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Demystifying the Post Game in 2K Stuck
Posted on October 24, 2010 at 05:44 AM.
[center]First watch this (very little has changed)
Watch Da Czar's Postman Cometh Video.

Then download this if you haven't already.
Download the NBA 2K11 Extended Manual.

(text moves kinda fast on some parts, don't be afraid to pause)

So here's another effort to help some of the guys still struggling with the post game. Honestly almost all of this stuff can be found in the Extended Manual (linked above). I'll re-type it anyway, some in slightly different wording to try to help anyone who still isn't getting it. Keep in mind that this is just a quick overview of the post game. All I am really doing is re-typing what is in the extended manual and in the "hints" in the in-game Post Game practice mode.


Engaging in the post
- LT + RT While moving towards the defender.

- If your player receives a pass while his back is facing the basket and hasn't dribbled yet, pressing LT will engage the defender in the post.


- Currently there is no way to initiate a post if you're facing your defender with an unused dribble. Meaning you HAVE to dribble the ball in order to post up if you were originally facing your defender on the catch. Of course, if you use your dribble you take away the Trigger moves (LT and RT moves) and can perform with your back to the basket and an unused dribble (such as the quick baseline spin).

In previous 2K's you could go into the the "Triple Threat Away" stance to turn your back to the defender and then press the post button to initiate a post up. There's doesn't seem to be a way to do it this year, If you've found a way let me know.

Choosing the right shot (Basics)

Hook Shot Right
- While engaged in the post (standing still or backing down) move the Right Stick towards your player's right side.

Hook Shot left
- While engaged in the post (standing stilll or backing down) move the Right Stick towards your player's left side.

Fade right
- While engaged in the post (standing still or backing down) move the Right Stick towards your player's right side.

Fade left
- While engaged in the post (standing still or backing down) move the Right Stick towards your player's left side.

*If it isn't obvious, both the Hook Shot and the Fade are performed the same exact way. Your distance from the basket will determine whether your player performs a Hook Shot or a Fade. Hook Shots are typically performed closer to the basket (in and around the paint) while Fades are performed further away from the basket (outside the paint).

If you are engaged in the post and haven't dribbled yet, move the Left Stick away from the basket.

Faceup to Running Hook
Perform the Faceup then drive hard across the paint and move the Right Stick in the direction you are moving..

Faceup to Running Fade
Perform the Faceup then drive hard across the paint and move the Right Stick away from the basket.

Faceup to Running Spin Shot/Hook
Perform the Faceup then drive hard across the paint and move the Right Stick in the opposite direction you are moving. Like the Hook and Fades explained in earlier , the shot you get will be based on your distance to the hoop.

Faceup to Running Floater/Drifter
Perform the Faceup then drive hard across the paint and move the Right Stick towards the basket .

Keeping the defender off balance (Fakes, Up and Unders, and Shimmy(s))

*Tips* For those who may not be familiar with the rules of Basketball, an important thing to keep in mind is that ball/pump fakes establish your pivot foot (at least they do in 2K). So after your initial pump fake, depending on which foot you established as your pivot, you will only be able to pump fake and move from that pivot.

Ex: If you establish your foot FURTHEST from the baseline as your pivot you will not be able to pump fake using the foot closest to the baseline as a pivot OR perform any moves using the foot closest to the baseline as a pivot (such as the quick baseline spin).

Fake Pass
Press B while engaged in the post.

Open Court Up and Unders (Flick-Flick Controls)
Technically these aren't post moves but they're very useful in the post game. While in a "non-post state" (not posting up") hold LT and flick the Right Stick in any direction. As soon as the fake starts, flick the Right Stick in another direction.

Pump Fake
- LT + X/RS

Up and under (Pump Fake into layup/shot)
- As of now, this move seems like it's bugged. You're supposed to be able to use the shot stick (after you perform the initial fake and let go of LT), but it doesn't work. However, if you use the shoot button (after performing the fake and letting go of LT) you will get a follow up shot (I want to say the shoot button + The Left Stick determines which side you can finish on but I'm not getting 100% results).

Pump Fake to Hop Step Spin
- Perform the Pump Fake, as soon as the Pump Fake starts, press Y.

*Tips* If you try to shoot immediately after the spin you will usually go into a tough contact shot (on default sim sliders). What I like to do after the spin is either pump fake to get antsy defenders in the air, fade away, or the Open Court Up and Under (discussed above).

Shimmy(Shoulder Fake)
- While engaged in the post, flick the Right Stick to your player's left or right side.

Shimmy into Pump Fake
While engaged in the post, hold LT and flick the Right Stick to your player's left or right, then flick the Right Stick to the opposite side you just flicked it to.

Hold LT + flick the Right Stick to the right, immediately flick it back to the left.

Shimmy into Up and Under
Perform the Single Shimmy into Pump Fake then move the Right Stick to the side you want to finish on before the fake ends.

Shimmy into Hook/Fade
While engaged in the post, flick the Right Stick to your player's left or right, then flick the Right Stick to the opposite side you just flicked it to. Like the Hook and Fades explained in earlier , the shot you get will be based on your distance to the hoop.

Shimmy into Pump Fake to Hop Step Spin
Perform the Shimmy into Pump Fake, as soon as the Pump fake begins, press Y.

Double Shimmy into Pump Fake
While engaged in the post, hold LT and flick the Right Stick to your player's left or right side 2 times.

Double Shimmy into Up and Under
Perform the Double Shimmy into Pump Fake then move the Right Stick to the side you want to finish on before the fake ends.

Double Shimmy into Hook/Fade
While engaged in the post, flick the Right Stick to your player's left or right side 2 times. Like the Hook and Fades explained in earlier , the shot you get will be based on your distance to the hoop.

