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MVP NCAA Baseball 06 
Posted on May 27, 2012 at 02:21 PM.

Seems hard to believe it has been seven years since EA Sports released MVP 06 NCAA Baseball for the PlayStation 2. For some reason, I have had endless thoughts about this game lately and cannot get the game out of my head. I've even pondered purchasing a PS2 just for the chance to relive this baseball title along with MVP Baseball.

Looking back on this game, I cannot help but think, "What could have been..." with this baseball title. MVP NCAA Baseball was produced for two years before being discontinued in 2007, and in this blog entry, I am going to tackle five features of this game if was still being produced today.

* Added ESPN Integration - Back in 2006, EA Sports had a very minimal amount of ESPN integration in this game. The main components were ESPN Radio and the on-air talent of Mike Patrick and Kyle Peterson. Fast forward to today, and this game would have had ESPN branding inside-and-out just like NCAA Football 12 does. You would have ESPN in-game stat overlays, ESPN Bottom Line, ESPN website overlay for your team dynasty, and possibly the inclusion of additional ESPN talent (ex - Erin Andrews). From a presentation standpoint, MVP NCAA Baseball would have been right up there with NCAA Football in terms of presentation if it was still around today.

* Team Builder - Back in 2006, there were hundreds of teams available to choose from in MVP NCAA Baseball. Take into consideration the "Team Builder" tool EA Sports has created recently, and you are looking at a several hundred MORE college teams to choose from. This feature has been absolutely golden in the NCAA Football series, and gamers would have defenitely enjoyed this feature in the MVP NCAA Baseball series.

* Additional Stadiums - Back in MVP NCAA 06, there were a total of 30 stadiums included with the game. This was probably due to EA Sports creating MVP NCAA 06 game off of MVP Baseball's game engine. Nonetheless, if this game were still being made today, there would be stadiums for most, if not all college baseball team in America. In addition, if your team's stadium did not exist, you could simply create it using the "Create-A-Team" feature. After all, "If its in the game, its in the game!"

* Improved Dynasty Mode - When MVP NCAA 06 was released back in 2006, the game had a pretty decent dynasty mode. You could play for several seasons and work towards making your favorite college a conference powerhouse. Just thinking of how deep dynasty mode is in NCAA Football makes me think of how MVP NCAA Baseball could have captured the same depth in their dynasty mode. Features like customizable conferences, player recruiting, team management/strategy, conference tournaments and super-regionals are a few things that come to mind. At the end of the day, MVP NCAA Baseball's dynasty mode could have easily met the NCAA Football series standard.

* Online Modes - Back when MVP NCAA Baseball was first created, online gaming was in its early stages. ISP's provided speeds for online gaming, however not everybody was able to play MVP NCAA Baseball 06 online. This game played well online, but there was definitely a lack of features available for this title. If this game was still being made today, EA Sports would have tons of online potential for this game. Things that jump to mind are, online dynasties, slider/roster downloads and releasable DLC that could net EA Sports some money.

Well there you have it, five things gamers could have had if MVP NCAA Baseball was still being produced today.

If you are interested in reading more about this game, you can find plenty of media and information about MVP NCAA Baseball series by EA Sports.
# 1 PackerBacker123 @ May 27
I have this game and a have to admit I got a lot of enjoyment out of it.
# 2 WongoBongo3 @ May 27
I used to have this game for PS2 I had a lot of fun playing this game. Why was it being made?
# 3 SkillzKillz719 @ May 28
Just bought NCAA 08, March Madness 07, and NFL 2k5 for the PS2 LITERALLY yesterday. All for the grand total of... wait for it.. $5.47. LOL.

No downside. Just means I'll pass on Taco Bell for lunch tomorrow. ahaha.

Those titles along with MVP 06 are going to be on my playlist on the ol' PS2 the next week or so.

Going to build up Hawaii/ Boise State/ Arizona State in NCAA 08.
Going to build up Portland State in MM 07.
And just enjoy the gameplay of 2k5.
Along with building up my Beavs in MVP 06!

Cant wait!
Next gen they should bring back MVP! Both NCAA and MLB!
Love those games
# 4 C1Man1 @ Dec 20
I am actually buying an Xbox just so I can play this and mvp 05 again. Do you know if anyone has updated rosters for 06, or maybe a guide to creating some actual stadiums?
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