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Madden Superstar Mode: Keep or Remove? 
Posted on January 14, 2009 at 12:52 PM.
Superstar Mode in Madden was a welcome addition for me. I played it in Madden 07 for months on end, trying out every position. My favorite ended up linebacker. I loved being able to stop the run and defend the pass, I was right in the middle.

Then came along Madden 2008. Superstar Mode was back. This time i fell in love playing as a free safety. Using the hit stick, I took someone out of the play every single play, no matter pass or run, usually resulting in a pass interference call. Hey, I liked to take people out . This lasted for a few weeks before it got old.

Superstar Mode in 2009 is basically the same as it was in 2008. I haven't noticed much of a change. The bugs and little annoyances from 2008 were still in it, which led me to believe that it was more of an afterthought than a feature.

If Superstar Mode is to return in 2010 it must change. It cannot stay the same AGAIN. It was a great idea, similar to Fifa's Be a Pro Mode. It was, however, an idea that was never fully developed. There are plenty of things that bugged me about this mode. It was addicting, yes, the first time I played it, but it got old.

Play Calling:

Being a mode where the “coach” the plays, you are often left frustrated. Take for example the running back position. It is most noticeable here. The same 3 or 4 running plays get called all game long, and of those 4 plays, 3 of them don't work too well. You get tackled behind the line a lot (assuming you're not playing on rookie or pro difficulty).

The same goes for playing Quarterback. The same 7 or 8 plays get called. Of them, 3 or 4 are play actions passes. Most of the time those play action passes result in a sack, as they will most likely blitz when you run those plays. Play calling needs to adapt to the situation. If one play isn't working, try another. Don't keep recycling the same plays over and over.


The only position I have an issue with in this mode in terms of AI is the Quarterback position. If your playing any position on Offense besides QB, for example WR, you will notice that your QB just can't help but throw a lot of interceptions. I have seen a QB throw up to 9 picks a game, on custom sliders (between all-pro and all-madden). This makes playing any position on offense besides QB painful, as your QB's stats will always be terrible, and you won't be on the field long enough to get good stats yourself.

Points System:

This was a good idea. The way you can influence your teammates is a great idea in my opinion. The problem with it is that you have to assign points at the start of every drive. This gets so tiring and tedious by the end of the first quarter. I believe that there should be a pre-game window where you see the opponents weaknesses (poor run defense, poor pass defense) and assign your influence points accordingly. This might not be the best idea, but it would work better than the current system.

You should also not lose points if another player makes a mistake. For example, if your playing cornerback, and have your man shut down, and the other cornerback gives up a big play, you should lose as many points as you currently lose for this. The system blames you for that big play, as if somehow it was all your fault. The same should go for an interception.

If your playing running back, and are out in the flat open, and the QB throws a pick trying to hit a deep receiver, you should not be penalized. It wasn't your fault. It should be a simpler points system, not one that pops up at the start of every drive. It should also not pop up after every play, it breaks up the whole game feel.

Watch other side:

Your superstar won't be on the field the entire time. It should be possible to watch the defense (if your offense) play, trying to get you the ball back. This was in Madden 07 Superstar Mode (I think, long time ago ). It adds to the feel that your part of a team and trying to win a game, not just increase influence points.

Make practice count:

Practice mode in Superstar Mode needs to be re-done. At the moment, it doesn't end. The off-season training is a good way to improve your star during the off-season. There are 3 or 4 practice sessions a week in Superstar Mode. I skipped them all. Pointless, they mean nothing. They feel like a chore. Personally I wouldn't know how to improve practice mode, but if it stayed the same, it would be skipped over by most.


We all know the regular emails you receive as a superstar. Mommy worried about big men hitting you when you've the ball. Your coach telling you your a star. These are all great, but when you start getting the same ones every week it gets a bit obvious no effort was put into it. Also, every off-season you will receive the same email from your mentor regarding the draft, as if your about to be drafted again. More variety is needed here.

Fight for your spot on the depth chart:

Often, you will create a rookie, that is rated lower than the top spot in that category. For example, you create a rookie running back rated 78 overall. He gets drafted by the vikings. Automatically, he replaces Peterson as the number 1 running back on the depth chart. This is where pre-season games should come into effect. Players should fight for their spot on the depth chart in the 4 pre-season games. Otherwise, you could be a quarterback rated 50 overall and replace Brady as the Patriots starter right away. It just doesn't make sense. There should be competition.


  • Improved AI play calling, not just the same 3 or 4 plays
  • Improved Quarterback AI
  • Simplify the points system
  • Watch the other side of the team play while your on the bench
  • Fight for your spot on the depth chart
  • Practicing should mean something

Superstar Mode was a great idea. However, it has become stale. Nothing has been added, improved on, or even fixed. Personally, it's not worth playing anymore. 2008 and 2009 are basically the same mode. There are a few things that could be added to improve the experience, perhaps split screen Superstar Mode? You and a friend playing both safety positions, leading a dominant defense? Whatever is done with this mode, is cannot stay the same.
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