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Screenshot 1 of 1 from Album: The camera I want in Madden

tecmo bowl throwback xl
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Derric Deu2ce is offline
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Derric Deu2ce commenting on tecmo bowl throwback xl picture @ May 3, 2015
Tecmo Bowl...the memories of being able to see all players on the screen......are you listening MADDEN makers??
artgar3 is offline
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artgar3 commenting on tecmo bowl throwback xl picture @ Sep 10, 2012
I noticed no one replied and OS seems to keep players like us who enjoy the broadcast cam in a corner. I understand since there's not that many of us. I just want to say that I did not convert to broadcast cam until last years Madden 12 edition and I am SO GLAD that I did. It is by far IMO the best way to truly enjoy playing Madden. It could use a better enhancement just like our Tecmo Bowl pic above by pulling the cam out a little farther to show the safeties cheating on defense and give you a better view of your receivers route running, however at times not getting to see that makes the game for me at least that much more satisfying. Not to mention the thrill of breaking a 5-8 yard run. Regardless, I hope this patch fixes this in Offline CCM, if not I'll continue to play M12 until it's fixed.