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# 1
chudy22 @ Jul 18, 2016
Hi Im Martin from Czech, quiet new into the baseball, I have a question, would like to know which team to root for and which could be aswell interesting franschise to play in mlb 16, just dont want Yankees...baseball is not populár here, there is a league but it started like 10yrs ago now people slowly getting to it...some, but mostly even if wearing Red sox, white sox, dodgers caps dont have idea about the game. I would like to know if u could recomend mě few teams which I cd mayb watch on mlb.tv and than decide, it Čan be even lesser known...here, small market teams I dont care that much, just mayb with few starší or ať least likable players...what else.. not National což I dont lk Bryce Harpers Attitude lol, i like Rizzo alot not only as a player but aswell for his offfield work. Eric Hosmer is aswell cool Guy but dont know if that wdnt Mk me a bandwagon fan ..mayb not..while im quiet new into the baseball, aswell like some Red sox players,t hnx in advance
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