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Washington Redskins Coach Mode Sim Project
This blog will follow the Washington Redskins. I am going to start a franchise and turn injuries off. The reason I will not use injuries is that I am most concerned with simming through a whole season in coach mode and comparing the numbers to last year's actual stats. I realize the opponents will be different than last years, but I should still expect to see stats that are within a certain range high or low that brings about believability.

One reason I chose the Redskins for this little test is because they have their offense mostly in tact from last year. Also, their QB, RB, and top two WRs are the same and they all started every game last year as they will in this sim.

I will update stats in detail at 25%u0025 increments throughout the season: after 4 games, 8, 12, and then final stats. All updates will include last year's real stats along with the progress up to the point of the update. For stat categories where it is appropriate I will include the stats projected out to 16 games. Of course after the final game everything will be compared.

I will be using Bill Harris' excellent coach mode sliders for this project. Thanks to him and all his hard work for providing these sliders.
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