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beamerball811's Chalkboard
# 89
chudy22 @ Jul 16, 2014
Iv chosen the dodgers at the end, i sent an email yet with few questions concerning the team, thnx for help
# 87
chudy22 @ Jul 16, 2014
The list is great, jst studyin it, Iv sent u an email concerning the ps3
# 86
chudy22 @ Jul 15, 2014
This version is not for sále on the electronic stores in Czech. I found ppl selling it around 200usd at bazar shops,if it is the ps3 slim version without a game bundle. Try and fond out the č
Cost,if i wdnt hv to pay more than here i would definitely make a deal with u. U can also send me the Minnesota ND Chicago websites i forgot to mentioned. Thanks, in case my Skype is martin.chudarek90
Cost,if i wdnt hv to pay more than here i would definitely make a deal with u. U can also send me the Minnesota ND Chicago websites i forgot to mentioned. Thanks, in case my Skype is martin.chudarek90
# 85
chudy22 @ Jul 15, 2014
Dont have idea but will try to find out, I think it depends also on the weight of the parcel, so we shd try to find out the details, im definitely interested if the price which i wd pay wd bn less than here in Czech republic.
# 84
chudy22 @ Jul 15, 2014
Ill check it definitely, thanks. I think u must b also glad that James is coming back to Cleveland, even Iv seen ur a timberwolves fan. I used to play basketball for my hometown nd in 90s was a big fan of Chicago Bulls and Houston Rockets, I loved the Hakeem Olajuwon game style. If ull have any other websites in mind let me know, im glad for every information.
# 83
chudy22 @ Jul 15, 2014
u cd add a little explanation of how to go with the teams if its possible for me to get an idea if the franshise wd bn attractive to me. Really appreciate the work ur doing, thnx. The new ps3 system 12GB costs here 4790 which is about 240usd without a game bundle.
# 82
chudy22 @ Jul 15, 2014
ok, thanks sounds good. Here the baseball is not showed in tv unless only this special apps on ipad as i bought. There is an amateur league, best players r mostly students from US..Here we have allways strong ice hockey team and lot of players in NHL, in NBA is just one currently Jan Vesely in denver nuggets. Iv read also the posts on the sportstalkstop it seems as a useful website aswell. Thanks for helping me to understand it better, u can put together the details nd sent to my email if u decide to sell.
# 81
chudy22 @ Jul 15, 2014
hat would bn great, i would prefer to buy urs, nd ps4 mayb earlier, jst must finish the details, my email is [email protected] so here u can tell me how u wd like the payment, nd yes in Czech republic the cost is 12.000 which is bit over 600 usd. I will prefer probably to get first the ps3 nd mayb if u cd sell it with the game too, but that is not that important. Nd yes, minnesota nd chicago websites wd bn fine, these days im browsing as much sites as time allows to b in picture. U can also suggest any team which u think cd fit the criteria I told u about, i want to b abit of gm too...nd explain me bit the way to go with that team which franchise could b interesting. The team cd b a playoff contender or at least with hopes for a good future. Thanks, ill ofcourse pay upfront for ps3 when u tell me the details
# 80
chudy22 @ Jul 15, 2014
aha, ok, thank you very much for the help, I cant wait to start, wd like to ask yet if now currently im playing on ps vita, when i start a franschise on ps3 i can continue since the point where i ended on the vita, nd if its worth buying ps4 because of it...comparing the price the ps3 is about 250usd and ps4 is 600 so would like to ask if the baseball on ps4 is much better or the ps3 is enough to enjoy the game.
# 79
chudy22 @ Jul 15, 2014
Please what would you suggest according to what Iv mentioned, or should I wait for the full team list?
# 78
chudy22 @ Jul 15, 2014
Or maybe if the team wont have prospects than to have enough budget od trade pieces to get some, but would definitely prefer a team which people there dont use often for the franchise, if it wd b worth following ND support, that wd bn bést, thats why iv yet brought the idea of Baltimore,Toronto,texas,atlanta or perhaps cincinnati yet, these looked like not do often used to me dont know what do u think about these? How wd the franchise ve? ND is this a good list, which wd fit to a category in looking for, i want to play most but wd like to have this GM moves possibilities aswell
# 77
chudy22 @ Jul 15, 2014
Could be also a team which is not widely used bere for the franschises ND b interesting to watch.
