. For example, on flags, you can turn them all off, turn just yellows off (leaving black) or leave them all on.

Operation Sports: (PS2 Version) Will there be more wrecks and cautions caused by other cars on the track? In 2002 the only time there was a caution was when I created the wreck. Will there be more bumper to bumper racing on tracks like Talledega and Daytona, where drafting is a must?

Ed Martin: Yes. And the user has the ability to turn the AI ability up & down. So, if you want rock solid AI, you can get that. If you want more "action", you can get that, too.

Operation Sports: When playing more than 2 players will 43 cars be on the track?

Ed Martin: With 2 players, there are 20 AI. In 3 or 4 player mode, there are 10.

Operation Sports: Will there be cautions in career mode this year?

Ed Martin: Absolutely.

Operation Sports: If we are limited to the amount of tracks that can be run in career mode, can we at least pick and choose the tracks? To take it a step further, if there are the limited amount of tracks in career mode will they change yearly?

Ed Martin: Those limits are gone. You can run the full season or less - the user gets to decide. And, you can set race lengths.

Operation Sports: In Career/Season mode, will you be racing against the same 42 drivers every race, or will you have some of the lesser names steal a qualifying spot here and there. I would love to put Shawna into the wall at Daytona while still having that spot open at Bristol for a real driver.

Ed Martin: Well, I can't promise that you can put Shawna in the wall at Bristol, but yes, the field will change race to race.