Feature Article
Five Dead Racing Franchises That Need to be Resurrected

Some franchises just seem to procreate even though no one really seems to want new versions of the series. On the other hand, some franchises seem to go long dormant and leave their fans wanting more.

Here are five racing games that fall into the latter category:

Vigilante 8

This is not a true racing game, but you still have to give me a moment to talk about my fondest Playstation-era memories. Vigilante 8 is an often overlooked gem. This is a car-combat game along the lines of the Twisted Metal series, but in my opinion, it was the superior franchise. The physics of the game, while not realistic, were much more developed than in other games of the genre. In addition, the second game, Vigilante 8: Second Offense, added a fairly deep upgrade system that not only altered your vehicle's attributes but also its outward appearance.

The game had a deep weapon-combo system to boot, and the vehicles were generally balanced. There was a recent Xbox Live Arcade remake of the game, but it did not feel like a full blown game and lacked the upgrade system of the second game. Also, the single-player mode lacked the often funny and always unique sci-fi-oil-crisis-time-traveling plot of the originals. I would settle for a remake of the second game with updated visuals but would really love a true next-gen sequel.

Jet Moto

Here is another classic from the Playstation era. However, if I were ranking these titles, Jet Moto would be lower on my list because I actually have my doubts about how well the gameplay would translate to current systems. If the game was released today, I feel like the mechanics of the game might be seen as too simple. Then again, simple can be good at times.

For those unfamiliar with the franchise, Jet Moto is a futuristic game featuring hoverbike racing on a variety of tracks that range from roller coasters to coastline beaches. The thing that made Jet Moto so memorable to me were the track designs, which were set in creative locales and sometimes impossibly difficult to master. The aforementioned roller-coaster track is one I remember falling off of time and time again. A new game would hopefully utilize the power of modern consoles to create even more spectacular tracks while still retaining the game's breakneck pace.

NASCAR Rumble/Rumble Racing

NASCAR Rumble was another PS1 game that I spent loads of time playing. The mixture of real NASCAR drivers and Mario Kart-style power-ups and tracks made it a perfect game for my younger NASCAR-fan self. The game’s PS2 successor, Rumble Racing, dropped the NASCAR license but added loads more content. The game had tons of cars and tracks to unlock, which kept me playing for hours. The game was fast, slick and easy to pick up and play. It was one of those perfect games that was easy to learn but hard to master.

A current-gen update that took advantage of online play and leaderboards could be amazing. While there are plenty of action-packed racing games on the market, a new Rumble Racing could find its niche with its trademark cartoon-like graphics and commitment to fun above all else.


Before EA acquired the exclusive rights to create NASCAR games, many console gamers discovered the best place to get their fix of go fast and turn left racing was the NASCAR Heat series. While the original PS1 game was ugly as sin, the PS2/Xbox sequel, NASCAR Heat 2002, remedied that issue while retaining the features that made the series great. The game had 43 car fields, and a superior handling and damage model that compared favorably to other console offerings at the time.

In addition to all that, it had unique and fun driving challenges like navigating a multi-car pileup unscathed. To put it succinctly, it is to NASCAR gamers what NFL 2K5 was to football gamers. Since the NASCAR license is now up in the air, I think a lot of people would love to see this series fill that void once again.

Destruction Derby

This series is one that probably ended up with two sequels too many already -- the third and fourth installments, Destruction Derby Raw and Destruction Derby: Arenas, were disappointing to say the least. Nevertheless, the first two games still represent Destruction Derby's unique and stellar take on stock-car racing. The races in the game were made up of ruthless events in which the intentional wrecking of other racers was gleefully encouraged. However, unlike similar current-gen offerings like Burnout, the Destruction Derby games maintained a level a realism to go with the madness. The cars, which looked like NASCAR knockoffs, had solid handling that required a careful touch -- this was not a game where you could just mash the gas and win.

The tracks were all realistic rather than fantasy courses through city streets. Also, the game had a pretty brutal damage model that punished you for bashing around too much. I would love to see the amount of parts that could be knocked off and strewn across the track in a current-gen update.

So come now, what other now-defunct racing franchises would you like to see make a comeback?

Member Comments
# 21 Happy29 @ 05/22/10 01:28 PM
I spent hours on the pc with Nascar Heat it was pleanty of fun too.
# 22 joshuar9476 @ 05/23/10 09:37 AM
i still play road rash and the first destruction derby to this day, and would like to add carmageddon to that list
# 23 beelo @ 05/23/10 05:24 PM
Vigilante I completely agree
# 24 hawkeye2188 @ 05/24/10 12:23 PM
I would love to see Jet Moto and V8 back, also for the nascar game i would like it to be just like Nascar 98 i cant remember how flawed that game was because I was young, but wrecks on that game were fun. Also wouldnt mind seeing another Sled Storm.
# 25 sheredia @ 05/24/10 11:51 PM
daytona usa!!!!!!!!!! the best arcade racing game ever made.....
# 26 Tweeg @ 05/25/10 08:01 AM
Road Rash and Jet Moto should be the whole list.
# 27 bgeno @ 05/25/10 05:27 PM
I was just doing some random research on Vigilante 8 and Twisted Metal the other day. I can't help but feel like a next-gen Twisted Metal, with proper marketing, would be a HUGE seller. A lot of gamers in that coveted male 18-25 demographic played this a ton when they were younger. I feel like it could do really well. I know that I'd be all over it, given it was for Xbox 360. The vehicular combat games were SO fun back in the day.
# 28 jrp1918 @ 05/25/10 06:17 PM
I agree, I wonder why there aren't really any vehicular combat games anymore
# 29 ofdman @ 05/25/10 11:08 PM
Daytona USA !!!! Rush Series !!! SSX !!!!
# 30 Tokyo-Night @ 05/25/10 11:45 PM
Originally Posted by str8artist
Need for speed....lol
Are You MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!lol
# 31 Flipsyde933 @ 05/27/10 11:01 PM
Definitely Jet Moto I loved that game.

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