# 76
chudy22 @ Jul 15, 2014
I was thinking my team wont be nessesarily with the strongest lineup, i would like to have a free room for some trades and moves done by myself, and to have a prospects to work with. Base on this i wd like to decide, i wd also like a franchise with the players watchin to develop, so not sure if lety say Cleveland, Minnesota, Houston, cubs would fit, i think Minnesota and Houston have also talented players as for what iv searched maybe you could tell me more which of these could fit me or if u think i SHD try different feel free and make a suggestions, thanks
# 75
chudy22 @ Jul 15, 2014
But also have in mind the cubs, especially now when they got the Russell from Oakland. Do you think they could turn into succesfull club in the future, ment not nessesarily the WS but at least everyyear playoff contender? Because the prospects they have are really looking good to me, even i dont have yet a proper knowledge.
# 74
chudy22 @ Jul 15, 2014
Hello, please are there any websites dedicated to the Cleveland except of www.letsgotribe.com ND their official site? Im seriously thinking about them as the team do will be glad if u wd mention some more. I think they CD b a team that would fit to what im looking for, what do u think? Will definitely wait for ur list yet, but with Boston, st. Louis ND dodgers they r on my list. I think it CD b a good choice
# 72
chudy22 @ Jul 14, 2014
It seemed i had some problém with the pošts. Thanks for the advice, have you got some suggestions about the teams i way asking pls?
# 71
chudy22 @ Jul 13, 2014
I like those three teams u recommended dodgers,red sox,cardinals plus few more iv mentioned below. What should i také to consideration yet to choose a favourite team?im sure ur document will help me, maybe u CD advise me yet which factors i should think about when choosing team, ND yes ill like to play like u, most of the games, SIM mayb few
# 70
chudy22 @ Jul 12, 2014
Please check the questions below. Oné person advised me Houston, but not sure about the future of this team ND if it wd b worth to support. I guess its very Löw budget team ND dont know if they have a player, like some star in the team.
# 69
chudy22 @ Jul 12, 2014
I way searching alot ND nade a list from the teams ÚV mentioned iv chosen dodgers, red sox,cardinals,indians but also some new yankees,mets,Texas,atlanta,phillies,Washington,cin cinnati,baltimore,twins and San Francisco. I think with mets i CD try and make them dominant team in the city or to play with yankees..they look like a hated team. U could try ND tell me what CD b interesting ND what i CD achieve in some of this franschises, its hard for me to choose, which factors SHD i yet put in consideration when choosing a team?im now playing exhibition games ND in a game my SP ran out of energy in 5th inning is it an impulsem to put a MRP to the game or the pitcher Čan finish the game? Thanks
# 68
chudy22 @ Jul 11, 2014
Hi, Iv checked the handbook ND its little bit better with understanding, iv seen a thread about managing ND there way a post that i hv to add as many players as possible on my 40 měn roster, that than i SHD have more money at my budget to use for free agenta, strange logic for me, not fully clear with the waivers ND arbitration but will search on NET. Im looking forward for the document, i wd like to have a favourite team ND play a franchise with it but not sure if it wd meet the requirements iv mentioned before. Ill try to choose some on base of ur document ND will gt u back probably lol, i think ill need a direction with it anyway, really appreciate ur work,hp ur havin a great time with the indians franchise, oné im still thinking about, will see
# 67
chudy22 @ Jul 10, 2014
thanks, as i wrote u dont need to md d list full complete 30, jst those u will consider an interesting franchise nd good to support. Iv seen the websites u told me about theres also lot of uselful informations, thanks alot.
