Author Bio

Home Town: Los Angeles, California
Sports: College Football, College Basketball, Pro Football and Basketball, Baseball, Hockey.
Games: NCAA Football, College Hoops, NFL 2K5, NBA 2K, NHL '09
Teams: Boston Red Sox and Bruins, L.A. Dodgers and Kings. Great Match-ups in General, regardless of teams involved.
OS Username: Malex
Tags: XBL: Malex McBlat
Thursday, November 6, 2008

11:50 AM - November 6, 2008. Posted by RaychelSnr. Written by Alexander Senate
As long as I have been on this earth, I have been able to use video games as an escape from life and all of its challenges. Whenever I have been in need of a distraction or some catharsis, video games have always been there for me. But after playing Professional Bull Riding: Out Of The Chute, for the first time in my existence, I used life as a way to distract me from having to play video games.Read More: Professional Bull Riders Outside the Chute Review
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

02:31 PM - October 28, 2008. Posted by RaychelSnr. Written by Alexander Senate
With the NBA season tipping off tonight, it seems more timely than ever to see what the top NBA game this year says about the upcoming season. Our own Alexander Senate took a peak at NBA 2K9's crystal ball and has what 2K9 predicted for the 2008 season.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

11:50 AM - October 22, 2008. Posted by RaychelSnr. Written by Alexander Senate
With the release of the PC version of NBA 2K9, there are a few things for fans to consider before hopping on the bandwagon and purchasing the game (despite it's ultra-low $20 price of admission). Check out Alexander's Senate's take on the dilemma facing PC NBA 2K9 fans.
Thursday, October 9, 2008

01:40 PM - October 9, 2008. Posted by RaychelSnr. Written by Alexander Senate
We should be just a couple of weeks away from the release of the newest version of the College Hoops 2Kx series. Instead, a business decision has rendered gamers with just a single choice of a college basketball title. Today, Alexander Senate laments and asks, Where Art Thou College Hoops 2K9.
Friday, October 3, 2008

05:27 PM - October 3, 2008. Posted by ChaseB. Written by Alexander Senate
Earlier today Alexander Senate sat in on a conference call dealing with NBA 2K9.Tuesday, September 30, 2008

11:14 AM - September 30, 2008. Posted by RaychelSnr. Written by Alexander Senate
NHL 09 is, by most accounts, a truly great game. However, there is one feature in NHL which is just subpar, the fighting engine. Alexander Senate checks in today with an article discussing how to fix the fighting engine in NHL 09 to bring it up to par with the rest of the games quality. Check out his thoughts and be sure to add your own two cents!
Friday, September 26, 2008

07:37 PM - September 26, 2008. Posted by RaychelSnr. Written by Alexander Senate
Before a major game releases, are you one of many hard-core fanatics looking for that one magical copy of the game you are seeking which has broken the street date? To get you primed for NBA 2K9's release, Alexander Senate has written a guide to breaking street dates. Be sure to comment with your own tips!