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boritter's Chalkboard
Playmakers is offline
# 25
Playmakers @ Jul 15, 2011
Originally Posted by boritter
Do you have any idea what sliders and/or player attributes would affect "psychic DBs" & "super jump-warp swats" in NCAA 12?

I love the game other than those two issues...but those to drive me crazy.

super jumps are caused by the players Jump ratings usually they are way too high IMO but it would be a pain in the azz to lower them because there are so many players in the for psychic DB's the pass coverage slider controls how effective they are at stayong with their man or zone coverage....the lower the slider the more probe they are to blowing coverages or getting beat
themassacre771.1 is offline
# 24
themassacre771.1 @ Jul 4, 2011
Originally Posted by boritter
Hey I saw that you are going to do the Colorado roster. I'm a lifelong Buff fan who also follows offseason departures & transfers. Let me know if I can help w/ anything.

I saw a list of offseason, non-graduating departures (18 and counting) a while back but I haven't been able to locate it again. I do know that senior center Mike Illtis recently left the team due to numerous knee injuries.
just toss the edits into the roster thread and ill see it thanks!
Steve_OS is offline
# 23
Steve_OS @ Sep 24, 2010
Originally Posted by boritter
What will it take for you to resume the daily blog?

I've had friends ask why I don't email them funny stuff anymore!
LOL, just no time for it anymore. I do post some of them via Twitter tho, sign up and follow me
Solidice is offline
# 22
Solidice @ Jul 23, 2010
Originally Posted by boritter
You seem to know the latest regarding NCAA so:

Has EA said anything about a 2nd patch? Specifically I'm hoping that they fix the psychic playcalling and psychic DBs who know the WRs routes.

Do you know of any slider settings than can minimize these flaws? Thanks.
nothing definitive about another patch, but I would assume there will be another. there usually seems to be at least 2(there were 3 for NCAA 10 I believe). as for slider set to reduce the man coverage DBs. not sure. it seem to be an issue with man coverage in general and not a slider setting.
Millennium is offline
# 21
Millennium @ Jun 12, 2010
Originally Posted by boritter
Steve said to direct this comment/question to you.
To be honest, it's not a feasible thing to do. I understand your issue, and it happens every year, starting with E3 and going through the release of Madden. But it is something we deal with. I don't feel hindering the site's enjoyment to new members is worth the cleaning my mods would have to do instead.
Steve_OS is offline
# 20
Steve_OS @ Jun 11, 2010
Originally Posted by boritter

Just a thought...

Around this time of the year (E3 & football games on the horizon) the forums become cluttered making navigation difficult. I've noticed that many of the "repeat" threads and "incorrect forum" threads are started by OS users who are brand new to the site.

Would it be worthwhile to make it so new users cannot start threads for a month or two?
You'd have to get w/ Millennium on that one, he's my Forum admin. I know the mods are aware of these situations as events get closer, but if we miss something, please use the report feature.
sportzbro is offline
# 19
sportzbro @ Jun 5, 2010
Originally Posted by boritter
Did you buy/rent Backbreaker? If so, what were your thoughts?

While playing the demo I hated the camera so much that I decided not to rent it. After hearing about all the bugs I'm glad I saved my $7.
I haven't bought it.. haven't rented it either - no stores have it on PS3... I'm going to give it a try though.
Steve_OS is offline
# 18
Steve_OS @ May 31, 2010
Originally Posted by boritter
One of the first things I check everyday is your other stuff post. I was fine with you taking Memorial day off but then I say you post the Backbreaker Kotaku article.

I feel betrayed!!!!!!
str8artist is offline
# 17
str8artist @ May 18, 2010
I love both... Me and my wife played a episode of alan wake last night and it is amazing.... As for RDR..I am speechless.
sportzbro is offline
# 16
sportzbro @ May 1, 2010
Originally Posted by boritter
What are your thoughts about NCAA11 at this point?

We both we pretty upset about the diarrhea blocking in NCAA10. Between locomotion and today's blocking blog I'm more optimistic about NCAA than I've been for years.

Cautiously optimistic.
Honestly, it looks like they have FINALLY turned the corner..about time. For me the though, the standard is still NCAA 06 until 11 comes out and I get to play it.

I really believe we will hear even bigger news in the coming weeks - especially about dynasty. That news will be the make or break thing for me.
videlsports is offline
# 15
videlsports @ Apr 29, 2010
Thanks man for the website. could you give me the web address before Friday night so I can order it that way? Plus thanks for the comment on the blog. Shane is nice fighter I like him too, But Floyd's Slippery.
boritter is offline
# 14
boritter @ Jul 14, 2009
The mod was Pared.