# 66
chudy22 @ Jul 10, 2014
Hi, hope its not bordering u much, jst make those who u wd think CD b interesting franchise ND worth support with some explanation of way to go with them,im still thinking of those u sent me but mayb ull hv yet some other interesting options to ho, thanks alot
# 65
chudy22 @ Jul 9, 2014
And i hope ill be able to make some good combination ND according ur list manage a team which cn also b the oné ill support, otherwise i CD mayb try two franchise, but with me bring quiet busy these days not sure if that ll b possible. Please check my questions concerning the hitting. Thnx alot
# 64
chudy22 @ Jul 9, 2014
I almost forgot..i never hit the liners, i already dont have much problémy to hit the ball, but lot of them are fly outs too, do dont know if mayb as a situation...i dont want the ball to ho through od around some good SS if there is a way to influence the direction of the hit or wat wd u reccommend
# 63
chudy22 @ Jul 9, 2014
Really appreciate the help, ur making it easier for me,the document will b great thing, iv also found there lot of useful threads. Baseball way a big mystery for me, ND km still learning the various situations ND rules, like it more ND more
# 62
chudy22 @ Jul 9, 2014
Hello, i wd like to ask a question about the hitting, iv seen a thread dedicated to it, but its still not clear to me. Im using timing hitting, could i somehow influence the direction of the hit, for example to push left stick to right to get the ball to the right area or its not possible. Or u wd reccomend me to use the zone hitting ND how its done there? It seems i have lot of pop UPS ND ground outs ND sometime lot of foul balls. ND if i wd play lets say every first game of the series even not sure yet, mayb all wd u reccomend me to have the sliders all on nmbr 5 or the waittilnextyear? ND the trades..do u control all or jst the trades of ur team, ND in čase of controling all where to set that, thnx, cant wait for the document
# 61
chudy22 @ Jul 8, 2014
thanks that ur willing to d list for me, itll definitely make it easier. I was yet about to ask how u see the cardinals team if this one could be from the managerial scope interesting nd also good to support. Which areas wd they need to improve nd if they have the things im looking for, or if u wd come up yet with some different options. Im looking forward for the document. Thanx, u can suggest any of the team which u think would fit my requirments or needs...the way i wd like to play.
# 60
chudy22 @ Jul 8, 2014
Thanks alot that wd bn great. I will probably play most of the games, not sure if all but will try to play as much as the time allows. Nd it would bn great to play with a favourite team...if i wd bn able to figure out which one wd that b..lol, I like the dodgers, red sox, st. louis...teams u reccomended, but as i told wd like it to b interesting also from the managerial point of view, trade assets, farm..or at least one of it, nd possible variations of directions to go with the team. Thanks alot nd im looking forward guess that list cd help alot
# 59
chudy22 @ Jul 8, 2014
Please check the two questions i mentioned below. Im also looking for the franchise where ill b doing a lot of managerial descisions, like i wrote i play alot football manager with the weeker teams nd trying to bring them on the top, not nessesarilly with huge amounts of money. Mayb there are yet some teams u didnt told me yet which cd b worth trying. I have in mind Texas, Houston, Cincinnati, Baltimore, Seattle, St. Louis. I would like to have alot of descision to make, trade assets, young talent..i understand not all of the teams have all this, but mayb ull tell me something about this teams, which could make it easier for me, like to explain me which way i could lead the franchise with each of this, nd which u think could fit me. Thanx alot, im glad u advice me, its making it easier for me, also putting in consideration if supporting some of them cd b worth, if i could enjoy it, im not nessesarily looking for the strongest team but more for enjoyment of the game managerial steps
# 58
chudy22 @ Jul 8, 2014
please check the question below yet, i mentioned there the main things. I would love to play it alot like a manager, do alot of steps in the organization, nd the team u recomended me are all well. I like the dodgers, st.louis nd even wdnt like to play with the winner of mlb, boston is definitely great team so ill mayb try. but wd rather know yet about the teams i told u...st. louis, dodgers nd philadelphia, how would u put the concept with each of them, and which trade pieces do they have. I wouldnt like to trade some good player and later realize im missing him, so if u cd tell me mayb about the core team players nd those whom i cd trade or bring up some from minors. The philadelphia is also on my interest but u dont recommend, anyway i would ask u for the advice in case if i wd choose this one. thank you
# 57
chudy22 @ Jul 8, 2014
Hello, I wd like yet to ask about st. louis how cd i manage this team, which positions they need to strenghten..philadelphia im seriously thinking bout it, coz this city i wd have a chance to visit probably soon, even im not sure yet. But which steps would be nessesary to do if i wd play this franchise, as u said its not easy, anyway wd like to know if there r some players in the team which i should trade away and what should i expact to get back...which positions ill need to improve nd whether i can do it with the farm system, free agency or how to go with this team, especially globally i dont know much about the free agency, so would like to know if u do this at the start of the franchise or when there is end of the first year, dont know much about this. I dont know if when i would pick too strong team, if itll b fun and challenging for me, i allways like to make the steps in the organization for example as i played the football manager i played with aston villa team or everton.
