dave_diggler's Blog

- The physics must be cleaned up. This is the 3rd year of the infinity engine, and I don't feel its progressed much from its debut. I was very adamant, about giving the engine time to mature. Its now time for the infinity engine physics to actually start looking like football, and not a rag tag mess. Certain things can definitely be forgiven in a video game, especially when dealing with physics, but Madden has way too many instances where the physics go haywire. If they cannot get the engine together this year, it may be time to look in a new direction.
- I think you can find the feature of improved AI on the back of the box of every Madden since its inception. With the power of these new systems, improved AI should finally be something we notice. Madden constantly advertises how many calculations each player is able to make per second, but we still have players covering zones with nobody in them, and offensive lineman making inexplicable mistakes at the line of scrimmage. Believe me, I understand this is a video game, but the AI in Madden must improve, if this game wants to be considered a true simulation.
- Reaching and grabbing need to make an appearance. I'll keep this short. Imagine watching a real game of football, where nobody is a able to reach or grab.
- Presentation needs to be true next gen presentation. One thing EA needs to realize, people play these games hundreds of times. Repetitive presentation is a sure fire way to have gamers spam the continue button. Madden definitely needs to take a page out of MLB The Show's book and switch the presentation up. This is the year to finally exceed the presentation in ESPN NFL 2K5.
- Individuality needs to be implemented into the Madden series. What makes NBA 2K, and MLB The Show so great, is you actually feel like you're playing with the real life players. Madden has done very little to make players feel like their real life counterparts. Signature running styles, ball carry styles, throwing motions, and jukes will go a long way to make the game more authentic. The teams need to show individuality also. when playing against a computer controlled Seattle Seahawks, the game must make it feel like you're playing against a great defense. Every team should play similar to their real life play style.
- The little things matter. When you challenge a play, you should have to chose what it is that you are challenging. We need to see referees throw flags on the field. Wide receivers and defensive backs need to jockey for position when the ball is in there air ( similar to how Fifa handles players fighting for position). These are additions that do not make or break the experience, but it is the sum of all the parts that help immerse you in the experience.
- Madden needs deliver on whatever it is that they are promising this year. I think we all can say living worlds was joke. To see a real living sports world, play MLB The Show. The fact Madden actually advertised their game to be a living world is embarrassing. I know Madden may not have everything I'm hoping for, but they do need give us whatever it is that is being advertised.
This list can go on until the end of the internet, but just for the sake of not having you feel like you're reading a novel, I'll end it here. Madden has one goal, and that is to be the best sports simulation it can be. I think we can all agree, that has not been the goal of the Madden series in quite some time.
# 3
MDgolf @ May 21
Presentation in MLB the Show isn't that great or innovative anymore. Need to look at 2k for this
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