I sent him a PM asking for an explanation and he said I was trying to annoy people with that statement. I tried to tell him that I was not and I asked him if he thought it was offensive or disrespectful. He wouldn't answer that question and indicated that if I continued to ask for a clarification I would be banned from OS.

Oh well....
sportzbro is offline
# 13
sportzbro @ Jul 14, 2009
Originally Posted by boritter
I received an infraction for the following post about NCAA 10. The almighty mod said I was trolling. This was my first post in the thread so I had not been going back and forth with anyone.

"If there was a game where you would expect this to happen it would be NCAA 10.

I'm to the point where I expect every facet of this game to be bug infested."
Thats a pretty valid statement and its also your opinion so I don't get it why that deserves an infraction...???

What mod?
sportzbro is offline
# 12
sportzbro @ Jul 8, 2009
At this point, letting little things like this slip through the cracks (especially when it happened to the same team last year) just goes to show that that the big boys who make the big decisions and oversee the game need to go.

They've had their chance, and they have failed miserably. No other way to put it.
sportzbro is offline
# 11
sportzbro @ Jul 8, 2009
Originally Posted by boritter
How would you describe your frustration level when you heard that Iowa's face mask is still jacked?

Do I need to put you on suicide or homicide watch?
considering i was already at about a 9 for frustration level with the game, this put me up to about a 13.. No gonna lie though, I just knew it was going to happen. They literally have to start at zero with me when it comes to buying NCAA 11.

p.s. I bought FNR4... wow, even though i suck.
rckabillyRaider is offline
# 10
rckabillyRaider @ Jul 6, 2009
actually, yeah bro. My last game I played I finally won, 4-1. I been working on the through ball and slowed down my attack when I get near the box. It has helped alot. Thanks man.
sportzbro is offline
# 9
sportzbro @ Jun 24, 2009
Originally Posted by boritter
FN4 is TONS better than the demo. The gameplay feels less robotic and stamina & health have been adjusted to realistic levels. I highly recommend it.
Nice, I'll have to rent it once it hits the video store I go to.. I'm excited to try it because I've never been interested in FN before this year.
sportzbro is offline
# 8
sportzbro @ Jun 23, 2009
Originally Posted by boritter
Are you going to buy FN4? I think I'll pick it up to entertain me until I rent NCAA and rent/buy Madden.

I know you will not buy NCAA but will you rent it?
I'm definitley going to rent FN4.. The demo was pretty awesome, and it just looks amazing visually..

As for NCAA 10... Renting to get 5 years of draft classes after somebody does the rosters. I might look into the PS2 version though if I can play it on my PS3
boritter is offline
# 7
boritter @ Jun 5, 2009
Huh. SC seems to win big games and lose games that should be easy wins. I bet USC beats OSU but chokes to a bad P-10 team.
Blueblood53 is offline
# 6
Blueblood53 @ Jun 5, 2009
He thinks they have a chance to lose to Ohio State and Cal.

Yea, he is pretty accurate. That's who I used to base my Top 50 off of, that and athlon.
Blueblood53 is offline
# 5
Blueblood53 @ Jun 4, 2009
Originally Posted by boritter
I understand your argument. I personally think LSU was weak last year due to inexperienced QBs and Texas Tech completely mailed in their bowl game because they were mad about missing out on the Big 12 championship game and a BCS birth.

I think there are more than 4 teams that are stronger than Ole Miss. Only time will tell who is right...
You have some very valid points. So, lets continue this discussion late into the NCAA season, lol.

Nice talkin to you man.
Blueblood53 is offline
# 4
Blueblood53 @ Jun 4, 2009
Thanks for checking out my blog, but here is the reason why I have Ole Miss at #5.

They won their last 4 games last yearby an average of 46-12 betaing LSU on the road and Texas Tech. They also beat Florida. They are even stronger this year, and I wouldn't be suprised to see Jevan Snead in the Heisman race. They also avoid Florida and Georgia from the East and play both Alabama and LSU at home. Plus, they have an easy schedule ranked at #77 out of 120.
Solidice is offline
# 3
Solidice @ May 22, 2009
Originally Posted by boritter
Thanks for updating the NCAA news page Solidice.
no problem. I always keep up with the info in NCAA Football. I just put it in one thread this year.
Steve_OS is offline
# 2
Steve_OS @ May 22, 2009
Originally Posted by boritter
Love the site Steve
Cool, glad you enjoy it. Spread the word!
boritter is offline
# 1
boritter @ May 20, 2009
What good is the chalkboard?
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