# 56
chudy22 @ Jul 7, 2014
or if i wd for example order something from the official red sox shop...example, if they provide shipping to czech republic...
# 55
chudy22 @ Jul 7, 2014
Thanx alot u mk it for me much simplier, i mk it now in a choice of the teams uv mentioned d red sox, cubs but also think yet about ur cleveland and minnesota. Would it b worth for me to support one of them nd play a franchise? The cleveland seems very good but dont know much about how they can b in future same with minnesota, as i said i would like also nice stadium nd jerseys coz of the ps4 which im going to buy nd i guess that compare to vita its different level. Nd lets say if i wd choose the cleveland if u wd bn willing and able to get me some stuff, i wd pay ofcourse upfront..i have in mind cap, jersey mayb if there r some magazines, its completely up to u, i wd give u my details, mail or skype adress to tell me what u wd need for me. I bought the mlb tv app on my ipad so now i hope watching matches will also help me with the game rules and situations which i didnt have idea about. Thanks alot for ur tips, i wd like also the franchise to b fun to play with one of those
# 54
chudy22 @ Jul 7, 2014
and for example cleveland and minnesota, is there a bright future or some other teams? But anyway thanks for the help ill definitely think about the boston
# 53
chudy22 @ Jul 7, 2014
that ill close it with this question, about the teams if ull explain me various situations nd tips to play with, also consider uniforms nd stadiums a bit not the most important, but i want to buy ps4 i play now on vita, so itll b a better vissually. Mayb ill end up with the boston or minnesota, but will be glad if u suggest yet some nd explain me d way to go so that ill hv complete view on it. thnx
# 52
chudy22 @ Jul 7, 2014
thanks, so would u know yet about some other teams which could be challenging and fun for me to work with, nd which could i possibly also support, i wd like to have some stars or at least star in the team nd as i said im opened to ur suggestions, so if u cd yet possibly mention few of them which could b an interesting project, so that i wd bn completely in picture nd could decide? thanks, yet i was asking if ur using sliders or if u jst play with all set on 5 nd if it has some advantages, nd if i could do some manual training, or leave it on auto. The teams could b various, jst dnt wnt yankees, angeles, tampa bay, the teams which ppl r not using much, but cd b a good franchise to play if u think it could b minnesota or any other of ur ideas.
# 51
chudy22 @ Jul 7, 2014
Like u CD suggest some of those teams iv mentioned and also suggest some of ur ideas. I wd like the team to have few stars od at least oné, ND the team that should od could have a chance in future do it CD b a fun for me to watching a development and also to play an interesting franchise with it, iv mentioned some below but u understand it better ND could bring some totally different. For example i dont know anything about Colorado rockies, San Diego padres, Arizona...please try to help me out with this, if u CD mentioned yet few interesting teams and the way i could go with them in the franchise. Really appreaciate ur help with all this, its difficult game but i like it more ND more as km learning the rules, going through the lineups, blogs etc. Thnx
# 50
chudy22 @ Jul 7, 2014
Thanks alot it really hlpd me out. I would like to ask yet about Milwaukee brewers, atlanta braves if i wd decide to play if the teams r worth to support. Or u think i SHD try ND continue the cubs...i wd like to know if it wdnt b too frustrating, if its a team who can have a chance in future and will ve fun to support, or maybe build a white sox team around archer and abreau...if u think the white sox could b better option. last team i wd like to know, and u already mentioned is the Minnesota..how about them, wd b d franchise interesting? And would i have a chance for play off..doesnt matter if not a first year. I prefer little bit more the underdogs which i could rebuild a bit with the trades ND with prospects from minors mayb, u could also know about totally different team and reccomend me. Im not a big fan of teams like chelsea, man u in football i rather prefer smaller clubs with good management.it CD b also different clubs ill wait for what u wd suggest that Čan have a good future
