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djvio_lator's Dynasty Blog
A Second Chance: The Phoenix Young Story 
Posted on May 14, 2013 at 08:48 PM.

BREAKING NEWS- Florida International University is proud to announce the hiring of Eric "Phoenix" Young as our new Offensive Coordinator. We are very excited about this hire and we feel that Mr. Young will be bring a great sense of excitement and experience to our team.

Phoenix finally had his chance. He was ready to show that he could apply all of his skills he had learned on the football field and translate into a great offensive system. After he had thanked Chris Peterson and the rest of the Boise State Coaching staff, he hopped on a plane and headed down to Florida to start his new job.

The first thing that Phoenix had to do was evaluate the players that he was going to be coaching and how to best utilize their strengths. He knew that this team could be successful and he was ready to prove it.

FIU Depth Chart - 2012
Regular Offense
WRWayne TimesGlenn ColemanWillis Wright
TEYa'Keem GrinerZach SchaubhutJunior Delpe
LTCaylin HauptmannEdens SineacePrince Matt
LGDavid IstanichGiancarlo Revilla
CShae SmithDonald Senat
RGDavid DelsoinJordan White
RTRupert BryanAaron Nielson
WRJacob YoungerJairus WilliamsRaymond Jackson
QBJake MedlockLoranzo HammondsAkil Dan Fodio
FBZach Schaubhut
HBKedrick RhodesJeremiah HardenDarian MallaryShane Coleman

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