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Madden 10: the Truth (and NCAA 10: Some Truth) 
Posted on August 26, 2009 at 05:56 PM.
To often we just have accepted what has been offered to us. While I applaud the positives in both games, gamers need to stop blindly calling a product "the saving grace" when in fact it is behind. Behold the issues:

NCAA 10:

* Did it ever occur to anybody that this game plays at a speed that is best reserved for Street Fighter, not football. NCAA needs to adopt Madden's options for speed (Slow would be ideal) and the sliders to widen or lessen the gap between faster players and slow players on any given team. Everybody should not move so quick.

*There is no sense of weight to the players in NCAA 10. They change directions (once again) like you are playing Ninja Gaiden. Collegiate nor Pro athletes can change directions without it affecting their movement.

*There needs to be a serious OVERHAUL in the presentational area. Seriously, we should not be comparing this game to NCAA 04-06.....And the guy who was in the podcast claiming EA is confused by what we mean is proof that they are just interested in taking dollars and not impressing gamers. The motto is "If its in the game, ITS IN THE GAME".....real college football is so much more exciting than this game.

And this game is missing quite a bit in that area.

*Alabama has missing numbers on side of their helmets....REALLY EA....we did it last gen, but its not possible to do it on Next-Gen technology...even with Blu-Ray...sorry but I am not buying it! This is pure underachievement and lack of regard for consumers at its worst.

*NCAA 10 has so many issues that I won't mention (progression in dynasty mode, lack of dynasty mode presentation, CPU AI etc etc. ) And stop with the gimmicky additions....

now on to MADDEN 10:

*Lets just cut to the chase with The Extra Point. It is a much needed feature, but it is half-done. Anybody asking what 2K5's Sportscenter has during Franchise Mode and/or Exhibition that Madden 10 doesn' really need to stop drinking EA's Corporate Kool Aid. They are not in the same league. And the game that was made 5+years ago is still winning by a mile. This mode leaves alot to be desired. Live humans is a welcome addition, but can we get highlights, non-robotic commentary of the plays? How about player of the half? Player of the game interviews? I've said it before and I will say it again: You have to AT LEAST match the competition, before you can declare you are passing it.

*Blocking: Why is it that when I am playing Madden 10, the linemen move out of the way for a linebacker to walk right into the backfield and sack me or clobber my running back...but they move to block NOBODY! Why is the blocking so broken here? Where is the logic? Its not even a normal missed block, they just are not blocking!

*Challenges: Why can we still not choose what we are challenging? 2K5 allows us to....why not Madden 10? There is no excuse for this! This needs to be changed immediately.

*No in-game saves: Wasn't this an option in Madden 04-05? Why do we still have to beg for this to be in the game, only for it to be ignored.....EA, c'mon!

*Fight for the Fumble: Wonderful idea, pitiful execution. I can not tell you how useless it feels to try and play this mini-game, only to find out the CPU has predetermined its outcome. either fix it or just allow it to be a cutscene. I recommend better execution of it. at least let the player feel like if they win the button mash, they should get the ball.

*Glitches Galore: I thought Madden 10 was a polished product by a Corp. Giant known for putting out great games? Madden 10 feels like a bad beta copy. Yes, the gameplay is solid....but the game has so many glitches that need fixing ie, excessive holding calls on field goals/EPs, AI DB's that have eyes everywhere and know the WRs route better than they do....etc. 2K5, while it had its share of issues, was no where near as problematic as Madden 10 is! And this is a Next-Gen game....This game should not make it to print with so many glitches and bugs out of the box.

*Commentary and Running Animations: These are two of the biggest culprits holding Madden back! Why are we still not treated to true to life NFL style running? AP2K8 had it down, not only to a science, but player specific! Walter Payton did not run like a generic less skilled back, plus he had Signature-style! The way Madden 10 players run is almost like synchronized swimming on a football field. Maybe Madden 10 could have benefitted from a new "engine". I am tired of EA saying what is and isn't possible....Show us what you got!!!

THe commentary needs to be scrapped and replaced with a true duo! Not to mention a sideline reporter. Where is EAs answer to Suzy Kolber (2K5)? Why do the commentators have no Chemistry and sound like they are talking to nobody in particular?

(Lack of) Replays: I break three tackles and stiff arm the kicker on my way to a 98yd kickoff return and Chris Collinsworth and the "other guy" act like I just ran for 5yards and to make matters worse, I get no replay!!!! I intercept Eli Manning and return it for the game winning TD and there is not a replay and accomodating commentary in sight! What in the World are we doing? This again should have been fixed.

Misc: *Why are there not more play overlays? And where is the imagination in them? If Donovan McNabb is knocked out of the game and Kevin Kolb is the back up in the game trying to lead Philly to a 4th Quarter comeback, why are they showing a stat banner about McNabbs 4th quarter comebacks? He is not coming back! Why do the commentators talk about things that have nothing to do with this situation.