# 49
chudy22 @ Jul 6, 2014
I would like to ask about the substitutions in baseball, especially this pinch runner, pinch hitter and double switch, i dont know how to do it lets say if they bring right handed pitcher from the bullpen and my hitter is also right handed is it OK or i SHD make a substitution ND bring left handed? Dont know how to react at this particular situations
# 48
chudy22 @ Jul 6, 2014
thanks for the advice, Ill probably choose for those, nd really start enjoying the indians franchise, mayb that ll bcome my team. I wanted to ask about the cabrera, i wnt the trade to b fair, so want to know if i can ask lets say for two B prosbects or what cd i get for him. Also the sliders, u said ur not using it, so u play all set on 5? Does it have any advantages? I ended the cubs, nd left now with the indians, thank you with the help of choosing a team i must yet think which place i wd like to visit, but u said also Cleveland has nice places to see, nd i think its also in a good location, close to another big cities which one cd visit. If u cd also recommend me some good websites dedicated to baseball i know jst the mlb official website nd ofcourse the official websites of the team plus some blogs, mayb u know sometin useful. thnx
# 47
chudy22 @ Jul 5, 2014
Iv asked too many questions sorry, jst wd like to know some more teams which could b fun to manage, making trades, good fun to play etc if u CD yet mention some ND possible way to ho with them. Yet wd like to know what do u think about the trades iv mentioned bellow and also this particular one iv read on internet..samardzija ND hammel to athletics for pitcher dan straily, SS addisson Russel ND of Billy mckinney. And that cabrera trade..like realisticaly if i Čan get two b prospects od what i CD expact. ND do u use sliders od u leave everything on 5? ND if it does hv some advantage. Mainly if u CD get some small time about the teams...what CD b interesting ND how could i go with the team,wd lk smtn interesting. Thanx alot in advance
# 46
chudy22 @ Jul 5, 2014
And from the play off teams from atlanta, red sox, detroit,cardinals, dodgers, Baltimore od cinncinnatti which one could be most interesting. I wd follow ur reccomendation, i told you what im looking for so if u CD shortly tell some reference and how would i go with team
# 45
chudy22 @ Jul 5, 2014
Ill probably stuck with the two iv started ND than decide. Would like to ask u witch pitcher from the cubs would u trade, km thinking of brandon Mauer od erasmo ramirez for Hammel and aaa hitter, would it bn fair? What about samardzija wd u keep jim in the team? Another my trade idea is Darwin barney for chase headley of padres, and maybe Castro for some young outfielder, what do u suggest?
# 44
chudy22 @ Jul 5, 2014
it is very difficult for me to decide which mlb team to support, what would u take into consideration. only team i dnt wnt is yankees
# 43
chudy22 @ Jul 5, 2014
or do you suggest its better to have only one franschise, which iv started with the indians? Please check the answears below nd try to reply when ull have a time. thanks lot
# 42
chudy22 @ Jul 5, 2014
at the end i decided to make the franchise with one of the trio of red sox, dodgers or cardinals which one do u think wd bn best?
# 41
chudy22 @ Jul 4, 2014
yet there is a team i like Atlanta braves, i have also friend there so my other nd mayb main not sure yet will b this. How can i start, r there trades needed or some prospects, ideas whom i could trade? I read they have a strong pitching but dont know the rest of the team. I wd like a team which i cd reach a play offs with. This one shd b stronger than cubs, baltimore right? still wd like to know ur oppinion which franschise beside d team iv mentioned wd u recommend if u wd gt cincinnetti nd how to go if to improve the farm nd which steps ill hv to do there, or the baltimore wd bn better option.I have yet texas rangers on mind or houston but not sure, try to advice me a bit i wd need a particular steps how to go. thank you
# 40
chudy22 @ Jul 4, 2014
ill probably choose the indians, so u can let me know what i wd need to send u to get some of the staff. nd yet about the control of the trades and prospects for cabrera, to mk it shorter, i guess im asking too many questions, dnt wnt to border u. thanks alot
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