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And this is why I avoid Online gaming... 
Posted on June 4, 2010 at 02:00 AM.
I'm loving me some Red Dead Redemption so far.

I enjoy the single player and have had some fun with some pals playing in the more private online settings. And too be fair I'm not really great at the game...I lose control of my horse from time to time and and am too prone to engage the manual triggering system.

But I hate the online open free roam. It's like all the worst instincts in humanity are confirmed as posses of higher level players surround your respawning spot and take turns killing you within seconds. If you're lucky enough to bore them by not getting irrate and get to play, within minutes somebody with a sniper rifle will headshot you repeatedly outside your return fire range until you ended up huddled behind a rock hoping the guy logs off before another posse finds you.

It's not like it's any great achievement to kill me. I don't have any bounty on my head, I sort of suck at the game and am basically just trying to level up and have some fun. But instead I'm reminded why I fear the future of gaming as the push for online content continues.
# 1 ffyfe7 @ Jun 4
Yeah i know what you mean with friends its an absolute blast but otherwise it can get crazy. One time this guy had control of a cannon and just kept destoying us. Any way I lost all my PS3 save data due to it breaking so I must start RDR again even though I had maybe 4 missions to go but the great thing is....that I don't care, the game is that good.

Online gaming can be great, just don't let a few "bad apples" destoy the expereince.
# 2 deaduck @ Jun 4
I wouldn't let it affect me if it was just a few "bad apples" but it isnt just a few.

This has happened on just about every online game I've ever played. It has even happened on silly games like Puzzle Pirates. I just think the ONLINE factor is too much for the average range of human social behavior.
# 3 TreyIM2 @ Jun 4
Hehe. I learned a very long time ago not to play online against random heads. It's just not fun.
# 4 tswiatkowski @ Jun 4
This happens because there is no fear of getting your sorry *** beat down for being a tool online. Like, little 14 year old kids will do this crap because they know they won't get beat up for it.
# 5 deaduck @ Jun 4
It seems that's the common excuse.

No fear of reproccusions... but what does that say about mankind at large?

That total anarchy is only a few steps/rules away... if the anarcy can be faceless?
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