If there was a description for cuttingteeth's blog, this is where it would be.
Someone please tell cuttingteeth to sort this out!
Posted on April 30, 2015 at 05:13 PM.
1 - TB: Jameis Winston, QB, Florida State
I get it. Winston is pro-style ready...but I contend he isn't mature enough to be the face of a franchise. I think the team is so ready to blow it up and rebuild, though, that Lovie Smith and co. have no real choice but to hope this kid has truly become a man.
2 - TEN: Marcus Mariota, QB, Oregon
I was buying trade stuff........now, I'm thinking they were just playing everyone like fiddles in case a monumental trade option came about. ... Read More
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Posted on February 18, 2014 at 04:59 PM.
First, yeah, even myself being a kicker when I played, I agree that extra points are too automatic these days...because the athletes are so far superior. I seriously remember being in high school (Fall of 1990 to Spring of 1994), and it was a big deal that I kicked a football like a soccer ball. It was still rare. Here at exactly 20 years later, I have seen the kicking game change and become rather clutch from the mere 20 yards (straight on) required of a PAT. But, I don't want kickers eliminated. ... Read More
Posted on April 22, 2013 at 10:30 AM.
Honestly, I hate assuming anything. It's not my style. With the way game companies slowly leak out footage and/or features listings, you have no choice but to speculate and try to be Sherlock Holmes with it all, though. So, going against what I prefer, here's what is safe to assume about both EA football titles for year 2013 consoles:
The spread option is getting a ton of focus in the way of play designs, how to properly execute them and whatever physics (and animations) are ... Read More
Posted on December 7, 2012 at 05:36 PM.
Sometimes I think Roger Goodell works for EA Sports / Madden. It has to be true. They both keep taking things out of the game that make (have long made) it enjoyable, they both insist they are better for having done so and no matter how awful the results, there's nothing any of us can do about it besides finding better, previous versions of the game instead. Okay, so I'm being a bit cynical as usual, but hear me out. Goodell wants to get rid of kickoffs, now..!? He's even listening to Greg ... Read More
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Posted on September 27, 2012 at 03:35 PM.
Randomly, I think about realignment for the NFL because, well, let's face it...several teams are in divisions that don't make geographical sense. I propose the following fix of just four divisions:
NFL North
Bears - Lions - Packers - Vikings - Colts - Bengals - Browns - Chiefs
NFL South
Saints - Falcons - Dolphins - Jaguars - Buccaneers - Panthers - Titans - Rams
NFL East
Bills - Jets - Patriots - Ravens - Eagles - Steelers - Redskins - ... Read More
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Posted on September 12, 2012 at 03:41 PM.
Attached is a zip file with a single Excel file - three sheets in the one file, though. Sheet One is the regular season schedule for every team. Sheet Two is a postseason bracket. Sheet Three is for keeping general team records - wins, losses, ties, etc.
If you do not know what I mean by three sheets in one Excel file, just look at the tabs at the bottom of the file...each tab will seriously say "Sheet" on them.
You're welcome.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Posted on September 4, 2012 at 11:50 AM.
I’ve been reading, thinking, reading and thinking…and not just in this one forum…many forums…many articles online…many discussions with people face to face…several radio discussions, as well. The reality of not having previous options/features in every area of the game keeps being the root of all issues. Saying, I told you so isn’t the appropriate response, and being a D-bag to people that disagree with my logic isn’t the way I deal with things or people at all, but perhaps explaining why I firmly ... Read More
Posted on July 31, 2012 at 04:21 PM.
I think this more accurately depicts how we should go about getting what we want for customization features back into Madden. Work smarter...not harder. If you agree with what you read at the link, I simply ask you to vote for it.
Posted on July 5, 2012 at 12:37 PM.
The overall that I'm starting to hear/read on many sites and in countless forums is that M13 is a push to try and be like Fight Night Champion in many ways. Just like with that game series, though, folks did appreciate the new immersion, but they hated not having the same game style (button mashing, yes, but it was what people gravitated to and approved of) that they had in the first place. So, the consensus is...something new is cool but not at the expense of taking away what we liked in ... Read More
Posted on June 27, 2012 at 04:41 PM.
I think that people have greatly misunderstood why I am such a huge proponent for full editing and roster and ratings customization. The consensus is that I want to cheese out the game in very arcade fashion. Admittedly, I tried that long ago...it sucked. I seriously have to have tough competition to enjoy the game of football. I want it to be like trying to beat Bobby Fisher at chess. But, see...because of that, I have my own idea of what competition level is...far apart from any other individual ... Read More
Posted on June 18, 2012 at 05:12 PM.
Not since the days of Ten Yard Fight or John Elway’s Quarterback can I remember having to do what I will likely do (if I buy the game) to enjoy Madden 13. See, back in the day when not much was associated with the players on the field, I would simply use my imagination to suggest what real NFL player was in the game making the plays. I would also create a spreadsheet listing said players’ names. That way I could try to keep track of the ongoing stats from each game per my QB, RB, WR and a few ... Read More