*If you throw for over 450yds, we would like to hear the exact number....not "Tom Brady threw for over 400yds..." That doesn't cut the mustard.

*Penalties....not called in enough variety nor enough in a game. And on Sunday I see off-setting Madden 10 "holding on the offense" 20x+.....why is there no Defensive holding? Happens on Sunday quite often.

Bottom Line
The Lead designer and his team delivered a playable game, but underdelivered on their promises. I could go on and forever about the various problems Madden 10 presents, but ultimately we are either going to have to implore EA to hire some 2K talent, or keep playing 2K5/AP2K8.

No, Mr. Lead Designer, I was wrong, Madden 10 is not better than 2K5. It does some things better (after 5years it should) but, overall Madden 10 is still behind Madden 05' as well.

I am going to keep Madden 10 to see what the patches bring, but I am sure we will learn to adopt the new Mantra: "Wait Til' Next Year....." (or save your 60 dollars!

NCAA 10 may not be so lucky as Madden and stay on in rotation, because the lack of polish on this game is just ridiculous at this point.

(I hope the NFL and NCAA make the licenses available to all again! )

Madden 10: 7/10
NCAA 10: 4.5/10

I think NBA Live 10 will inspire Madden and NCAA with its performance this year...because competition makes us all better!
# 16 jkaisen41 @ Aug 29
I don't know about that. I got more games from EA Sports then 2K. I think nobody said that Madden is not enjoyable... it absolutely is... for the first time in years and some very good steps in the right direction has been taken.

What frustrates me and I think many others is simply the lack of details and core gameplay (and that's something that 2K usually always does pretty well). Things like physics, how players turn (not only offensive players but also defensive players), no knowlegde where the field ends, running animations (nobody can tell me that these animations look realistic or anything)... these kind of stuff...

Madden10 is really enjoyable (if played on the right setting) and I do hope that they really work on it and don't start 1000 new things... fix the things that are broken...

I ain't bought Madden09... but 08... I usually always buy it every second year to see what happened in the franchise... and if that's how it goes from 08 to 10 then I'm very happy... and probably even buy Madden next year. I really do hope that they fix core elements of football... pro-tak needs some work as well...
# 17 shavane @ Aug 29
jkaisen - Now thats well said and whats missing from Madden the core elements. If it doesn't look like real football then it just doesn't work. Player models running, cutting, jumping, catching, tackling, blocking all look so canned that it doesn't feel like football. Throw in the terrible commentation and emotionless crowd well except the guy going woo hoo but there are no customizable cheers like eagles, jets, specific players which destroy the whole atmosphere.

Since Madden refuses to update its game engine they should at least try and fool us by getting us so hype with the presentation, and visuals that we don't notice all the crappy gameplay. Thats what 2k did so well we were blown away so much by the graphics, player movement, and presentation that we didn't notice the crappy gameplay.
# 18 bigsmallwood @ Aug 29
@ AlexlikesMichigan and Terrell28......fanboy? I think not. I KNOW real football, more than you "gamers". And what I am saying is that Madden 10' unfortunately is not real football. There is a reason guys like you can go online and play a glitchy game and cheese your way to a 2K you cannot do that.

@Terrell28...millions of people are online because they love Madden! ANd thousands of people also smoke W33d and cr@**k...that doesn't mean its good. I think that you guys are just like the masses who are accepting of anything thrown their way.

@alexlovemichigan.....I do not have to try and ruin a game for you.....I am merely forcing you to recognize the truth. Madden 10 is not a terrible game....its just not up to par. Bottom Line, cut and dry.
# 19 bigsmallwood @ Sep 2
@terrell28...ah...first and foremost, I am on PSN DPGC2G...2nd, learn to use proper grammar and spell check. 3rd, I have always LOVED Madden, but for some reason this Next-Gen, they have not done as well as they should have. I own Madden 10 and play everyday hoping to discover something new and more when I play that other game with REAL NFL PLAYERS...Oh thats right its called NFL 2K5. BlazeDutches, my friend, you should alway do your research before you attempt to call me out. lol I am never spending money on a game to "complain" about it. I am not Boycotting EA or Madden: I just want there to be an alternative, so that they can stop skimping on the features and gameplay. PS2 Maddens are classic! (except presentation) But This next-gen Madden just needs to finish the job. Now go get a PS3 so I can "ether" you in a game or two.....shhhhhhhh.
# 20 bigsmallwood @ Sep 3
Ps. Terrell 28....when you get your degree then you will understand XBox Live is not better than PS3....and 2K5 while older, plays much better!!!! I will leave you to Madden 10 on the Xbox Live and you will witness the Resurrection of Real the meantime go cop an Oxford Dictionary and learn GRAMMAR! lol Be Easy Pimpin!!!!
# 21 econoodle @ Oct 24
thats the word for madden this year.
big talk.
puffing of the chest.
glitches that went unfixed in 2 patches.
underwhelming commentary. {HOW?!]
overpromised presentation upgrades.

all this equaled me selling it.
next year, i buy used.

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