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Make or break year for NCAA 13 
Posted on April 3, 2012 at 09:37 AM.
There is little doubt that even the most loyal NCAA "fan boys" were left with a bad taste in their mouth after experiencing the slew of issues with NCAA 12 last year. Psychic DB's and Middle LB's with 65'' vertical jumps killed the passing game. Online dynasty issues crippled the OS online dynasty. Even the patches that eventually came out (months later, of course) couldn't completely correct the issues and caused new ones.

Personally, the bug that killed the game for me was the player tendency switching. Once I realized what EA had was game over for me. Nothing like seeing Denard Robinson hang around in the pocket like Matt Lienart to convince you that maybe the development team could use a rude awakening. I traded the game in and that was all she wrote.

So, looking ahead to next years game, are the devs at EA on "thin ice"? I say yes and no. I think there will always be a market for a game, crappy or not, that has the NCAA license. The sport is just too popular. However, I think (and hope) that long time fans are finally fed up with decent game with bugs. We want a great game that has actually gone through a little QA testing. I could give two sh*ts about "Heisman Mode" or newly added sounds. FIX THE GAMEPLAY! FIX THE BUGS! Hell, even take a look at some of the features MLB the Show 12 and NBA 2k12 have in their franchise modes and incorporate them into your game. Give me a reason to shell out 60 bucks and wait in line at Gamestop to pick up this game.

I will not be purchasing NCAA 13 on release date this year....I highly suggest you do the same. I have little doubt there will be bugs that EA will not patch til mid September...right about the time I can get the game for 40 bucks on Amazon. By then, hopefully, NCAA 13 will play a great game of football with some slider tweaks. However, if history teaches us anything, it's that until EA see's a reason to change their ways, we will get more of the same.
# 1 rudyjuly2 @ Apr 3
I won't be buying NCAA 13 on release after feeling I was ripped off by NCAA 12 last year. Quite frankly I won't be paying any more than $40 for this game and may pass on it completely. Until the player movement is improved to reflect actual weight and momentum EA has lost my money. Football is my favourite sport so I will always keep an eye on this title but the disapointment of football gaming on the PS3 is too great. Too many other good games to play than spend full price on this game anymore.
# 2 PackerBacker123 @ Apr 3
Thou madden is too hard to resist. I know I don't want to buy and yet, I find it sitting on my shelf sooner or later.
# 3 Jadakiss88 @ Apr 4
Well I have already pre-ordered my copy. I was on the edge until someone introduced me to a set of sliders off of O.S. They actually make the game play exactly how it should play almost. Usually by this time I am pretty much done playing any football game but with the sliders they have actually streched it's time in my ps3. I will be buying 13, getting the sliders from the same guy, and enjoying the hell out of this game.
# 4 The_Gaming_Disciple @ Apr 4
Unfortunately at this time EA sports has a monopoly with regards to college football as well as professional football. Until 2K sports or another company decides to enter into the football market with a product that can rival EA, fans as well as customers will be faced with the decision of passing up on each years iteration or settle in complacency with EA college football. I personally will more than likely purchase NCAA 13 being that I have played college football games since Bill Walsh, yes, its been that long...EA has the talent and financial means to deliver a great game. However, as one poster commented some time earlier in another thread. People fail to realize that the developers have marketing managers and executives who decide what finally is placed into the game and what features (gimmicks) will sell the game to those individuals (kids) who could care less about simulation football, like you and I. Until EA is faced with having to shelve NCAA football as they did with NBA Elite, because of outside competition, year after year we will be posting on these threads.

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