facu23's Blog

Hi guys, i make a few screenshots of some arenas of NBA 2K14 (for PS4) with the the purpose of comparison with the real arenas.
In the pics you can notice that 2k need to improve a lot in:
- The lighting,
- Colors of the courts
- Amount of people in the stands
- Amount of people behind the baskets (mean photogrphers, Camera mens and Towel guys)
- Angle of the cameras
More images here:
# 1
Dazraz @ Nov 27
The courts are what stand out as not being right. I noticed it straight away when getting a chance to play the game & your pictures reinforce my opinion. 2K put alot of effort into player modelling but the courts aren't much different from current gen. On some courts, such as Miami's, the lettering for the arenas name is slightly blurry. These blemishes stand out more because everything else looks so polished.
# 4
steelersredspacers @ Nov 28
I am not sure why everyone is so worked up about having lots of cameramen behind the basket, but they really do need to get the colors right
# 5
tril @ Nov 29
colors, appear to be slightly off, but to notice if the courts are really off youd need more than some off air stills for these courts.
there is alot of technical aspects in broadcast for getting the color correct. lighting/color temperature/cameras/ transmissions, a consumer television set, etc all have an effect on how color appears on television broadcasts.
not making any excuses but if you were to compare the same basketball court via 2 different say television networks, you'd probably find differences in those images also.
But again Id say they are off a bit, but that's all subjective and not a game killer.
there is alot of technical aspects in broadcast for getting the color correct. lighting/color temperature/cameras/ transmissions, a consumer television set, etc all have an effect on how color appears on television broadcasts.
not making any excuses but if you were to compare the same basketball court via 2 different say television networks, you'd probably find differences in those images also.
But again Id say they are off a bit, but that's all subjective and not a game killer.
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