Author Bio
Erik Westfall

Home Town: Bloomfield Hills, MI
Sports: Hockey, Football
Games: NHL 08, Forza Motorsport 2, All-Pro Football 2K8
Teams: Red Wings, Wolverines, Lions, Tigers, Pistons
OS Username: OS: Ralnakor / MM: Ralnakor
Tags: Live: Ralnakor
Thursday, March 6, 2008
07:00 PM - March 6, 2008. Posted by RaychelSnr. Written by Erik Westfall
How can Forza Motorsport 3 take the next step and go up a level on the quality scale? Operation Sports Staffer Erik Westfall tries to answer this question in his latest article.

"So you think you can race with the big boys? Well even if you can't, Forza Motorsport is one of the small handful of racing titles that actually simulates racing in an effective manner."

Game: Forza Motorsport 2Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: Xbox 360Votes: 6 - View All
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
03:47 PM - February 26, 2008. Posted by RaychelSnr. Written by Erik Westfall
We have just posted an article discussing the future of the All Pro Football series, entitled All-Pro Improvements, written by Erik Westfall.

"Well, we’re back for more All-Pro Football discussion and this week, we look to the future. In our look to the future, we ask the question: What can 2K Sports do to keep the All-Pro franchise fresh and new to increase sales? What can they do to keep pace with EA’s mega-hit, Madden?"

Game: All-Pro Football 2K8Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: Xbox 360Votes: 57 - View All

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