Double Shimmy into Pump Fake to Hop Step Spin
Perform the Double Shimmy into Pump Fake then press Y before the fake ends..

*Tips* Another move a few people like to use - instead of going straight into a fade/hook with the Up and Under, Single Shimmy into Hook/Fade or Double Shimmy into Hook/Fade, they'll perform the Pump Fake, Single Shimmy into Pump Fake or Double Shimmy into Pump Fake, let their player come back to the original post position and then go right back up with the Hook/Fade or with a trigger move (discussed below). The trick is to start holding the shot button/Right Stick as soon as your player begins making his way back to the original post position. If you're holding the shot button/Right Stick, as soon as your player comes back to the original post position he'll go back up with a Hook/Fade.



Getting past and around your defender (The Triggers)

The Triggers(Modifiers) and the Left Stick are your weapons of choice in the post game battle. Think of LT as Amare and RT as Shaq. LT allows you to perform quick, agile moves to get to the basket while RT is for more of a power game. Of course, every player can use both modifiers but some will be more successful than others depending on their ratings. Quicker, speedier guys such as Amare & Carmelo will have more success with LT moves. Bigger, stronger players will have more success bulldozing their way to the rim by backing down their opponent and finishing them off with a Drop Step or Stepping Through for a clear look.

*Tips* If you're pressing either of the Triggers before moving the Left Stick, While it can be done this way, if you're holding LT while you're in the post and you accidentally move the Left Stick in the wrong direction you're going to get a move you don't want and you've lost your position. Instead, while your engaged in the post, hold the Left Stick towards your player's left or right side before pressing a trigger.

Holding the Left Stick towards your player's left or right while in the post or backing down in the post WILL NOT cause you to go in that direction. You need a trigger input AND the Left Stick to perform moves. Figure out which way you want to go, hold the Left Stick towards that direction, and THEN press the trigger. It will make your life easier.

The Drop Step
If you're engaged in the post and haven't dribbled yet move the Left Stick towards the baseline or the paint and press RT. If you're backing down, move and hold the Left Stick towards the baseline and press RT.

If you try to drop step into the paint you while backing down you will get a Step Through. You can Drop Step to either side if you haven't dribbled yet.

The Step Through
While backing a player down, move the Left Stick towards the paint and press RT.

The Baseline Spin
If you're engaged in the post and haven't dribbled yet, or if you're backing a player down, move the Left Stick towards the baseline and press LT.

The Faceup Drive
If you're engaged in the post and haven't dribbled yet move the Left Stick towards the paint and press LT.

*Baseline Spin and Faceup Drive are both called spins in the manual. I just gave them more self-explanatory names. Also remember that the trigger moves depend on both the offensive and defensive player's ratings. If you try to over power a stronger, bigger player with a Step Through or Drop Step you may get pushed further away from the hoop. Be aware of who you're matched up against.

Again, feel free to add on. I've got most of the system down but I'm always up to hop into practice mode to try something new. If you see anything wrong or anything you want added let me know. I'll try to get more pictures/gifs up for those who prefer the visuals.
# 1 Millennium @ Oct 24
AWESOME write up. This helps me in the weakest part of my NBA 2k11 game. I use the Spurs, so I am extremely eager to see what I can do with Timmay later.

Mucho Thanks!
# 2 fliplm0de @ Oct 24
Czar taking us to school!! Love it, I'll be on this after the football games are done. Thanks fam.
# 3 BlackRome @ Oct 24
I still haven't seen controls for the other settings. When using the dribble stick you used to have the ability to hold the trigger button and your dribble stick would become the shot stick.

I would use the button to shoot all of my 3 pointers and shot's outside the paint but I could use the shot stick once I got in the paint and for pull up jump shots.

As far as I remember this goes back to when 2k7 first introduced the dribble stick.

That change has ruined the way I played the game. Now I'm forced to use the default option.
# 4 BlackRome @ Oct 24
As far as I remember this goes back to when first introduced the dribble stick
# 5 BlackRome @ Oct 24
I'm going to try this one more time.

"As far as I remember this goes back to when 2k first introduced the dribble stick."
# 6 GaryT531 @ Oct 24
this game has more moves than street fighter and mortal kombat combined
# 7 AgaliareptX @ Oct 24
Melo is unstoppable in the post. The step-through always beats the defenders. Luckily, the AI help defense in the post is much improved this year, but when the step-through works nearly 100%, you can anticipate the help and easily adjust accordingly. Kind of cheesy. Dirk is almost as good at this as well. (These are just my experiences of course).
# 8 eDotd @ Oct 24
Step through is nice but it always almost leads to a contact shot so I wouldn't call it easy mode. If your playing with sliders suited for less contact then I'd say it's cheesy, if you're not you're just asking to have your ish sent into the bleachers.
# 9 bmgoff11 @ Oct 24
good stuff man this really helps out a lot//
# 10 TalenT @ Oct 25
Very nice breakdown.
# 11 djsider2 @ Oct 25
what's everyones way of getting past the double team on your post up guy? the cpu rarely cuts if their guy comes off of them. is the best way just to manually make them cut while battling the double team?
# 12 aloncho11 @ Nov 23
# 13 luv_mist @ Mar 10
I wanted to really give props to you MC...I mean eDotd for the beautiful information you dropped in this. I know it's been a while and many people are already figuring out how to work the rest of the game. I just have to say that learning how to post properly and understanding the triggers has opened up a whole different world for me. I won a good game today which I haven't done in a while since I've been on different titles. I'm happy that I won it by properly shutting down Lebron and Wade, and attacking them in the post with all the mismatches. Definitely searching for any more clues to improve my skills.
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