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One week into Madden 13 release: 
Posted on September 4, 2012 at 11:50 AM.
I’ve been reading, thinking, reading and thinking…and not just in this one forum…many forums…many articles online…many discussions with people face to face…several radio discussions, as well. The reality of not having previous options/features in every area of the game keeps being the root of all issues. Saying, I told you so isn’t the appropriate response, and being a D-bag to people that disagree with my logic isn’t the way I deal with things or people at all, but perhaps explaining why I firmly stand by my predictions and outlook as to what is flawed will work better.

I figured on xp progression to be something of a huge hassle, and I was right. With xp progression, I must spend a lot more time just “trying” to properly increase players ratings, whereas with regular editing, I could just make them exactly as accurate as I estimate and in less of a time consuming manner. I promise you that it seriously looks like editing was held off to make people have to use the xp system because if we had editing, too, there’d be a ton of threads about how they’ve just turned xp off already.

I despised the news of not being able to bring in accurate draft classes. Then with the news of no editing, it isn’t even an option to change the fake incoming draft class names to attempt to make it more realistic for me. Annoyingly, the same people who jump on my butt and call me a whiner because I want said measure of realism end up being the same people who tell me I should like the game because of how much more “real” it plays. Oh, Really? I should love the “real” gameplay, but I should overlook the “fake” players with which I have to play 29 out of 30 seasons… if I can even get that far? Contradictory people are so annoying.

The whole “one simple code, now” fiasco just keeps getting more and more of a convoluted, contradictory mess, too. We were told (and you can confirm this online) that: It’s now one code instead of three codes – any changes made before must have been made for all three codes, but one code saves time, now – any/all missing features/options to the code are a result of running out of time – CCM has been in the works for at least 2 years. Now, already there’s a contradiction in those facts in that if they’ve been working on a code for 2 years and had to leave out so many features we’ve always had, then that doesn’t sound like they are saving any time at all, really. With the release of the game, now we are seeing worse contradictions in that they can’t fix this supposedly all-in-one code via online tunings – just certain parts of it – making no sense whatsoever. Furthermore, the bugs and glitches specifically different in CCM compared to Play Now Mode clearly proves that the game still runs at least two different codes of gameplay. It’s not rocket science. It doesn’t take a genius to spot these things, and I swear the people who still want to chew me out over this…you are just making me look like a genius. Now, I’m not saying I completely understand coding or that I can’t still have it wrong…but I understand words seeing as how I’m a professional writer (yes, I get paid quite a lot), and I know the difference when one set of words meaning one thing contradicts with another set of words meaning the opposite. Again, it’s not that complicated to spot, (I guess) unless you don’t want to spot such things. I have seen far worse examples of denial, so I can understand it, at least. That doesn’t mean I don’t frown upon it, still.

To further be 100% specific on “words” I must finally make my last point: Why are people called gamechangers, if they have no real options to change a game, nor do they even take anyone seriously in the first place no matter how much they passionately speak/rant/harp on/whatever per what a game should be changed to..? That’s among the biggest contradictions I’ve seen yet. You can either change a game per your title suggests you can…or you can’t. More appropriate “titles” should be that you are “positive marketers” because I’ve honestly seen you do nothing less than just that, no matter how much factual negative data you are presented with.

The final conclusion is that the red tape between consumer customers and who actually decides what the sold product is, it keeps growing further apart and more and more separated by a moat of BS thick enough to drown a brontosaurus. That’s not very comforting. It’s bad business, too, but the way of things in our current climate of socio-political-economics is “tough shiznit – deal with it.” EA is not the only business that is at fault these days. The NFL needs to be held accountable, too. We can be insanely mad at EA, but moreover we should be amazingly, insanely mad first at the NFL for showing people that the game of football can be changed and molded to something else you either buy into or are forced to walk away from. I have to say, shame on any sort of a corporation that can disgust lifelong fans of a century-plus-beloved sport that is a true, historical past time.
# 1 TheSportzGuru @ Sep 4
People are addicted to this game, they'll buy it no matter what. I used to be like that...I bought maddens 05-12. I've switched over to NCAA Football now because it's not as frustrating. It's not easy going without a football game, we just love the sport too much..who can blame us?? I am ashamed of EA taking out fantasy drafts, editing players, no cpu vs cup et. cetera.

Overall, real nice piece dude, speak the truth.
# 2 Dazraz @ Sep 4
My copy of Madden 13 is currently gathering dust on the shelf pending a patch that can get rid of its numerous bugs. I've only ever done that with a new game once before. Surprise surprise that was a Madden game. The 08 version where the game crashed 85% of the time with a couple of minutes remaining of the 4th Quarter.
# 3 DaBlackGoku @ Sep 4
Are we really still mad because you can't boost your players to 99 or whatever? I mean yeah it sucks we can't edit numbers or names, but seriously? Ratings? I thought it was stupid to put it in M12 anyway, why cater to the cheesers?

Anyway, I see where you're coming from with the glitches (yes I see them) and the gripes with CCM (which is pretty good actually, just missing a few things) but come on.....
# 4 cuttingteeth @ Sep 4
I appreciate questions but not so much when they are loaded with assumptions, making them somewhat like having subplots to them.

The reality (if you'd just ask simply) is that for most who appreciate editing, it is due to the fact that it is the quickest way to actually increase competition in the game. I don't cheese. Many who like editing also do not cheese. There's a huge group of us that don't find the ratings of players to be competitively accurate enough, and so we will then lower or raise them accordingly. The fact that the new game has the same issues on top of being forced to only use one form of making players perform differently isn't helping any of us upset at the lack of editing. I do very much contend that more chessmatch minded individuals could have expected these outcomes. I'm not trying to belittle the developers, but I can't ignore the obvious, either. There are those of us that can see all of these kinds of things from the outset...and then there are those that apparently can not, so we end up with many issues. Logically, too, the only other conclusion is that they did know what to expect...but they didn't care. With a mass of vocal people so willing to hype and back up a game full of issues, still, who can blame them if they did actually purposely give us a game they knew was flawed..?
# 5 NoahJaybird32 @ Sep 5
Well w me it's not about the ratings. But I would like to edit my players gloves, shoes, etc......I also don't like the fact if I move a free agent to a team it doesn't stick in CCM
# 6 Nic24017 @ Sep 5
Player editing is a huge part of the game, even excluding player ratings. Being able to change a player's position is crucial for someone who understands the different schemes and plays an offline dynasty. If you want to switch your team's defensive scheme, you can't because you cant switch player positions. Also, if you want to pick up a 3-4 DE and convert him to 4-3 DT, you can't. In the depth chart switching the positions is possible but the player takes a huge ratings hit.
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