Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Keeping a full time job is not likely without perfect conditions and I don't have the job skills to compensate for at home work.
Enough of the woe is me...the point is my economics changed.
What money that is available after bills has to be considered carefully. My situation is hardly unique and ... Read More
Saturday, July 3, 2010

I just want to get "lost" a little inside the game.
I've made a teambuilder team... The Chesapeake Bay Blue Crabs (by deaduck61 for anybody who want to check them out) I'm currently "dumbing" down the WV rooster so it's a cupcake team. The template for cupcake didn't carry enough FS/SS's on defense to run my planned 3-3-5 defense. I'll be ... Read More
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Posted on June 24, 2010 at 10:36 AM.
Last year, I got excited about the Teambuilder thing at first but before the game was even released I had managed to screw my teams all up (which I still don't fully understand) and then just passed on the game all together.This year I'm excited again...they added audio tracks for most of the team names I use. Woot!
But once more something that should be easy...takes a turn for the confusing for me. This is my first year with a PS3 and my new PSN gamertag doesn't seem ... Read More
Friday, June 4, 2010

I enjoy the single player and have had some fun with some pals playing in the more private online settings. And too be fair I'm not really great at the game...I lose control of my horse from time to time and and am too prone to engage the manual triggering system.
But I hate the online open free roam. It's like all the worst instincts in humanity are confirmed as posses of higher level players surround your respawning spot ... Read More
Sunday, May 2, 2010

I haven't been this stoked to play a video game since Oblivion.
I have a deep seeded love for most things Western and when you combine that with an open world and some nasty looking graphics. It just makes me act like a Pavlovian dog.
Thursday, April 29, 2010

On the surface, the info I've been reading sounds fine to outstanding. The customization looks neat and deep (more so for logos than uni's ) The tackles look impactful and the camera view is starting to grow on me a bit.
But still...
That nagging feeling won't go away.
Saturday, August 22, 2009

First let me clarify...I am not anti or pro EA. I have played Madden games in the past and enjoyed them greatly. I do not pine for the return of an old favorite either. So my choice is not one born of hatred but of logic.
I don't plan on buying Madden this year (and ... Read More
Monday, August 17, 2009

The show quality is indy but good for that overall and It's the south so I work a more bare bones psychology for the match but give it a look and let me know what you guys think.
PS: You can't hurt my feelings, I can handle criticism
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Posted on August 5, 2009 at 12:24 PM.
A week back I rolled my ankle on a dog toy in the middle of the night going to the bathroom. Seemed pretty standard, until the swelling went down and it was popping like a bowl of Rice Krispys. Went to the Doc and he put me in one of those ankle air casts for 3 weeks but had no limitations. He wanted me to stay active.Sunday night, before a match, I'm shooting around with some of the workers before the door open and my LEFT foot gets stomped on. Hurts like the dickens but seems okay. ... Read More
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I have strived my entire adult life to not become the technophobe my Grandma was. She stopped driving because she got scared of putting gas in the car. The new (at the time) scan and pay pumps scared her that badly. She just knew deep down that she was going to screw it up and cause an explosion.
She couldn't use a remote. Of any ... Read More
Thursday, July 9, 2009

Posted on July 9, 2009 at 06:11 PM.
As I'm sure many of you have heard Lebron had all the film gathered up at his skills camp because he got "posterized" by a college dude.Just my two cents worth but it shows a weakness of character to try and hide that a guy got the better of you in a given situation. Is the hope that without visual evidence we'd all think Lebron is/was superhuman and incapable of being dunked on?
I understand the desire to erase it but the classy thing would have been to smile, give ... Read More
Saturday, May 2, 2009

Roland Barthes,"The World of Wrestling"
Sir Barthes was of course refering to one of the classic ages of wrestling where a parade of talents worked their craft under a bright spotlight. An age that the wrestler himself was part of the match not a character defined outside of it.
... Read More
Friday, April 17, 2009

Started a quick Career and got my *** quickly removed, shined up real good, gift wrapped and handed back to me.
It was clear I had stumbled into a wonderfully deep game with a childlike cluelessness about it as a whole. I love football and have decent working knowledge of how it's played but not enough for this game.
So I went back to school.
I've used the brain ... Read More
Thursday, March 19, 2009

It'll probably be a simple numberic code.
The hard fact is those doctors are being paid by the major sports leagues to create a visual and clear representation of just how badly we're doing as fans and to push us to improve (i.e. spend money and more time on their product).
The neighborhood ... Read More
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